Nas aulas de inglês, em geral, há um esforço, por parte dos professores, em preparar e desenvolver aulas que considerem a necessidade de o aluno praticar a língua. Muitas vezes, para que tal prática ocorra, os alunos precisam se expor, falando, realizando tarefas em equipe, apresentando alguma atividade para o professor e para a turma toda, dentre outas. Se, por um lado, tais
exercícios são importantes e desejáveis para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, é necessário considerar o fato de que nem todos os alunos se sentem à vontade para executá-los. Um exemplo disso são os alunos tímidos. O texto a seguir apresenta algumas orientações para o professor lidar com tal público.
Do You Shy Away From Shy Students?
It goes without saying that teachers of teenagers often worry about how fun and dynamic classes must be so as to keep students engaged and motivated. So pervasive is this concern among professionals who teach youngsters that we sometimes tend to disregard the importance of taking into account the quieter and shyer students in our classes.

Before suggesting how teachers can deal with shy students in the classroom, we would like to talk a little bit about shyness. Heitz, D. (2019) explains that ‘shyness is a feeling of fear and discomfort caused by other people, especially in new situations or among strangers. It’s an unpleasant feeling of self-consciousness – a fear of what some people believe others are thinking. This feeling can inhibit a person’s ability to do or say what they want…’

Having this scenario in mind, can you imagine how difficult it is for a shy person to face a language lesson? Language students are, after all, invited to communicate, participate and speak most of the time during a lesson. At least this is what teachers usually expect if they follow a communicative approach. The fact of the matter is to what extent teachers of teenagers are willing to adapt activities in a way that embraces the shy students.

These students don’t want a boring lesson, but they don’t want to be on the spotlight either. They might dread what type of interaction they will be exposed to; moving their bodies, singing and role playing are likely to threaten their well-being, thus their readiness to attend our classes. What we see as a fun activity might be perceived as something that crosses their boundaries. We teachers have to be careful whenever we ask them to perform a task in front of the others. One of the main things teenagers avoid at all costs is getting embarrassed. The best thing to do, then, is to find a common ground in which activities contemplate all students in the group.

One way to prevent discomfort from happening is to make sure we are providing students with time to prepare their answers before speaking. Another must is to monitor their production carefully, to help them correct any mistakes; by doing so, they’ll feel more confident while being asked to participate. When the moment of feedback with the whole group comes, these students will feel better able to express their ideas.
Truth be told, there isn’t a magic formula when it comes to dealing with shy students. Being able to recognize they deserve special attention and that our planning can’t exclude them from activities is a start. Also, keeping an open space for them to talk to us about their struggles means we’ve been building rapport effectively.
De acordo com o texto, avalie as afirmações a seguir como V para verdadeiras ou F para falsas.
I. De acordo com Heitz, apesar de a timidez afetar a maneira como acreditamos que os outros pensam sobre nós, ela não pode afetar nossa habilidade de dizer o que queremos
II. Quando não sabemos exatamente como lidar com alunos tímidos, podemos começar a aprender por meio da dedicação de uma atenção especial para eles, já que eles ficarão excluídos das atividades planejadas.
III. Algumas das atividades recomendadas para alunos tímidos são: mover o corpo, cantar e fazer encenações. Tais atividades estão menos propensas a ameaçar o bem-estar do aluno, bem como sua vontade de participar das aulas.
IV. Há uma espécie de consenso que, em geral, quando ensinam estudantes adolescentes, os professores preocupam-se em tornar as aulas divertidas e dinâmicas, para que os alunos se mantenham motivados e engajados.
As afirmações I, II, III e IV são, respectivamente
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