April 2019 2 127 Report

Once upon a time there were a king and a queen who lived in a castle with their beautiful daughter.
One night an ugly monster captured the kind princess and locked her up in his tall, dark tower. The king and queen were very sad and they promised to give a bag of diamonds to the brave knight who would rescue their gentle daughter. All the knights around the kingdom to save the charming young girl. They rode their horses to the tower as fast as they could. The nasty monster roared dreadfully when he save the knights arriving. It was so scary that they rode away as fast as they could! What brave knights!
One day a friendly dragon heard the young lady cry for help. The dragon entered the tower, took a big sword and killed the monster. The drangon rescued the princess from the tower and gently put her on his strong back and flew hight in the sky. They flew overthe tower, over the castle, over the mountains and caves, over oceans. The dragon and the princess eventually arrived at the castle. The king and queen were so happy to see the princess again! They gave the dragon a bag full of diamonds. He was rich now! The princess gave the dragon a kiss to thank him and suddenly he became a handsome prince! They got married and lived happily ever after.

Réponds en anglais aux question suivantes:

1) Trouve dans l'histoire 4 mot transparents:
2) Trouve 2 adverbes dans le conte:
3) Relève 5 verbes irréguliers:
4) Relève 4 façon différentes de nommer la princesse:
5) Relève les adjectifs qualifiant:
La Princesse (4 adj):
Le Monstre (3 adj):
Le drangon (1 adj):
Le Prince (1 adj):
Les Chevaliers (1 adj):

Réponds en francais aux questions suivantes:

1) Quelle récompense le roi et la reine offriront ils?
2) Qui a enlevé la princesse? Où est-elle retenue prisonnière?
3) Pour quelle raison les chevaliers sont-ils repartis aussi vite?
4)Pourquoi la princesse est-elle si surprise à la fin?
5)Peux-tu trouver un titre en anglais à ce conte?

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