pouvez me corrigé s 'il vous plait si j ai bine utilisé les bon termes
c est extremement urgent merci d avance
we need to answer the question if William Wallace is a Hero or a myth ?
For answer of the question, we need know the diferrence between a hero and a myth. in the second point, we will answer of the problem.
The myth suggests the human condition in its whole, transmitted history first orally and often embodied by a hero, a place or a community.
The hero can be a real or fictional character that marked the tradition, history, daily life.
Now, we can that William Wallace is a hero because he is a real character who marked the scot because he was the guide during many battles and was restoring hope to combat their enemy: the English.
But William Wallace can be a myth because he reprensented the history in Scotland in addition is it a symbol of the liberty.
In my opinion William Wallace is a hero and a myth because he is a icon and represented the honor and liberty.
In brief William Wallace is a hero and myth and is not really possible give a answer because is it a opinion and not a answer good determinate
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Je vais corriger selon mes connaissances.
Les corrections faites sont dans l'ordre du texte ;)
We need to know the difference
We will answer the problem
We can understand that William is a hero
The British people
the honor and the liberty
it's not really possible to give an answer, because it's an opinion and not an answer
Après, tu as mis 'good determinate' ? Ce n'est pas très cohérent, je pense ;)
N'oublie pas que devant les mots dont la première lettre est une voyelle, l'article, c'est 'an'
Bon déjà la première phrase c'est une affirmation, donc pas de point d'interrogation à la fin. Fais bien gaffe à tes débuts de phrase ils sont ta directive.
We have to answer the following question : "Is William Wallace a hero or a myth ?"
Ensuite, "for" ça veut dire pour, certes, mais le "pour" dans le sens "but" c'est "to".
Answer c'est suivi d'un COD, autrement dit pas de "of" pas de "at" ni de "to" après lui.
"To need" c'est suivi d'un verbe à l'infinitif, donc d'un "to".
On ne répond pas à un problème on le résoud.
To answer this question, we need to know the differences between a hero and a myth. Then afterwards we will be able to resolve the problem.
Je peux pas continuer plus loin j'ai des choses à faire, mais commence par t'inspirer de ça.