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May 2023 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, pouvez vous me répondre q cet exerciceLes deux documents suivants représentent des reconstitutions d'un milieu marin à deux périodes différentes, 1. Cnidaires 2. Annélides 3. Mollusques 4. Trilobites 5. Crustacés 6. Anomalocaris (organisme d'un groupe disparu) 7. Poissons cartilagineux 8. Plésiosaures (groupe disparu) 9. Ichtyosaures (groupe disparu) •Expliquer comment on a pu reconstituer des milieux aussi anciens. •Montrer que la biodiversité a changé entre ces deux périodes. 3
May 2023 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour,pouvez vous m'aider pour cet exercice 6 Lire et exploiter des données présentées sous différentes formes La biodiversité représente la diversité du monde vivant. Elle se définit à plusieurs niveaux qui s'erbottent les uns dans les autres. La photographie ci-contre permet de retrouver certains aspects de la biodiversité. Des êtres vivants au bord de l'eau.→ Indiquer quels sont les différents niveaux de la biodiversité que l'on peut observer.→ Indiquer quelles sont les relations entre espèces que l'on peut observer.
April 2023 | 1 Respostas
répondre aux questions ⬇️⬇️:
April 2023 | 1 Respostas
soulignez en Rouge les verbes irrégulier et en BLEU les verbes reguliersle texte ci- dessousThe World's Biggest Ship The Titanic was a British cruise ship that sank on April 15, 1912 during its first voyage from England to New York. When the Titanic left England, it was the largest ship in the world. It was so large and well-built that it was touted as being "unsinkable." At the time, the Titanic was considered one of the safest ships ever built. Building the Titanic The Titanic was built using the best technology of the time including two giant steam engines and a turbine that provided 46,000 horse power. It took over two years and 15,000 workers to build the Titanic. The ship had the facilities to support up to 2,453 passengers and 900 crew. The first class area was decorated more like a fancy hotel than a ship. There was a swimming pool, gymnasium, barber shop, library, several cafes, and a squash court. The Titanic departed from Southampton, England on April 10, 1912. It then stopped at the French port of Cherbourg and the Irish port of Queenstown to pick up more passengers. It left Queenstown and began its trip across the Atlantic Ocean on April 11, 1912. The Iceberg Despite being warned of the potential of icebergs in the northern waters, the Titanic continued across the Atlantic at full speed. However, a giant iceberg was spotted by a lookout in the path of the Titanic on the night of April 14. The captain tried to steer around the iceberg, but it was too late. The iceberg hit the side of the ship. Not Enough Life Boats The ship's crew began to get people aboard the lifeboats. They quickly discovered that there were not enough lifeboats for all the passengers. The ship was designed to carry 32 lifeboats, but there were only 20 on board. Also, in their panic, many of the lifeboats left the Titanic only half full. Women and children were put on the lifeboats first, leaving many fathers and husbands behind on the sinking ship. The waters were very cold and some people who didn't drown ended up dying from exposure. While over 700 people did survive, more than 1,500 died.
March 2023 | 2 Respostas
Exercice 4: Programme de calcul : > On choisit un nombre. Lui soustraire 1,5. ➤ Multiplier par 2 le résultat précédent a) Si on applique le programme au nombre 2, on obtient b) Si on applique le programme au nombre 10, on obtien c) On appelle x le nombre choisi. Exprimer en fonction de x le résultat obtenu.
March 2023 | 2 Respostas
bonjour,n désigne un nombre entier. Exprimer en fonction de n: a) Un multiple de 3. b) Un nombre pair. c) Un multiple de 7. d) Un nombre impair Un multiple de 3 s'écrit... Un nombre pair s'écrit... Un multiple de 7 s'écrit... Un nombre impair s'écrit....
January 2023 | 1 Respostas
Dans le montage ci-dessous, La lampe brille. 1. Schématiser le circuit en indiquant le sens du cou- rant. 2. Qu'observe-t-on si l'on permute les branchements : a. aux bornes du moteur ; b. aux bornes de la lampe ?
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