Bonjour, serait-il possible que vous observiez en deux minutes cet oral, pour me dire s'il n'y a pas trop de fautes d'orthographe, ou bien de conjugaison s'il vous plaît. Merci d'avance. Bonne journée. To begin, the notion of spaces and exchanges concerned interactions between different societies, countries or parts of world. The human activities do part of this notion too as arts, techniques or meeting people. The immigration is also an aspect of this notion. With this definition of spaces and exchanges, al nivel of immigration, that appeared to us positive nervertheless we heard lots of trouble about that so is it negative or positive and what is these problems? In the first time, as we have just say in the introduction, there are lots of troubles worldwilde and since always. So, we can imagine that is negative especially the immigration. For certain people, the immigrants have a bad image because they think that immigrants steal job, makes problems or even they associed the immigrants at terrorist. It is the case in the document «The Decision» where the narrator is afraid to have bad image because of some people associated the Muslim religion at terrorist. Other people use to native as slaves or to have more land with mixed marriages for example so the association between different culture is hard and some people concidered themselves as superiors. This possible see that in the text «Mixed Marriage in the USA». Nevertheless, some people are in faviour of the immigration they think that the immigration is enriching for the culture and the country, they defend the mixed cultures and nationalities that the example with the policy of opening of bordery in certain country. This is for this reason there are lots of Hispanics and black people in the USA as show the document «The Changing Face of the USA population». Further, the mixed marriages where allowed because there are lots of people of differents communoties it’s the case in the document «Mixed Marriages in the USA». Lastly, thinking that the immigration is negative it’s the false idear because we need just to check the enters of the immigrants in the country to avoid the diseases and the intentions of them. We can take the example of the extract of the film «GodFather» where the immigrants arrived in boat and are controlled before enter in the territory. To concluse, the immingration is a sensitive subject for the population but we need to be open minded. Indeed, we don’t make mixture, we don’t assimilated the immigrant at terrorist or at bad person. The immigration bring enriching.
Bonjour à tous, j'ai un devoir écrit en anglais, et malheureusement je suis vraiment très nul dans cette matière, pouvez-vous me dire si mes phrases sont correctes s'il vous plaît. Merci d'avance. Myths and heroes This notion is about heroes. A hero is an important person who has done great actions in their life. The principal qualities of a hero are that they are mentally and phycally strong, but they are courageous and intelligent too. A heroe saves people. However, there are also superheroes, that is a fictional character who fight against evil to protect people. They are fictional and have incredible superpowers. We studied a dossier of female heroins, a text on superheroes and finally a document about Bethany’s story. After these observations, we can ask if female heroins and men heroes are equal. In the first time, we’ll see that women real heroes of British history realized so much great actions that men heroes. Indeed, in spite of women have many rights than of men, their actions are heroic too. To assert this argument, we’ll talk about a dossier of female heroins, in which there is presentations of different women who changed the history of British as Eleanor of Aquitaine, «She was the Queen of England and much of France» during the 12th century. She was very powerful and took care of her image, she was considered as «the most powerful woman of her age». She has got a child, with King Louis VII of France, Richard the Lionheart. Another woman stood out in the history, Frances Mary Buss, her time is different totally, she lived in the 19th century. «She became the first headmistressof the North London Collegiate School in 1850» and an English «pioneer of female education», she wanted that the women can go to the school. Further, she also was a suffragist, that is to say that she fought for women’s right to vote. As it’s possible to see it, women have a very important place in the British history favor their great actions, thus we can say at the nivel historical, women have so much merit that men. After ward, at the level of superheroes, women appeared later, the first ones superheroes are men, we’ll show that with a text about Batman and Superman which make referent at superheroes and morality. Indeed, in this text, the men talk about Batman and Superman as best of superheroes, evoking principally their strong and their physical, so supporting the male part. The man say that needs to lean on their actions and their morality in the really life. Further, we’ll note that, with the time, stories about superheroins are more created in the world, for widen the number of readers because women feels more concerned, they can identify with them. When comic strips began to evolve, and when women began to manage to have an important place in the society, superheroins appeared and are very estimated because it shows that women can have some power. For support this argument, we can talk about superheroins famous such as Catwoman, a fictional character present in the DC Comics’ Batman Franchise, she has a mask of black cat and a dress. She is an athletic fighter, she fight against crime. There is also Wonder Woman, a fictional character feminist, she is ambassadress rider who fight against crime. She has a lot of superpowers as the telepathy, the strong, the regeneration, but she can fly also. So, women stand out in the fictional world, and place female superheroins and male superheroes equally, as say a document «Superheroes also serve as models of moral behavior». Lastly, we’ll talk about heroics actions of everyday. Whom is a woman or a man who acts, the action remains so important. Indeed, as Bethany Hamilton, women as much as men can realized important actions liked save or help people. In this history, Bethany saved her best friend, Greg of a shark attack during an activity of surfing. In spite of the danger, the risk, the fear and her feminine physical appearance, Bethany, unguardedly, went to help Greg with courage. And thanks to her, Greg is alive. For talk about other exemple, in 2009, a woman give one of its loins to save her boss, it’s a dangerous operation but she makes it with will and courage. Her great action evoked by the newspaper 20 Minutes. With these two testimonies allows to see that women can save or help people as much as men, they are brave and strong. In my opinion, with these arguments, i can say that women and men are equal at the level of heroism. Women make great actions such as men. The heroism isn’t defined by the sex of the person but by their actions, heroes are models for everybody. Only values count, there are universal.

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