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April 2023 | 1 Respostas
bonsoir pourriez vous m'aider merci ne m'interrompez point quel type de négation ?
December 2020 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp voici : Un cinéma propose deux tarifs : Tarif 1 : 7,50 € la place Tarif 2 : 5,50 € la place sur présentation d’une carte d’abonnement de 28 €. 3) a) On veut savoir le nombre de places à acheter pour que les deux tarifs soient égaux. Modéliser ce problème à l’aide d’une équation : b) Résoudre l’équation trouvée à la question précédente. svp une bonne reponse c) Conclure
December 2020 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp voici : Un cinéma propose deux tarifs : Tarif 1 : 7,50 € la place Tarif 2 : 5,50 € la place sur présentation d’une carte d’abonnement de 28 €. 3) a) On veut savoir le nombre de places à acheter pour que les deux tarifs soient égaux. Modéliser ce problème à l’aide d’une équation : b) Résoudre l’équation trouvée à la question précédente. c) Conclure
December 2020 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp voici : Un cinéma propose deux tarifs : Tarif 1 : 7,50 € la place Tarif 2 : 5,50 € la place sur présentation d’une carte d’abonnement de 28 €. 2) On désigne par x le nombre de places achetées au cours d’une année. On note P1 le prix payé avec le tarif 1 et P2 le prix payé avec le tarif 2. Exprimer P1 en fonction de x : ............................................................................................. Exprimer P2 en fonction de x
December 2020 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider a cette excercice cordialement voici : Un cinéma propose deux tarifs : Tarif 1 : 7,50 € la place Tarif 2 : 5,50 € la place sur présentation d’une carte d’abonnement de 28 €. 1) Calculer le prix à payer pour 2 places achetées avec le tarif 1 puis avec le tarif 2.
December 2020 | 0 Respostas
bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp voici l'excercice : 2) Résoudre les équations suivantes : a) 5x + 2 = 17 b) 2x − 3 = 9 + 6x
December 2020 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez -vous m'aidait a cette excercice détail l'excercice voici : 1) Soit l’équation 2x − 3 = 9 + 6x . b) La valeur -3 est-elle solution ? Justifier.
December 2020 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour est ce que quelq'un peut m'aider a cette la voici il faut detaileé : 1) Soit l’équation 2x − 3 = 9 + 6x . a) La valeur 2 est-elle solution ? Justifier.
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour s'il vous plait aidait moi a cette question voici : on dois complété par le prétérit ou be plus ing ? 1) yesterday , Mr Millis (write) an email when he (hear) somebody at the door 2) he ( go) to the door and (see) his wife who (cry) 3) he (say) : « i want to get a divorce » but she (refuse) 4) then he ( sit down ) at his desk and (tell) her to go 5) he (begin) writing again when she ( shoot) him
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour quelq'un pourrais m'aider a ce texte svp je n'arrive pas a comprendre et repondre aux question 1 a 9 svp :) en anglais Inspector : We have reasons to believe that one of you is guilty. Mrs Mills, because your husband wanted to divorce you. Mr Ruben, because you owed Mr Mills £5000, and Miss Pike, because you did not want to marry him. So I must ask you all where you were on Monday 23rd between 1 and 2 pm. Mrs Mills? Mrs Mills : How can you suspect me? On Monday at 2pm I was watching a film at the cinema. I usually go to the cinema on Monday afternoons. Inspector: Where did you go? Mrs Mills: I went to the Odeon in Leiscester Square. I had lunch with my friend Gill, but she couldn't come to the film with me, so I left her at 1pm, and I went to the 2 o' clock performance. Inspector: Can you prove it? Mrs Mills: Yes, I think I have the ticket. Here! Inspector: Thank you Mrs Mills. Now, Mr Rubens, what were you doing between 1 and 2 ? Mr Ruben: Well, I was driving to Cambridge to meet an associate. At around 1:45, I bought some petrol on the motorway. Here the receipt. You see, it says 1:47, Monday 23rd. Inspector: Thank you. And Miss Pike, what were you doing? Miss Pike: Well, I was shopping. So, I was somewhere at Harrods. Inspector: Did you buy anything? Have you got a receipt? Miss Pike: I didn't buy anything...Oh yes I did. I bought a mouse for my computer. I paid with my credit card. Let's see. Here's the receipt! 1. What happened on Monday 23rd? 2. At what time did it happen? 3. How many suspects are there? 4. Why is Mrs Mills suspected? 5. Why is Mr Ruben suspected? 6. Why is Miss Pike suspected? 7. What was Mrs Mills doing on Monday between 1 and 2 pm? 8. What was Mr Ruben doing on Monday between 1 and 2 pm? 9. What was Miss Pike doing on Monday between 1 and 2 pm?
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour quelq'un pourrais m'aider a ce texte svp je n'arrive pas a comprendre Inspector : We have reasons to believe that one of you is guilty. Mrs Mills, because your husband wanted to divorce you. Mr Ruben, because you owed Mr Mills £5000, and Miss Pike, because you did not want to marry him. So I must ask you all where you were on Monday 23rd between 1 and 2 pm. Mrs Mills? Mrs Mills : How can you suspect me? On Monday at 2pm I was watching a film at the cinema. I usually go to the cinema on Monday afternoons. Inspector: Where did you go? Mrs Mills: I went to the Odeon in Leiscester Square. I had lunch with my friend Gill, but she couldn't come to the film with me, so I left her at 1pm, and I went to the 2 o' clock performance. Inspector: Can you prove it? Mrs Mills: Yes, I think I have the ticket. Here! Inspector: Thank you Mrs Mills. Now, Mr Rubens, what were you doing between 1 and 2 ? Mr Ruben: Well, I was driving to Cambridge to meet an associate. At around 1:45, I bought some petrol on the motorway. Here the receipt. You see, it says 1:47, Monday 23rd. Inspector: Thank you. And Miss Pike, what were you doing? Miss Pike: Well, I was shopping. So, I was somewhere at Harrods. Inspector: Did you buy anything? Have you got a receipt? Miss Pike: I didn't buy anything...Oh yes I did. I bought a mouse for my computer. I paid with my credit card. Let's see. Here's the receipt! 1. What happened on Monday 23rd? 2. At what time did it happen? 3. How many suspects are there? 4. Why is Mrs Mills suspected? 5. Why is Mr Ruben suspected? 6. Why is Miss Pike suspected? 7. What was Mrs Mills doing on Monday between 1 and 2 pm? 8. What was Mr Ruben doing on Monday between 1 and 2 pm? 9. What was Miss Pike doing on Monday between 1 and 2 pm?
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