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December 2019 | 1 Respostas
“Our traditional family Thansgiving dinner this year was amazing, as always. The whole family was there. The food was incredible. ___ green beens and carrots and, of course, ___ a delicious turkey. But unfortunately this year, for the first time ever, ___ mashed potatoes and ___ dessert! ___ a reason for that? Yes, there was: my sister are on a low-carb diet and decided not to make them. I wanted to help, but there was no time to make anything, so all we had to eat after dinner were apples.” The option which fills correctly the gaps is: Escolha uma: a. there was; there was; there were not; there was not; There was. b. there were; there were; there not were; there not was; There was. c. there was; there was; there not were; there not was; Was there. d. there were; there was; there not was; there not was; Was there. e. there were; there was; there weren’t; there wasn’t; Was there.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Consider the following sentences: I. I usually go to work with a colleague, but yesterday he is sick. II. John exercises three times a week, but last week he only exercised once. III. My mother cooks all the meals at home, but last night I cooked for her. IV. I decided to buy a new alarm clock because I am always late for work. V. Do you talked to Sarah about the meeting? What does she think? Which sentences represent present and past correctly? Escolha uma: a. Only sentences I, II, IV and V are correct. b. All the sentences are correct. c. Only sentences II, III and IV are correct. d. Only sentences I, III, IV and V are correct. e. Only sentences II, III, and V are correct.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Which expressions present a description of the objects in the picture above with the right use of adjectives? I. Blue and white dress II. Yellows boots III. Grass green IV. Little girl Escolha uma: a. Only I and III. b. Only I and II. c. Only II and III. d. Only II and IV. e. Only I and IV.
December 2019 | 2 Respostas
“When I saw him in the light of the fire, I sat up. He was a huge man and very, very ugly! He had black lines over his face and body, and almost no hair on his head. He wore a strange skirt and no other clothes. The huge man suddenly jumped onto my bed. ‘Help!’ I shouted. ‘Help!’” (MELVILLE, H. Moby Dick. Essex: Penguin Books, 2006, p. 2.) A respeito das expressões usadas no excerto, considere as seguintes afirmativas: I. Adjetivos são palavras usadas para expressar qualidades de algo ou alguém, como light em light of the fire. II. Huge e ugly são adjetivos usados para descrever o homem citado. III. Advérbios podem ser utilizados para intensificar a qualidade expressa por um adjetivo, como em very ugly. IV. Advérbios podem ser utilizados para indicar como uma ação ocorre, como suddenly em the man suddenly jumped. Estão corretas apenas as afirmativas: Escolha uma: a. I, II e III. b. II, III e IV. c. I, III e IV. d. I, II e IV. e. I, II, III e IV.
December 2019 | 2 Respostas
Há muitas confusões entre o sentido de linguagem e de língua. No senso geral, linguagem é a comunicação. Mas, para Saussure, o pai da Linguística, linguagem é uma faculdade e a língua é aquilo que permite o exercício da linguagem. Sabendo disso, assinale a alternativa que traz uma informação correta sobre o conceito de língua: Escolha uma: a. A língua é social e convencional, é preciso estar imerso em uma cultura para aprendê-la. b. A língua é o reflexo do pensamento, por isso nascemos com essa faculdade. c. A língua é natural e adquirida pelo convívio com os indivíduos de uma sociedade. d. A língua é individual, cada um usa a que a família ou o grupo usa. e. A língua é uma faculdade e não precisamos conhecer suas regras para conhecê-la.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
I. A frase “You speaked beautifully last night. Thank you for the lovely words.” está incorreta. PORQUE II. Um verbo, como “speak”, é modificado por um advérbio, e um substantivo, como “words”, é modificado por um adjetivo. Assinale a alternativa correta: Escolha uma: a. As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras e a II justifica a I. b. As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras e a II não justifica a I. c. A asserção II é uma proposição verdadeira e a I é falsa. d. Ambas as asserções são proposições falsas. e. A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira e a II é falsa.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
“It was a wonderful view - one he felt he'd always remember.[...] He watched the activity in the harbour and slowly the tightness in his stomach started to go away. He felt calmer. He realised that the problems at work were not going to disappear; he was going to have to think about his job clearly and carefully, and decide what he really wanted to do. And he watched as the two small boats left the harbour. When he got back to Dolphin Cottage with some fresh bread, Anna was sitting in the front garden with a cup of coffee. She looked at him closely and said, 'Hello, are you all right?' 'Yes, I'm fine. I woke up early and decided to get some exercise . . . and some fresh bread. Here, smell it, straight from the baker's.' 'Mm, delicious. Let's have breakfast out here. You can tell me what the village is like.'” (NAYLOR, H. When Summer Comes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 20.) Assinale a alternativa correta sobre as palavras em destaque no texto: Escolha uma: a. Clearly é um advérbio que se refere a think. b. Slowly é um adjetivo que se refere a the tightness. c. Early é um advérbio que se refere a decided. d. Wonderful é um adjetivo que se refere a one. e. Small é um adjetivo que se refere a two.
December 2019 | 2 Respostas
Leia o diálogo a seguir: A: Sorry, I’m late. There was something I needed to do. B: Oh, really? Is everything ok? A: Yes, it is. It’s not a big deal. I just had to go see a new car. (…) B: So why do you need another one? A: Actually, I need a bigger one. I found out there’s another baby on the way. B: That’s great news! Let’s celebrate. No diálogo acima, o trecho entre parênteses foi omitido. Assinale a alternativa em que pergunta e resposta preenchem corretamente o diálogo. Escolha uma: a. B: Didn’t you buy your car only last year?; A: Yes, I buy it ten months ago. b. B: Did you bought a new car recently?; A: No, it’s already old. Very old. c. B: Do you bought a new car? A: Yes, I needed a new one. d. B: Didn’t you buy your car only a year ago?; A: Yes, I did. It’s still new. e. B: Don’t you buy a car only a year ago?; A: I buy it last year.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
I. In the morning, I woke up, took a shower and had my breakfast. II. I worked a lot, but I were happy because I only had to work until 3 p.m. III. When I left work, I go to the store to buy some food because there not was any at home. IV. I arrived home so early that I walked my dog before I went out for dinner with my girlfriend. V. And because it were Friday, after all that I even watched TV and read a book until late. Analyze the sentences describing the activities. In which sentences are all the verbs used correctly in the past tense? Escolha uma: a. I and IV. b. I, II and IV. c. II, III and V. d. II and III. e. III and V.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
When I was a kid, both my parents worked, so my grandfather helped to take care of me. He picked me up from school and we talked during the whole walk home. Every afternoon he watched me while I played in the garden. Later in the day, he called me inside and made me a snack. Then we read stories together for hours. Mom always arrived when we were reading the best part of a story. A respeito das expressões destacadas no texto, assinale V para verdadeiro e F para falso nas frases a seguir: ( ) A palavra during pode ser substituída por while sem perda de significado. ( ) A palavra while indica que as duas ações descritas aconteceram ao mesmo tempo. ( ) A palavra for pode ser substituída por during sem perda de significado. ( ) A ação de chegar aconteceu quando a ação de ler estava em andamento. ( ) A palavra for indica a duração da ação de ler. A sequência correta das respostas assinaladas é: Escolha uma: a. V – F – V – F – F. b. F – V – V – F – V. c. V – V – F – V – F. d. F – F – F – V – V. e. F – V – F – V – V.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Como foi a moda nos anos 60?
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
“Falar implica a seleção de certas entidades linguísticas e sua combinação em unidades linguísticas de mais alto grau de complexidade”. (JAKOBSON, Roman. Dois aspectos da linguagem e dois tipos de afasia. In:______. Lingüística e comunicação. Tradução de Izidoro Blikstein e José Paulo Paes. 19. ed. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2003, p. 37.) Qual das alternativas abaixo apresenta a ordem de decomposição das unidades da primeira e segunda articulações da linguagem, respectivamente? Escolha uma: a. Signo – traços distintivos – fonema – enunciado. b. Signo – fonema – enunciado – traços distintivos. c. Enunciado – signo – fonema – traços distintivos. d. Traços distintivos – fonema – enunciado – signo. e. Enunciado – fonema – traços distintivos – signo
October 2019 | 1 Respostas
Considering the text of the postcard above, analyze the following columns: 1. just 2. already 3. yet 4. ever A. life experience B. finished a short time ago C. before expected D. still not done Choose the alternative which presents the correct matching between the columns: Escolha uma: a. 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A. b. 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D. c. 1-A, 2-B, 3-D, 4-C. d. 1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A. e. 1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D.
October 2019 | 1 Respostas
Meet a girl from Ipanema: the songs that created tourist hotspots When I was a child, I desperately wanted to go to Montego Bay. I didn’t know anything about it […] but I loved the song and thought the place sounded awfully glamorous. I ____ haven’t been to Montego Bay but it remains on my list; with the benefit of a bit more research it looks like a place worth visiting, with the white beaches, turquoise waters and palm tree scenes that epitomise Jamaica. Plus, I still love the song. I wonder how many travellers ____ included a city, beach, country or attraction on their itinerary out of nothing more than music-induced curiosity? […] Vocabulário: I wonder (eu me pergunto). The text above is an extract taken from an article published on an international travel blog. What words can properly fill the gaps in the text? Escolha uma: a. ever - has b. still - have c. before - have d. yet - has e. already - have
October 2019 | 1 Respostas
One of the things that tourists love about Brazil is the variety of fruit juices. You have just met Jessica, a Canadian student who has just arrived in Brazil and who is enjoying having her first fresh Brazilian juice: a mango one. What can you say to her to start a conversation about foods and drinks in Brazil? Escolha uma: a. She hasn’t had a juice in Brazil yet? b. You’ve already tried graviola juice? c. Have you ever tried graviola juice? d. Has she finished her graviola juice yet? e. You still haven’t finished your graviola juice?
September 2019 | 2 Respostas
O Past Perfect é um tempo verbal usado para marcar a ordem de ocorrência de ações que aconteceram no passado. Considerando essa questão, leia as sentenças a seguir julgando a estrutura gramatical: I. I visited London before I went back there in 1993. II. Susan had talked to her sister when she called crying. III. I hadn't heard you knocking the door because I was sleeping. IV. They had asked for you since yesterday. O Past Perfect foi empregado corretamente nas sentenças: Escolha uma: a. I e II, apenas. Incorreto b. II e IV, apenas. c. II e III, apenas. d. I e IV, apenas. e. III e IV, apenas.
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
Leia os enunciados a seguir: I. The soup was _____ spicy for me to eat. II. I was _____ tired that I could not leave the house. III. Everybody wants to find a _______ interesting, handsome and intelligent boyfriend. IV. Thank you, dear, that was good ______. Assinale a alternativa cujas palavras preenchem corretamente as lacunas das sentenças de I a IV: Escolha uma: a. enough ‒ so ‒ enough ‒ rather. b. rather ‒ very ‒ quite ‒ such. c. too ‒ so ‒ rather ‒ enough. d. enough ‒ so ‒ quite ‒ rather. Incorreto e. too ‒ very ‒ rather ‒ enough.
September 2019 | 2 Respostas
“I gave your puppy a bath and he’s all clean again, but he was completely dirty before because he had been playing in the mud.” As ações narradas não ocorreram na ordem que aparecem no texto, mas os verbos usados podem nos indicar a sequência correta dos acontecimentos. Coloque as ações na ordem em que ocorreram: 1 give a bath 2 to be clean 3 to be dirty 4 to play in the mud A sequência cronológica correta das ações é: Escolha uma: a. 1, 2, 3, 4. Incorreto b. 4, 3, 2, 1. c. 1, 2, 4, 3. d. 4, 3, 1, 2. e. 3, 1, 4, 2.
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
O esquema a seguir apresenta alguns eventos de uma narração em ordem cronológica: O esquema mostra uma sequência de ações. 1. (my wife) wait for the delivery (embaixo se indica - over 45 min.). Em seguida, em um ponto temos: 2. (I) arrive home. Depois: 3. (We) try to call for information. (embaixo indica-se - 15 min.). Em seguida, em um ponto temos: 4. (somebody) answer the phone. Depois, temos: 5. (we) try to solve the problem. (embaixo, indica-se - almost 10 min.). Por fim, em um ponto, embaixo está escrito now. Se quem está contando a história olha para esses eventos a partir do presente (o momento marcado como now na imagem), esses eventos devem ser expressos por tempos verbais específicos para que a narração seja fiel à ordem dos acontecimentos. Considerando essa questão, analise as seguintes frases: I. My wife has been waited for the delivery for 45 minutes and we tried to call for information. II. I have been arriving home after 45 minutes to try to call for information. III. When I arrived home, my wife had been waiting for the delivery. IV. After we had been trying to call for information for 15 minutes, somebody answered the phone. V. Somebody finally answered the phone and we have been trying to solve the problem for almost 10 minutes. São coerentes com os eventos apresentados na imagem as frases: Escolha uma: a. II, IV e V. b. I, III, e V. c. I, II e III. d. III, IV e V. e. II, III e IV.
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
“— Ai Deus! Disse Galvam; como fremosas maravilhas aqui há! Verdadeiramente sam demostradas de Nosso Senhor e sam altas maravilhas do Santo Graal e sam as grandes pruridades da Santa Egreja. Certas, disse Galvam a Estor, per esto que Deus mostrou a Elaim devemos nós a entender que jazemos empecado mortal e que nom nos ama Deus como a ele e que mais deve seer cavaleiro do Santo Graal que nós”. Em relação à difusão das novelas de cavalaria em Portugal podemos afirmar que: Escolha uma: a. Não houve manifestação desse tipo em Portugal. Por se tratar de uma tradição francesa, as novelas foram preteridas pelas cantigas, gênero criado na Península Ibérica. b. Eram lidas pelos trovadores nas mesmas apresentações em que as cantigas eram entoadas, tendo uma circulação semelhante. c. Circulavam somente entre os nobres, que sabiam ler em francês e se identificavam com os ideais cavaleirescos. d. Algumas novelas do círculo arturiano foram traduzidas e adaptadas e tiveram relativa circulação em Portugal, mas nada que pudesse ser comparado à circulação das cantigas. e. Por se tratar de uma manifestação em prosa, mais simples de ser assimilada, ganhou mais popularidade do que as cantigas, que só interessavam às cortes.
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
Leia o excerto a seguir: How to Improve Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace? An association between individuals working together in the same organization is called interpersonal relationship. (…) Research says productivity increases when individuals work in groups as compared to an individual working alone. Employees must get along well for a healthy ambience at the workplace. Let us go through some ways of improving interpersonal relationships at workplace: Interact with your co-workers more often. Even employees from a different team can be your friends. Talk to them. Greet them with a smile and a “Hi” whenever you meet them. Greet your colleagues on their birthdays or anniversaries. Such small initiatives go a long way in strengthening the bond among fellow workers. Do not always look at the negative side of things. Accept people as they are. It is essential to look at the positive side of an individual. Being flexible at work always helps. (MSG Experts. Importance of Interpersonal Relationship at Workplace. MSG Management Study Guide. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 19 jun. 2017. Adaptado.) Vocabulary: increase: aumentar; improve: melhorar; strengthen: fortalecer. Assinale a alternativa correta de acordo com as informações apresentadas no texto: Escolha uma: a. É aconselhável dar presentes de aniversário para seus colegas para fortalecer os laços entre vocês. b. A flexibilidade no trabalho é importante, por isso é preciso buscar mudar a si mesmo e aos outros. c. É chamada de relação interpessoal aquela que é estabelecida entre amigos e vizinhos. d. Um “oi” para as pessoas de outras equipes basta, pois você não precisa se tornar amigo deles. e. Quando pessoas trabalham em grupo, a produtividade é maior do que quando trabalham sozinhas.
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
Read the text below about Patrick’s past experiences on playing the banjo: Patrick [1] _________ the banjo for about 15 years. Many years ago, his grandfather played the banjo in a band. He [2] ________ Patrick how to play the banjo when Patrick was just 10 years old. Patrick [3] ________ the banjo ever since, until last year he unfortunately lost it! How can the gaps be filled in the text above, in the other they appear? Escolha uma: a. had playing – taught – had been practicing Incorreto b. had been playing – teaches – practiced c. had been playing – taught – had been practicing d. had played – had been teaching – practiced e. plays – taught – had been practicing
August 2019 | 1 Respostas
In a big city, a young man was interviewed on his way back from work. The reporter asked him how he thought the city of the future would be like and he answered: “Cities nowadays are so overcrowded and polluted that I think in the future they’ll be even worse. When I picture the city of the future, I see a dystopian landscape, with _______ rivers, _______ asphalt and bridges, building _______, _______ streets from all the waste and carbon emissions”. Assinale a alternativa que completa as lacunas do texto corretamente: Escolha uma: a. dried-up, broken, structured, clean. b. decay, patchy, skeletons, sewer. c. clean, cement, beautiful, green. d. marsh, crumbling, cracked, stinky. Incorreto e. dried-up, crumbling, skeletons, stinky.
August 2019 | 1 Respostas
Rita encontra Mary, sua vizinha de longa data, e elas conversam sobre as transformações em sua vizinhança: Mary: “Things have changed so much. Many people we know are moving out and this neighborhood is not the same anymore”. Rita: “I still love this neighborhood. I moved to this house nine years ago and I’ll continue living here”. Mary fica surpresa em perceber que a relação de vizinhança entre elas já dura tanto tempo. Qual alternativa representa a reação de Mary? Escolha uma: a. “Wow! We have lived side by side for ten years. Time flies”. b. “Wow! We have been living side by side for ten years. Time flies”. Incorreto c. “Wow! Next year we’ll still live side by side. Time flies”. d. “Wow! Next year we’ll be still living side by side. Time flies”. e. “Wow! Next year we’ll have been living side by side for ten years. Time flies”.
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