Questions d'anglais pour lundi, merci beaucoup d'avance. COMPLETER AVEC LE TEMPS OU L’ASPECT QUI CONVIENT : My parents_______________ (live) in Bristol. They ___________________ (be) born there and ________________________ (live/ never) anywhere else. Where _________________ (your parents/live)? Where have you been? _______________________ (you/play) tennis? Jane ______________________ (wait) for me when I ________________________ (arrive). The River Nile _______________________ (flow) into the Mediterranean. Can you stop talking soon? I ________________________ (start) to feel tired. I ______________________ (lose) my address book. _________________________ (you/see) it anywhere? How fast _________________ (you/drive) when the accident ___________________________ (happen)? What _____________________ (your father / do)? He___________________(be) an architect. But he ______________________ (not/work) at the moment. I _____________________________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I _________________ (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody __________________ (follow) me. I __________________ (be) frightened and I ___________________ (start) to run. I _____________________ (read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now. I ______________________ (do) German at school but I ______________________ (forget) most of it. _______________________you/listen to) the radio every day? Let’s go out! It __________________________ (not/ rain) at the moment. I ________________ (have) a headache earlier but I feel fine now. John ___________________ (take) a photograph of me while I ________________________ (not/look). Ann _________________________ (give) me her address but I’m afraid I _______________ (lose) it. The train________________________________ (never/be) late. It ____________________ (always/leave) on time. What do you think of my English? Do you think I _________________________ (improved)? How many plays ___________________________ (Shakespeare/write)? _____________________ (you/read) any of Shakespeare’s plays? Mary isn’t at home. She ________________________ (go) shopping. A: Where do you live? B: In Boston A: How long _____________________ (you/live) there? B: Five years. A: Where ______________________ (you/live) before that? B: In Chicago. A: And how long ___________________ (you/live) in Chicago? B: Two years.

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