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April 2022 | 1 Respostas
RESUMO DO TEXTO EM INGLES: Family isn't easily defined nowadays as it used to be. Although it may seem straightforward, it disregards relatively common family arrangements, that the U.S. Census Bureau's definition that a family is "a group of two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption"has become outdated. All of those who financially contributed to a household considered family such as that of grandparents who look after their grandchildren or married couples who live in different places. And who is to say that your family is not a family? Throughout time and cultures, families have taken several forms - in ancient Greece, for instance, adults that are not blood-related can also be considered part of a family when they have a close bond to the members of the family, including servants. In many cultures today, there is no one true definition of what a family is. Has there ever been, when you were a kid, a person who you were convinced was part of your family just to later discover they were "just"your parents' friend? So many changes have gone about in the basic structure of the nuclear family as we knew it, but it is fairly safe to say that the sense of belonging and trust one gets from being part of a family, however it is construed, is fundamental to one's development.
April 2022 | 1 Respostas
RESUMO DO TEXTO EM INGLES (TEM QUE SER UMA SÍNTESE, NÃO PODE SER A TRADUÇÃO DO GOOGLE TRADUTOR) Family isn't easily defined nowadays as it used to be. Although it may seem straightforward, it disregards relatively common family arrangements, that the U.S. Census Bureau's definition that a family is "a group of two or more people who reside together and who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption"has become outdated. All of those who financially contributed to a household considered family such as that of grandparents who look after their grandchildren or married couples who live in different places. And who is to say that your family is not a family? Throughout time and cultures, families have taken several forms - in ancient Greece, for instance, adults that are not blood-related can also be considered part of a family when they have a close bond to the members of the family, including servants. In many cultures today, there is no one true definition of what a family is. Has there ever been, when you were a kid, a person who you were convinced was part of your family just to later discover they were "just"your parents' friend? So many changes have gone about in the basic structure of the nuclear family as we knew it, but it is fairly safe to say that the sense of belonging and trust one gets from being part of a family, however it is construed, is fundamental to one's development.
March 2022 | 1 Respostas
Resumo do texto a baixo:Today I graduate and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you again for all your support and incentive through the years. You might not realize this, but you have played a large role in my having become who I am and your contribution to my individual development was much more than financial.Living in an orphanage, it is easy for one to lose hope or sight of the possibilities that lie ahead of you; it is easy to forget that you are just as capable as anyone else out there. The first time I heard of you I was just 7 and the nun told me there was something she wanted to talk to me about. She handed me a book with your note inside and explained to me how there was this very special person who lived in such a distant place who had chosen me to help. Your note read "You are special" and it actually made me feel that way.More than ever I believe in what it says and I feel confident I can accomplish great things. I am sending you the note back because over the years we have exchanged letters and your words have accompanied me every step of the way until here. Also because I wanted to let you know that you are special and I am forever grateful your taking part in my life. Had it not been for you, I wouldn´t have become a social worker.Thank you again for having set up a trust fund me education.Yours truly,
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Fallow the patterns as if/ as though Exemplo: He doesn´t know anything about computers but he acts like an expert He acts as if he were an expert with computers. 1- He is very thin but eats like he was fat. 2- She isn´t the only girl in the house but uses the bathroom like she was. 3- They are not very clever, but they act like they are. 4- My sister acts like she´s a movie star. 5- You´re eating like this is the last meal you´ll ever eat. 6- To keep from getting nervous, just imagine the audience in their underwear.
October 2020 | 2 Respostas
Complete the dialogueSo, John, is it true? Are you really movig to another country?___________________________________________________It does sound like a good opportunity for your career. But aren´t you concerned about your kids?_____________________________________________________________________________I understand. Did you make a list of the pros an cons of moving there?___________________________________________________________Yes, it will be very important for your kids to learn to respect differences.____________________________________________________________I´m very happy for you, John. Will you have moved by the end of the month then?____________________________________________________________________
October 2020 | 0 Respostas
Fallow the patterns as if/ as thoughExemplo:He doesn´t know anything about computers but he acts like an expertHe acts as if he were an expert with computers.1- He is very thin but eats like he was fat.2- She isn´t the only girl in the house but uses the bathroom like she was.3- They are not very clever, but they act like they are.4- My sister acts like she´s a movie star.5- You´re eating like this is the last meal you´ll ever eat.6- To keep from getting nervous, just imagine the audience in their underwear.
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Resumo do textoA printing press is a machine that applies pressure to an inked surface, which then transfers the ink onto another material (such as paper or cloth). The invitation was typically used for texts, and the spread of the printing press is widely they as the first mass production of books in history. The printing press revolutionized the way people are able to describe the world they live in, communicate with others, and preserve moments of historical or personal importance.The process of bookmaking in assembly line-style led to the most influential event in the second millennium AD. A single Renaissance printing press could produce 3,600 pages per workday, compared to only the forty by typographic hand-printing, and just a few by hand-copying. Books of bestselling authors like Luther or Erasmus were sold by the hundreds of thousands in their lifetime.
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