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December 2019 | 1 Respostas
1) Choose the best option. “Where are Amy and Josh?” A) They are intelligent. B) They are in March. C) They are sick. D) They are at the movies. E) They are engineers.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 2 ) Read the extract below and answer the question that follows. Numerous studies document holes, cracks on asphalted streets as a common and preventable source of car accidents and health care expenditures. Street crevices have caused much concern as they are also the source of dangerous falls by cyclists and pedestrians alike. A successful accident-prevention intervention is multi-factorial and requires the expertise and collaboration of several engineering disciplines. The expected outcome must be streets brought up to safety standards and continuous maintenance. According to the text, battered streets A) Are the unique cause of car accidents; B) Are an unusual cause of car accidents; C) Should not be a source of concern for city councilors. D) Should be patched up and mended in order to avoid accidents; E) Are an improbable cause of car accidents;
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 3) Circle the correct answer. It looks ___________ you’ve made a mistake. A) As B) Perhaps C) As though D) Even E) If
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 5) Choose the best option. “Will you mail this package for me?” “I’m sorry, but I’m not going to: A) The post office. B) The grocery store. C) The movies. D) The bakery. E) The night club.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 6) Which attribute would you not give to David? David has always been inclined to keep his feelings and personal affairs to himself. It’s like he’s always withdrawing into a shell, assured that none will ever break it. David is A) Reticent. B) Reserved. C) Reluctant. D) Outgoing. E) Undemonstrative.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 7. Somerset Maugham is a novelist ______________ about a restless man’s quest for inner understanding in The Razor’s Edge. A) Whom wrote. B) Wrote. C) Who wrote. D) Who wrote this. E) When he wrote.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 8. Read the extract below and answer the question that follows. Football is the universal language of scores of millions of people around the world, including countless children and teenagers. Young people play in narrow, urban alleyways. They play in refugee camps. They play in abandoned swimming pools. In car parks, war zones, on street corners – wherever there are young people, it seems there is football. But the sport is more than just a game. It’s a positive lifestyle. It’s a way to promote a peaceful approach to conflict resolution. It’s a tool for wooing a young body away from the lures of drugs, unsafe sex, or violence. It’s a way to help ensure that young people grow up healthy, fit and full of self-esteem. And what’s more, it’s a manifestation of the right to play that the Convention of the Rights of the Child includes as one of the fundamental rights of all children. The short sentences in the text illustrate the fact that the practice of football is so widespread that: A) It can be a decisive factor for world peace. B) It is played even under adverse weather conditions. C) It can be played by any kind of people regardless of their age or social status. D) It can change anyone’s lifestyle. E) It is played in any area in spite of its size or terrain conditions.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 9. Which alternative is complementary to the following reasoning? It seems most food retailers are putting out green food products to answer existing consumer demand rather than A) Pushing to change consumption patterns. B) Banning retailers from consuming green food. C) Removing low calorie from consumers’ diet. D) Providing more sustainable drawbacks. E) Selling fast food to children.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 10) Which alternative is incorrect? A) She made her dresses. B) She broke her dresses. C) She ironed her dresses. D) She put away her dresses. E) She folded her dresses.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 12. Which alternative provides a sentence that has the closest meaning to the following sentence? She can’t be well paid. A) She wears the latest fashions. B) She drives an old car. C) She likes to help the poor. D) She’s just taken a trip around Europe. E) She must have an ugly husband.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 13. Choose the correct answer. You should put the trash out, _____________ aunt Connie will be furious. A) Despite B) However C) Even if D) Otherwise E) Instead of
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 16. Which of the underlined segments is grammatically wrong? If I have to fly, I would get very nervous, so I usually drive. A) Drive B) Would C) Fly D) If E) So
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 17. Which alternative provides a sentence that has the closest meaning to the following sentence? I’m very obliged to you for helping me. A) I’m very grateful to you for seeing me through my problems. B) I feel the obligation of seeking your help. C) I felt obligated to sort out my problems. D) I was obligated to seek your help. E) I’m obligated to resolve my problems.
December 2019 | 2 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês pode me ajudar com essa questão? 18. Circle the correct answer. “How long are you going to work?” A) At 3:30 p.m. B) Until 8 o’clock. C) From Friday. D) In July. E) For 2 meters.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom em inglês pode me ajuda com essa questão? 20. Choose the correct answer. James had just plugged ____ his new sound system and turned the volume ____. Suddenly, the sound faded _____ and the equipment blew _____. A) On/up/in/over. B) In/up/away/up. C) Out/over/up/up. D) In/down/up/into. E) On/down/away/over.
December 2019 | 2 Respostas
Alguém bom em inglês pode me ajuda com essa questão? 21. Circle the correct answer. “Was your brother out of town last week?” A) Yes, he will. B) Yes, he did. C) Yes, he does. D) Yes, he was. E) Yes, he can.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom em inglês pode me ajuda com essa questão? 22. Which alternative provides a sentence that has the closest meaning to the following sentence? We had to settle for the smaller apartment because it was closer to my office. A) The smaller the apartment the closer to my office. B) We accepted to move into the smaller apartment. C) We decided to work close to the smaller apartment. D) It was worse to live close to my office. E) We preferred to work close to home.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom em inglês pode me ajuda com essa questão? 23. Which alternative provides a sentence that has the closest meaning to the following sentence? I can’t wait to do it. A) I’m running around like crazy. B) It seems dull. C) I’d better forget about it. D) I guess I’ll be away. E) I’m dying to do it.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom em inglês pode me ajuda com essa questão? 24. Which alternative is correct for all the sentences? You should __________ away your books. / You must __________ out your cigarette. / You have __________ on some weight. A) Put. B) Do. C) Get. D) Be. E) Make.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom em inglês pode me ajuda com essa questão? 25. Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow. Children display an amazing ability to become fluent speakers of any language consistently spoken around them. Every normal human child who is not reared in virtual isolation from language use soon comes to speak one or more languages natively. The child’s acquisition of his native language is not known to be dependent on any special tutoring. Some parents may try to “reinforce” their child’s verbal behavior with smiles or other rewards, or to bridge the gap between their mature linguistic competence and the child’s incipient one by means of “baby talk” but there is no particular reason to believe that such activity bears on the child’s ultimate success in becoming a native speaker of this parents’ language; children can pick up a language just as well by playing with other children who happen to speak it as they can through the concentrated efforts of doting parents. Little is known about the specific environmental factors that make it possible for language acquisition to occur, but the primary ingredient would appear to be merely sufficient exposure to language use in a social context. According to the text, one can infer that a person raised in the United States speaks English principally because it is: A) An international language. B) The language of his parents. C) A practical language. D) The language spoken around him. E) The language taught at school.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês poderia me ajudar com essa questão? 26. Which alternative is complimentary to the following reasoning? When a work accident happens, it is important to learn about the causes and implement measures. A) That haven’t been heard of. B) With the goal to increase the mishap frequency. C) With the goal that such an accident does not happen again. D) That would favor death toll in long term. E) That might seem awkward to many.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês poderia me ajudar com essa questão? 27. Circle the correct answer. A) How long does take it to get to Paris? B) How long to get to Paris does it take? C) How long does Paris take to get to it? D) How long Paris does it take to get to? E) How long does it take to get to Paris?
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês poderia me ajudar com essa questão? 28. Which of the following segments is grammatically wrong? Let’s do an effort to help Mom. I’ll make the beds and you do the dishes. A) ‘ll B) To help C) Do the dishes D) Do an effort E) Make the beds
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguém bom de inglês poderia me ajudar com essa questão? 29. Circle the correct answer. “Do you want some cheese?” A) Yes, give me some. B) Yes, give me many. C) Yes, give me any. D) Yes, give me someone. E) Yes, give me none.
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