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January 2020 | 1 Respostas
Alterar as frases para o passado: 1. I have many peoples on my contact list. 2. It's sunny. 3. I learn german from my father. 4. Do you put the eraser in the pencil case? 5. He wears his cap to school. 6. She takes a taxi to work. 7. The teacher is in a hurry to finish the class. 8. They go to the food court at lunchtime.
January 2020 | 2 Respostas
Qual é a resposta??? 1. He________to school with his neighbor today. (a)Went (b) go (c) going 2. how is the________today? (a) time (b) weather (c)sunny 3. Mom_______Pasta for dinner yesterday (a)cooked (b)cooking (c) cooks 4. We____ a delicious piece of chocolate cake for dessert. (a) has (b) had (c)eating 5. My birthday is on_____________. (a) April 10 (b) April 16 (c) April 16th 6. Are my________clean? (a) tooths (b) teeth (c)tooth
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
ME AJUDEMMM! URGENTE!!! S.O.S 1- Relacione as oracoes. ( 1 ) Subordinada adverbial ( 2 ) Subordinada Adjetiva ( ) Marcelo estudava quando o telefone tocou. ( ) Fechou a porta que estava pintada. ( ) Recife, que e a veneza brasileira, ve-se as voltas com a violencia. ( ) A casa cujo teto e de madeira foi transformada em museu. ( ) Serao premiados os ouvintes que ligarem agora para o numero. ( ) A fruta caiu do pe pois estava madura. ( ) Que seja tudo como Deus quiser. 2 - Retire do exercicio anterior uma oracao A) Subordinada adverbial conformativa B) Subordinada adjetiva restritiva C) Subordinada adverbial temporal D) Subordinada adjetiva explicativa E) Subordinada adverbial causal -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ (Desculpas pelos erros, meu teclado nao tem acentos...)
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Continue the sentences: 1. I forgot to ask __________________ 2. He decided to wear __________________ 3. She rarely __________________ 4. they usually __________________ 5. the fireman waited for __________________ 6. unfortunately, the boss lost __________________ 7. He invited __________________ 8. She was excited to __________________
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Match 1. couch/2. wardrobe/3. public/4. lamp/5. hanger/6. bridge/7. receipt/8. stapler ( ) Not private ( ) A piece of furniture to sit on ( ) Makes papers stay together ( ) A place to walk over a river ( ) A piece of furniture to put clothes in ( ) A slip of paper you get when you buy something ( ) Goes in a closet to put clothes up ( ) Lights up part of a room
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
20 pontos! Make sentences: (com as palavras) 1. chew 2. cheat 3. cash 4. sheet 5. heat 6. leap AJUDE-ME
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Match: (AJUDE-ME DOU !20 pontos!) 1. couch/2. wardrobe/3. public/4. lamp/5. hanger/6. bridge/7. receipt/8. stapler ( ) Not private ( ) A piece of furniture to sit on ( ) Makes papers stay together ( ) A place to walk over a river ( ) A piece of furniture to put clothes in ( ) A slip of paper you get when you buy something ( ) Goes in a closet to put clothes up ( ) Lights up part of a room
December 2019 | 2 Respostas
AJUDE-ME -> !20 PONTOS! <- Choose the best alternative 1. Did you _______ your teeth already? a)clean b)wash c)brush d)wear 2. Do you have a _______ on anyone in your class? a)ring b)love c)fall in love d)crush 3. If your shoulder hurts _______, call the doctor. a) still b)again c)same d)yet 4. I _______ find my whiteout on my desk. a)can`t b)doesn`t c)ins`t d) want
December 2019 | 2 Respostas
Quais foram as leis de newton?
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
!AJUDE-ME! (20 PONTOS) substitua as palavras destacadas: How old is *he*? how old are you? i`m *14* years old. *He* is *14* years old. ------------------------------ Is she doing anything different *this weekend*? are you doing anything different *this weekend*? yes, I`m going to *my grandpa`s farm*. yes, she is going to *her grandpa`s farm*. ------------------------------ did he get a broken *arm* because he fell down? did you get a broken *arm* because you fell down? no, i fell down and got a broken *leg*. no, he fell down and got a broken *leg*. ------------------------------ is her *cell phone* annoying when it rings? is your *cell phone* annoying when it rigs? yes, it is really annoying when it rigs. yes, it is really annoying when it rigs. ----------------- (A conversa precisa fazer sentido)
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
!AJUDE-ME! (20 PONTOS) substitua as palavras destacadas: How old is *he*? how old are you? i`m *14* years old. *He* is *14* years old. ------------------------------ Is she doing anything different *this weekend*? are you doing anything different *this weekend*? yes, I`m going to *my grandpa`s farm*. yes, she is going to *her grandpa`s farm*. ------------------------------ did he get a broken *arm* because he fell down? did you get a broken *arm* because you fell down? no, i fell down and got a broken *leg*. no, he fell down and got a broken *leg*. ------------------------------ is her *cell phone* annoying when it rings? is your *cell phone* annoying when it rigs? yes, it is really annoying when it rigs. yes, it is really annoying when it rigs. ----------------- (A conversa precisa fazer sentido)
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Compare a diversidade geografica do continente africano com sua posicao geografica
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
(1: responder as perguntas/2: completar as sentenças) {INGLÊS}
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
(1: completar com as expressões indicadas/2: responder as frases)
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
(1: marcar a resposta certa, 2: complete as frases)
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
!!!ME AJUDEM POR FAVOR! MASCAR AS ALTERNATIVAS CORRETAS: 1. They were __________ to check their e-mail ut the connection was slow. (a)trying (b)tries (c) tried 2. Do you sometimes sleep ________ to couch? (a) for (b) at (c) on 3. ___________, I prefer to haver classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. (a) What`s your name again (b) How about (c) Actually 4. Portuguese isn`t _________ English. (a) very easy (b) easy (c) as easy as 5. I can`t eat _______ fruits like lemon. (a) sweet (b) sour (c) bitter 6. Should we wait ____________ you in front of your house? (a) for (b) at (c) to -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLETE AS FRASES: 1. They bought a new ______________________. 2. She`s a great student, besides __________________. 3. The teacher underlined the __________. 4. He ran to ______________________. 5. Were you waiting for ________________? 6. Seriously, you should __________________. 7. Is there any ______________________? 8. Could you please ___________________? --------------------------------------------------------------- PASSAR AS FRASES PARA O PLURAL: 1. There is a shop that sells light bulbs near here. 2. There wasn`t a teacher reading the test, 3. Is there an American teacher at your school? 4. There is a cupcake for you in the fridge. 5. Was there a child alone at the mall? 6. There isn`t a book I want to buy here. 7. Is there a chair that I can use in this room? 8. There was a sticker on her notebook.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
!!!ME AJUDEM POR FAVOR! MASCAR AS ALTERNATIVAS CORRETAS: 1. They were __________ to check their e-mail ut the connection was slow. (a)trying (b)tries (c) tried 2. Do you sometimes sleep ________ to couch? (a) for (b) at (c) on 3. ___________, I prefer to haver classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. (a) What`s your name again (b) How about (c) Actually 4. Portuguese isn`t _________ English. (a) very easy (b) easy (c) as easy as 5. I can`t eat _______ fruits like lemon. (a) sweet (b) sour (c) bitter 6. Should we wait ____________ you in front of your house? (a) for (b) at (c) to -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLETE AS FRASES: 1. They bought a new ______________________. 2. She`s a great student, besides __________________. 3. The teacher underlined the __________. 4. He ran to ______________________. 5. Were you waiting for ________________? 6. Seriously, you should __________________. 7. Is there any ______________________? 8. Could you please ___________________? --------------------------------------------------------------- PASSAR AS FRASES PARA O PLURAL: 1. There is a shop that sells light bulbs near here. 2. There wasn`t a teacher reading the test, 3. Is there an American teacher at your school? 4. There is a cupcake for you in the fridge. 5. Was there a child alone at the mall? 6. There isn`t a book I want to buy here. 7. Is there a chair that I can use in this room? 8. There was a sticker on her notebook.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Numere na ordem: I was bored ( ) I was trying to call you. Your parents wanted to know where you were. ( ) I'm sorry. I didn't hear my phone ring. ( ) I was bored so I went to the mall to buy some ice cream. ( ) Where were you last night? ( ) What happened? ( ) I went out, why?
December 2019 | 2 Respostas
PASSE AS FRASES PARA O PLURAL 1. There is a shop that sells light bulbs near here.| 2. There wasn`t a teacher reading the test. 3. Is there an American teacher at your school? 4. There is a cupcake for you in the fridge. 5. Was there a child alone at the mall? 6. There isn`t a book I want to buy here. 7. Is there a chair that I can use in this room? 8. There was a sticker on her notebook.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Alguem sabe alguma palavra que eu posso por no lugar de `cake`. *Cake* tastes really good.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
VALE 50 PONTOS! ME AJUDEM: Explique como surgiu o estado islamico, quais sao seus objetivos e formas de atuacao.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
VALENDO 100 pontos!1. marque a alternativa correta2. complete as sentenças(inglês)
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
100 PONTOS1. marque a alternativa correta.2. completa as sentenças.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
(100 PONTOS, ME AJUDEM!!!)change the sentences acoordinng to the exemple.
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