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July 2023 | 2 Respostas
Podem me ajudar com estas perguntas? Tenho ainda mais dúvida com relação as letras maiúsculas em algumas, como china e China e wednesday e Wednesday. 1- Please select the correct answer. A)As a politician, he was a bull in a china shop and often had to say sorry for his rough speech. B)As a politician, he was a bull in a China shop and often had to say sorry for his rough speech. C)As a politician, he was a bull in a china shop and often had to say sorry for his rough speach. D)As a politician, he was a bull in a China shop and often had to say sorry for his ruff speech. 2- Please select the correct answer. A) In this way, the author helped create a new type of childrens’ literature. B)In this way, the author helped create a new type of children’s literature. C)In this way, the autor helped create a new type of children’s literature. D)In this way, the autor helped create a new type of childrens’ literature. 3-Please select the correct answer. A)Truffles are a type of subterranean fungus typically found among the routes of specific varieties of trees. B)Truffles are a type of subterranean fungus typically founded among the roots of specific varieties of trees. C)Truffles are a type of subterranean fungus typically found among the roots of specific varieties of trees. D)Truffles are a type of subterranean fungus typically founded among the routes of specific varieties of trees. 4- Please select the correct answer. A)School spirit day is not just about taking a brake from regular classroom activities, it's about bringing the school together as a whole. B)School spirit day is not just about taking a break from regular classroom activities, it's about bringing the school together as a hole. C)School spirit day is not just about taking a break from regular classroom activities, it's about bringing the school together as a whole. D)School spirit day is not just about taking a brake from regular classroom activities, its about bringing the school together as a whole. 5-Please select the correct answer. A)Most of the trees cut down each year are cleaned to make space for growing cocoa and soybeans that are the raw materials for chocolate and serial. B)Most of the trees cut down each year are cleared to make space for growing cocoa and soybeans that are the raw materials for chocolate and serial. C) Most of the trees cut down each year are cleaned to make space for growing cocoa and soybeans that are the raw materials for chocolate and cereal. D)Most of the trees cut down each year are cleared to make space for growing cocoa and soybeans that are the raw materials for chocolate and cereal. 6- Please select the correct answer. A)These new properties provide inpressive luxury hotels on the river banks. B)These new properties provide impressive luxury hotels on the river banks. C)These new propertys provide impressive luxury hotels on the river banks. D)These new propertys provide inpressive luxury hotels on the river banks. 7-Please select the correct answer. A)Natalie Spilman, a member of the Student Council, and others had insisted to school staff that the video should not be included in the event. B) Natalie Spilman, a member of the Student Council, and others had insisted to school staff that the video should not be imcluded in the event. C)Natalie Spilman, a member of the Student Council, and others had insisted to school stuff that the video should not be included in the event. D)Natalie Spilman, a member of the Student Council, and others had insisted to school stuff that the video should not be imcluded in the event. 8- Please select the correct answer. A)The demonstrators remained around Parliament on Wednesday, with few showing sings of packing up. B)The demonstrators remained around Parliament on wednesday, with few showing signs of packing up. C)The demonstrators remained around Parliament on wednesday, with few showing sings of packing up. D)The demonstrators remained around Parliament on Wednesday, with few showing signs of packing up. 9-Please select the correct answer. A)Ancient Egyptian literature, along with Sumerian literature, are considered the world's oldest literatures. B)Ancient egyptian literature, along with sumerian literature, are considered the world's oldest literatures. C)Ancient egyptian literature, along with sumerian literature, are considered the world's eldest literatures. D)Ancient Egyptian literature, along with Sumerian literature, are considered the world's eldest literatures. 10-Please select the correct answer. A)Giving a gift helps heal and strongthen a relationship. B)Giving a gift helps heel and strengthen a relationship. C)Giving a gift helps heal and strengthen a relationship. D)Giving a gift helps heel and strongthen a relationship.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Como identificar um adjunto adnominal?
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
Juros Simples: Durante quanto tempo um capital de R$370,00 deve ficar aplicado, há taxa de juros simples de 2,5% ao mês, para que renda juros de R$83,25?
December 2019 | 2 Respostas
Preciso de uma explicação de aposto e vocativo.
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
A)1/2x+1/3x= B)8x+1/2x=
December 2019 | 1 Respostas
(Livro de história do 9 ano, pg 97) 8-Descreva a imagem, destacando os elementos que mais chamam sua atenção. 9-Por que essa obra é considerada uma das principais representantes do movimento dadaísta?
November 2019 | 1 Respostas
Resumo dessa página...
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
Quais foram os reis que se destacaram na Mesopotâmica?
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Por qual motivo as civilizações da Mesopotâmia entraram em conflito?
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Sistema de governo no qual o governante é apresentado como representante de deus da terra ou mesmo como o próprio Deus:
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
Sistema de governo no qual o governante é apresentado como representante de deus da terra ou mesmo como o próprio Deus:
September 2019 | 2 Respostas
Por qual motivo as civilizações da Mesopotâmia entravam em conflitos?
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Quais foram os reis que se destacaram na Mesopotâmia?
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Quais foram em que datas aconteceram as competições internacionais antes da primeira Copa do Mundo?
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A tradição mitológica é de exclusividade dos gregos?
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A tradição mitológica é de exclusividade dos gregos? Explique
August 2019 | 1 Respostas
Qual é a situação atual dos índios no Brasil?
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June 2019 | 1 Respostas
3.Observe a tabela a seguir e, depois, responda às questões.A.Quais são as magnitudes de terremoto que mais ocorrem na Terra?B.Explique como são originados os terremotos e tremores da terra e diga como é possível conhecer a estrutura interna do planeta por meio da análise desses fenômenos.
June 2019 | 1 Respostas
Explique como são originados os terremotos e tremores de terra e diga como é possível conhecer a estrutura interna do planeta por meio da análise desses fenômenos.
May 2019 | 2 Respostas
Por que a natação é comemorada no dia 8 de abril? Por que esse dia?
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