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April 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour voici mon rapport de stage de 3ème en crèche que je dois faire en anglais. Pouvez vous me dire si c'est correct?Merci Good morning/afternoon mrs... My name is ... I'm in a 4° and I'm fourteen. I'm afraid that my voice trembles because I'm feeling uncomfortable here. I'm quite patient, I'm very polite and I'm extremely responsible it's why I've done a training perod in a playgroup. The playgroup situated in Seynod names " Babilou pomme d'amour". There are thirteen employees in this company. Of course they have to look after children, play with them, cooking meals, prepare baby bottles and change diapers. My tutor is very kind and her name is... At the snack time I had to help the employyes to peel fruits. I was keen on doing that! I did odd jobs like cooking, blow the nose of a child, bring tissue to employees. I was fond of doing this training period but sometimes I as bored when the children took a nap. I really enjoyed because I'm interested in lookinf after children and babies. I love them! My mum sais to me " they cry all day! ". But it's not exactly that. Actually the playgroup isn't very noisy. If I have a job that I love, I prefer working because for me taking care of children and practicing theater isn't a job : it's a passion. After my studies, maybe I waill go to a theater school in Lyons and become an actress because it's my dream and I'm crazy about practicing theater. But I would like to work also in a playgroup or in a nursery school because since I was a little girl, I'm keen on looking after children and babies. So I still hesitate.
April 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour Les parents d'Evan souhaitent acheter une voiture.Finalement ils se décident pour un véhicule existant en 2 modèles: l'un essence et l'autre diesel Véhicule diesel: Consommation moyenne aux 100km:4.2L Prix moyen d'un litre de carburant:1.339euro Prix du véhicule; 24 100 euro Véhicule essence: Consommation moyenne aux 100km: 6.4L Prix moyen d'un litre de carburant:1.449euro Prix du véhicule: 21 550 euro 1) Pour se décider,les parents d'Evan demandent au vendeur:"combien de millier de kilomètre faut t-il parcourir pour que l'achat de la version diesel soit plus avantageux?" Aidez le vendeur à répondre 2)Les parents d'Evan parcourt en moyenne 25000km par an et pensent conserver ce véhicule au moins 3 ans.Quel modèle leur conseillerez-vous? J'ai essayer avec des calculs par essai successif et avec x mais je n'y arrive pas de plus je doit rendre ce DM dans 2 jours alors merci de m'aider Merci
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