Bonjour, j'ai une notion en anglais pour le bac à préparer sur "idea of progress" pouvez vous me dire si j'ai fais des fautes et me donner quelques conseilles ? Merci d'avance :) Progress is necessary in having a successful life, without progress well all would just remain where we are forever. But the thing about progress is change accompanies it and many people are indeed afraid to change. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in terms of sciences, technology and social organization. However, progress is a matter of some debates and one may ask the following question : Should we fear progress and fight against it or adapt to it ? To answer this question, I will start by technological progress, then scientific progress and finally social progress. To begin with, technology has a real impact in our daily life and technological advances have greatly increased our living standards. For example the invention of the cell phone in 1973 by Martin Cooper an American engineer, has revolutionized our lifestyles, it is now easier to talk with people on the other side of the world. On the other hand, technological progress may also be harmful. With the advent of the internet and social networks, such as Facebook which was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, people must be careful because information on the internet can be potential obstacles to our working life and they never disappear. Then, thanks to advances in sciences, medicine has become much more efficient and accessible for more and more people around the world. It is now possible to cure some cancers, for exemple, in the ‘50s only 35 percent of patients would survive at the end of 5 years whereas today with 70 percent of survivors. In contrast, with genetic manipulation people could choose cosmetic characteristics in order to create a human model of perfection. Of course the main objective of scientists into cure genetic diseases, but we know the human can be able to do terrible things like the atomic bomb. In addition, since the beginning of mankind, there has always been inequalities in society. For example, the racial segregation in the United States in the 20th century were present in part because of Jim Crow Laws. These laws involved the separation of black and white communities. For example to work, to stand in line, to take the train or to eat. Today, instead, there are still inequalities between black and white people but much progress has been occurred. To conclude, progress is very important to live in better conditions but it shouldn't be used for anything and all the time otherwise it can be dangerous.

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