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October 2019 | 1 Respostas
Dois homens puxam horizontalmente um poste por meieo de cordas, sendo o ângulo entre elas igual a 45 graus, Se um dos homens exerce uma força de 144 N e o outro uma força de 169 N, calcule a intensidade da força resultante. Adote cos 45º = sen 45º = 0,7
October 2019 | 1 Respostas
São dadas duas forças : F = 12N , na horizontal e para a direita e F2 = 20N, na vertical para baixo. Com relação a essas duas forças, podemos afirmar: ( com conta tudo , resposta tudo) a. são iguais b. tem mesmo sentido c. tem a mesma direçao d. são opostas e. tem módulos iguais
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
Se ajudar crio outra pergunta com muito ponto. Facebook is the world's largest social network, with 750 million users worldwide as of July 2011. More than any other company, it is defining what some see as the "social'' era of the Internet. And its policies, more than any others, seem to be driving the definition of privacy in this new age. The company, founded in 2004 by a Harvard undergraduate, began life catering first to Harvard students and then to all high school and college students. It has since evolved into a broadly popular online destination used by both teenagers and adults of all ages. In country after country, Facebook has cemented itself as the leader and often displacing other social networks. It has also come to be seen as one of the new titans of the Internet, challenging even Google with a vision of a Web tied together through personal relationships and recommendations. The company's rise has been marked by strings of controversies. Three other Harvard students maintain that they came up with the original idea and that Mr. Zuckerberg, whom they had hired to write code for the site, stole the idea to create Facebook. "The Social Network," a movie released in 2010 about Facebook’s tumultuous origins, offered up what A.O. Scott called "a creation story for the digital age and something of a morality tale, one driven by desire, marked by triumph, contaminated by betrayal and inspired by the new gospel: the geek shall inherit the earth." Mr. Zuckerberg disputed the characterization of him in the film, though in a New Yorker magazine profile, he acknowledged having indulged in a bit of immature arrogance. Ajudem-me. Falso cognato e Caso genitivo
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
Encontrar os falsos cognatos e os casos genitivos do texto abaixo! | V Facebook is the world's largest social network, with 750 million users worldwide as of July 2011. More than any other company, it is defining what some see as the "social'' era of the Internet. And its policies, more than any others, seem to be driving the definition of privacy in this new age. The company, founded in 2004 by a Harvard undergraduate, began life catering first to Harvard students and then to all high school and college students. It has since evolved into a broadly popular online destination used by both teenagers and adults of all ages. In country after country, Facebook has cemented itself as the leader and often displacing other social networks. It has also come to be seen as one of the new titans of the Internet, challenging even Google with a vision of a Web tied together through personal relationships and recommendations. The company's rise has been marked by strings of controversies. Three other Harvard students maintain that they came up with the original idea and that Mr. Zuckerberg, whom they had hired to write code for the site, stole the idea to create Facebook. "The Social Network," a movie released in 2010 about Facebook’s tumultuous origins, offered up what A.O. Scott called "a creation story for the digital age and something of a morality tale, one driven by desire, marked by triumph, contaminated by betrayal and inspired by the new gospel: the geek shall inherit the earth." Mr. Zuckerberg disputed the characterization of him in the film, though in a New Yorker magazine profile, he acknowledged having indulged in a bit of immature arrogance.
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
Cite 25 falsos cognatos (e dê exemplo com frases, e que nessas frases devem possuir verbos irregulares.)
September 2019 | 1 Respostas
Em relação à figura seguinte, calcule a soma dos angulos x e y.
April 2019 | 1 Respostas
A Revolução Industrial, ocorrida na Inglaterra a partir de meados do século XVIII, pode ser pensada como uma mudança sem precedentes na história do mundo produtivo, que resultou em transformações de ordem econômica e social. A respeito desta Revolução inglesa no momento assinalado, é correto afirmar que: a) repercutiu na imediata mecanização do campo, promovendo intenso êxodo rural. b) garantiu melhores condições de vida aos trabalhadores das fábricas a partir de extensa legislação trabalhista. c) mudou o padrão de relacionamento entre o homem e a natureza, além de alterar as relações entre os homens na sociedade inglesa da época. d) implicou em uma reduzida racionalidade, causando prejuízos aos proprietários das fábricas, os donos dos meios de produção. e) assinalou mais que ruptura, uma continuidade na percepção do tempo, ainda marcada pela ideia de que o tempo era de Deus, e não do homem.
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