Questão 1 Bill ................... really hard at the moment because his company has just received a big order from China. Escolha uma: a. is working b. work c. are working d. do working e. working Questão 2 Note: Observe atentamente os verbos e atenção no acréscimo do ING , nas Regrinhas que você aprendeu . Os verbos terminados em E , tira-se o E para acrescentar o ING, os Verbos terminados em IE, troca-se o IE por Y, etc. Aula – Present Continuous Tense. Thank you so much ! Love you ! ( to lie: mentir / lie on - deitar / suntanned: bronzeamento /chop: cortar, picar /write: escrever) Fill in the blanks using the present continuous of the verbs given. chop – lie – picnic – write a) I ______________ an e-mail to my boss to explain everything that happened. b) Mom ______________ onions and carrots to prepare the soup. c) They ______________ at the park now. d) She ______________ on the beach getting suntanned. Escolha uma: a. am writing / are choping / are picnickking / is lieying b. am chopping / is writing/ is picnicking / are lying c. am writeing / is choping / are picnicking / is lieing d. am writing / is chopping / are picnicking / is lying e. am / are / are / is Questão 3 Note: Essa questão gostaria que você estivesse bem atento (a) ao sentindo das frase, os verbos estarão todos no Present Continous Tense (ING) : ( run: corer, talk: conversar/ live: morar / wear: vestir) Match the columns to have good sense statements. I ______________________ to you. Resposta 1 Escolher... _______________ with your brother? (Interrogative) Resposta 2 Escolher... The bride ________________ white dress. (She) Resposta 3 Escolher... They ________________________ fast. (negative)

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