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August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Are There Hidden Truths in Dreams? Imagine waking up after dreaming about a horrible plane crash. The next day you plan to make a plane journey that you have planned long before. Will you get on the plane? A survey shows that you may not cancel your trip but your dream will probably influence your thoughts just as if there had been a real plane accident. The study says that dreams are a window to the mind and they may influence what we are really doing while we are awake. Until Sigmund Freud published his famous book on "The Interpretation of Dreams" in 1899 we hadn't really thought very much about what dreams mean. Freud called dreams a "path to the unconscious" and for more than a century researchers and scientists have been trying to find . out what dreams mean The Interpretation of dreams is still an unclear area. A team of researchers at Harvard University are entering a new field of studies: Do dreams actually Influence our behavior? They have conducted studies in different cultures and found out that dreams contain hidden truths. Commuters in Boston, for example, said that dreams affected the way they live and work. 68% said that dreams foretell the future and 63% said that at least one of their dreams Researchers, however, warn that dreams may also lead to trouble as well. If you dream that have come true. your husband or wife is cheating on you, you may be so influenced by this so much that it could cause problems in your relationship or even provoke an affair. The sentence "you may not cancel your trip" has a similar meaning to: A- You are prohibited to cancel your trip. B-You are not allowed to cancel your trip. C-You might not cancel your trip. D-You will not cancel your trip. E-You can not cancel your trip.
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Are There Hidden Truths In Dreams? Imagine waking up after dreaming about a horrible plane crash. The next day you plan to make a plane journey that you have planned long before. Will you get on the plane? A survey shows that you may not cancel your trip but your dream will probably influence your thoughts just as if there had been a real plane accident. The study says that dreams are a window to the mind and they may influence what we are really doing while we are awake. Until Sigmund Freud published his famous book on "The Interpretation of Dreams" in 1899 we hadn't really thought very much about what dreams mean. Freud called dreams a "path to the unconscious" and for more than a century researchers and scientists have been trying to find out what dreams mean. The interpretation of dreams is still an unclear area. A team of researchers at Harvard University are entering a new field of studies: Do dreams actually influence our behavior? They have conducted studies in different cultures and found out that dreams contain hidden truths. Commuters in Boston, for example, said that dreams affected the way they live and work. 68% sald that dreams foretell the future and 63% said that at least one of their dreams have come true. Researchers, however, warn that dreams may also lead to trouble as well. If you dream that your husband or wife is cheating on you, you may be so influenced by this so much that it could cause problems in your relationship or even provoke an affair. According to the text: A Most people in the study believe dreams come true. B Nobody belleves that dreams predict the future. C Every person is influenced by dreams. D Very few people are affected by dreams. E Some dreams may make people behave differently.
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Question: 5 of 12 Why do we sleep? Pythons, bats and giant armadillos are among the longest sleepers at over 18 hours a day. Human babies need 16 hours, and most of us probably feel we need around eight hours sleep to function well. Professor Jerry Seigel from the University of California, Los Angeles, conducted a study of the sleep times of a broad range of animals and found that they vary widely. Some, like migrating birds, can survive long periods without sleeping at all. He believes that shows sleep evolved to conserve energy. Jerry Seigel: 'It's animals that are needlessly active that will not survive, but animals that are most efficient and use their waking time to do vital functions, and are otherwise asleep that will survive. Sleep helps make best use of limited resources. In humans, when we're awake, our brain accounts for 20% of the energy we use when just sitting around. Sleeping also makes us less likely to get injured and less likely to be detected by predators. In the text, the underlined words "sleep", "animals" and "widely" function as: A Noun-noun-adverb B adjective-noun-adverb C adjective- noun- adjective D Noun-noun-adjective E Nour- adjective-adverb
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Why do we sleep? Pythons, bats and giant armadillos are among the longest sleepers at over 18 hours a day. Human babies need 16 hours, and most of us probably feel we need around eight hours sleep to function well. Professor Jerry Seigel from the University of California, Los Angeles, conducted a study of the sleep times of a broad range of animals and found that they vary widely. Some, like migrating birds, can survive long periods without sleeping at all. He belleves that shows sleep evolved to conserve energy. Jerry Seigel: 'It's animals that are needlessly active that will not survive, but animals that are most efficient and use their waking time to do vital functions, and are otherwise asleep that will survive.' Sleep helps make best use of limited resources. In humans, when we're awake, our brain accounts for 20% of the energy we use when just sitting around. Sleeping also makes us less likely to get injured and less likely to be detected by predators. According to the text: A Bats do not need to sleep as much as humans. B All the animals need to sleep the same amount of hours. C Birds and pythons do not need to sleep a lot. D Migrating birds never sleep. And Babies need to sleep more than adults.
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Naples pizza protected by EU For 25 years pizza makers in Naples have been trying to get their product protected, and now it is, being granted a TSG, or Traditional Specialty Guaranteed label by the EU. The head of the pizza makers' association said the trademark was a great honor. The EU's agriculture commissioner said Neapolitan pizza was now part of Europe's food heritage. It means that all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing are, in future, supposed to be vetted by a special commission that will check standards. They include using only San Marzano tomatoes and fresh buffalo mozzarella cheese. The Italian farmers' association says that half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias currently use the wrong ingredients, like East European cheese or Ukrainian flour. Italy now tops the EU chart for products that are protected. It has 180, more than Spain or France. Protected status enables producers to not only boast about their exclusivity but also charge a premium. And now pizza makers from Naples will get their slice of the action. The sentence ".all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing are supposed to be vetted by a special commission" in the active voice would be: A special commission will vet all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing. B A special commission is supposed to vet all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing. C A special commission is supposed to be vetted all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing. D A special commission is supposedly vetting all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing. And a special commission has been supposed to vet all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing.
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Naples pizza protected by EU For 25 years pizza makers in Naples have been trying to get their product protected, and now it is, being granted a TSG, or Traditional Specialty Guaranteed label by the EU. The head of the pizza makers' association said the trademark was a great honor. The EU's agriculture commissioner said Neapolitan pizza was now part of Europe's food heritage. It means that all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing are, in future, supposed to be vetted by a special commission that will check standards. They include using only San Marzano tomatoes and fresh buffalo mozzarella cheese. The Italian farmers' association says that half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias currently use the wrong ingredients, like East European cheese or Ukrainian flour. Italy now tops the EU chart for products that are protected. It has 180, more than Spain or France. Protected status enables producers to not only boast about their exclusivity but also charge a premium. And now pizza makers from Naples will get their slice of the action. The sentence ".all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing are supposed to be vetted by a special commission" in the active voice would be: A special commission will vet all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing. B A special commission is supposed to vet all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing. C A special commission is supposed to be vetted all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing. D A special commission is supposedly vetting all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing. And a special commission has been supposed to vet all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing.
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Naples pizza protected by EU For 25 years pizza makers in Naples have been trying to get their product protected, and now it is, being granted a TSG, or Traditional Specialty Guaranteed label by the EU. The head of the pizza makers' association said the trademark was a great honor. The EU's agriculture commissioner said Neapolitan pizza was now part of Europe's food heritage. It means that all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing are, in future, supposed to be vetted by a special commission that will check standards. They include using only San Marzano tomatoes and fresh buffalo mozzarella cheese. The Italian farmers' association says that half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias currently use the wrong Ingredients, like East European cheese or Ukrainian flour. Italy now tops the EU chart for products that are protected. It has 180, more than Spain or France. Protected status enables producers to not only boast about their exclusivity but also charge a premium. And now pizza makers from Naples will get their slice of the action. The sentence: ".half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias currently use the wrong ingredients" in the Passive Voice would be: The wrong Ingredients have currently been used by half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias. B The wrong ingredients are currently being used by half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias. C The wrong ingredients are currently used by half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias. D The wrong Ingredients are currently being used by half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias. And The wrong ingredients are going to be currently used by half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias.
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Question: 12 of 12 Naples pizza protected by EU For 25 years pizza makers in Naples have been trying to get their product protected, and now it is, being granted a TSG, or Traditional Specialty Guaranteed label by the EU. The head of the pizza makers' association said the trademark was a great honor. The EU's agriculture commissioner sald Neapolitan pizza was now part of Europe's food heritage. It means that all pizzerias aspiring to supply the real thing are, in future, supposed to be vetted by a special commission that will check standards. They include using only San Marzano tomatoes and fresh buffalo mozzarella cheese. The Italian farmers' association says that half of Italy's 25,000 pizzerias currently use the wrong Ingredients, like East European cheese or Ukrainian flour. Italy now tops the EU chart for products that are protected. It has 180, more than Spain or France. Protected status enables producers to not only boast about their exclusivity but also charge a premium. And now pizza makers from Naples will get their slice of the action. The sentence "The EU's agriculture commissioner sald Neapolitan pizza was now part of Europe's food heritage." in the Direct Speech would be: A The EU's agriculture commissioner said: "Neapolitan pizza was now part of Europe's food heritage." B The EU's agriculture commissioner said: "Neapolitan pizza has now been part of Europe's food heritage." C The EU's agriculture commissioner said: "Neapolitan pizza is now being part of Europe's food heritage." D The EU's agriculture commissioner sald: "Neapolitan pizza will now be part of Europe's food heritage."E The EU's agriculture commissioner said: "Neapolitan pizza is now part of Europe's food heritage."
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