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February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour j'aurais besoin de vous pour cette exercice de niveau 3eme Soit a une fonction affine f Les points A (2;6) et B (5;18) appartiennent a sa représentation graphique. a) calculer le coefficient directeur de la fonction f b) calculer l'ordonnée a l'origine de la fonction f c) Quelle est l'expression algébrique la fonction f Je vous remercie d'avance de votre éventuelle aides :)
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour pourriez vous m'aidez je ne comprend pas: {2x-3y=3 -4x+5y=-7 et {3x+y=5 2x+3y=1 2 Voir les réponses leabangerter leabangerter 2x+4x=5y+3y=-7-36x=8y=-10 après pour le deuxième est tu sur qu'il ne manque pas un signe? abdouana abdouana 2x-3y=3 x=3(y+1)/2 x=3(y+1)/2 { <=> { <=> { -4x+5y=-7 -4x+5y=-7 -12(y+1)/2 +5y=-7 x=3(y+1)/2 x=3(y+1)/2 x=3 { <=> { donc { -y=-1 y=1 y=1 de meme pour le rest ^^
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Besoin de vous pour demain je ne comprend pas ! Résoudre les systemes suivants par substitution: 4x+4y=4 et 3(x+y)=7 x-y=-0.5 2y+2x=x+4
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
SVP pour demain: Résoudre 2x+3=-2x+15
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonsoir, puis je avoir votre aide ou plutôt votre avis sur ce texte: The apartheid is a political regim of discrimination racial, fonded from 1948 The political regim, was to allow a separate development the various communities of the country , The apartheid is a racist ideology, founded on a myth : the White would constitute chosen people and would be threatened by the interbreeding and the black population In 1950 , the government makes vote the first of the segregationist laws, there are 4 group racial : -White, mainly descendants of European immigrants . -Blacks and Batoustans - Coloureds -The Asiatics and a law obliges each group to lie in preset urban areas of dwelling In 1953, the public places are the object of separation. In 1959 , the country is divided into several zones . Finally, after much struggle, the South African government ended apartheid in 1994 . After that, equal rights were shared among both black and whites in law. Nelson Mandela became president when apartheid was ended. Nelson Mandela fought against apartheid throughout his life. Y a t-il des fautes ou est ce que c'est bien anglais??
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour je voudrais juste savoir si mon texte est clair, si vous comprenez et si j'ai fait des fautes me les indiqué merci : The apartheid is a political regim of discrimination racial, fonded from 1948 The political regim, was to allow a separate development the various communities of the country , The apartheid is a racist ideology, founded on a myth : the White would constitute chosen people and would be threatened by the interbreeding and the black population In 1950 , the government makes vote the first of the segregationist laws, there are 4 group racial : -White, mainly descendants of European immigrants . -Blacks and Batoustans - Coloureds -The Asiatics and a law obliges each group to lie in preset urban areas of dwelling In 1953 , the public places are the object of separation. In 1959 , the country is divided into several zones . Finally, after much struggle, the South African government ended apartheid in 1994 . After that, equal rights were shared among both black and whites in law. Nelson Mandela became president when apartheid was ended. Nelson Mandela fought against apartheid throughout his life.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour je suis en 1ereEs, un dm d'anglais me pose problème, le voici: As a representative of an aboriginal community, write an open letter to protest againt the treatment inflicted by tourism to aboriginal tradition and culture. Use whatever references to the history of aborigine mistreat ment by wite people as a contextual back ground. Be sure to use expressions of reproach,regret, anget Merci de votre aide
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour je suis en 1ereEs, un dm d'anglais me pose problème, le voici: As a representative of an aboriginal community, write an open letter to protest againt the treatment inflicted by tourism to aboriginal tradition and culture. Use whatever references to the history of aborigine mistreat ment by wite people as a contextual back ground. Be sure to use expressions of reproach,regret, anget Merci de votre aide
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