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February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Non exercice 7. seulement 6 et 8 SVP
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
L'exercice 64 s'il vous plaît
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Tous les exercices s'il vous plaît
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Les exercices 43,44,45 s'il vous plaît
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Expliquez le jeu sur le sens figuré dans les expressions: qui prennent feu sans s'échauffer qu'on dirait souvent faits de bois ils flambent [ils] sont froids
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Quel champ lexical composent les termes: vibrant, élastique, molécules inertes, prennent feu, s'échauffer, capacité de calorique [...], la ligne principale, la ligne diagonale?
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider SVP? Compete the phrases below 1. To be ........ , I don't really like it very much 2. He comes ............ as a bit reserved at first. But when you get to know him he's really nice. Use the word in brackets after each sentence to form a word that fits the gap. a- He was sentenced to five years' ............. for tax evasion and accepting bribes. (prison) b- Mrs Roberts's experience and .............. are generally acknowledged. (wise) c- A lot of crimes occur in the ........... zone, from which soldiers withdrew long ago. (military) d- His speaking skills improved ........... after he had spent two months in Britain. (consider) e- Remember that this information is strictly ............. -no one is supposed to learn about it. (confide) f- I'm afraid nausea and dizziness are ........ side effects of this medical treatment. (avoid)
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir j'ai besoin d'aide SVP Complete the gaps with words formed from the words in brackets The hotel offers comfortable, spacious bedrooms and delicious ........ (special) of the local cuisine. Grilled trout and home-made bread rank among visitors' favourites. The staff are competent, ........ (help) and always available. Most important, however, is the unique atmosphere of this place, ............. (special) in the evening, when the guests gather around the fireplace in the ............ ( style) dining hall, so different from those ..............( personal) lobbies of modern hotels. The prices are, ......... (predict), quite high but you are very .......... (like) to be disappointed by the quality of what is on offer. You will certainly enjoy the ......(close) to nature and the .......... (simple) and charm of this unusual place
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Est-ce que qqn pourrait m'aider? Complete the text with these words: so as not to, for, in case, so that,a rezult, so as to, caused by, because (2x), due, order that. An oxygen tank had exploded ......... to the failure of a thermostat, as .......... of this another oxygen tank also failed. The crew were 200'000 miles from Earth in a spaceship which ......... of the explosion had lost most of its power! The crew moved to another part of the spaceship and used the booster engines in .......... they might set themselves on course of Earth. The journey back was terrible. There were a lot of problems ....... the lack of power. The crew members drank one fifth of their normal water intake........ use up valuable water. They had to move air filters to a different part of the ship ........ avoid a built-up of carbon dioxide. When they approached Earth, they got rid of the damaged part of the ship......... it exploded on entry. When the crew finally landed, they were greeted as heroes........ they had shown great courage. The disaster helped NASA to develop procedures ........... rescuing space crews and double-checking spaceships ......... similar accidents would not happen again.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Aidez-moi SVP C'est pour demain Read the text and complete it with the correct form of these multi-part verbs. come out, make up for, get on, make out, give away, get through, carry out, do with, make up for Recently, the news .......... about a robot sheepdog called Rover. I couldn't ......... it ......... at first, because the robot works with a flock of geese, not sheep. It has been designed by the Robot Sheepdog Project which is being ....... by three postgraduate students in Britain. The study is to ........... both robotics and animal behavior and has been a great success. The robots can't move as fast as a dog or a person but this is .......... by the fact that they .......... better with animals than people or dogs. Apparently, research has shown that machines are less threatening to animals that people, so these robots can ....... to the geese. Rover is .......... a robot vehicle, a computer and a camera, it can gather a flock of geese together and move them to a particular place. One thing I'm not going to do is ........... this information to my dog.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir! Aider moi SVP Future continuous or future perfect? There are predictions about the future of a group classmates in 2020. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Future Continuous or the Future Perfect. 1. Patrick ............. ( write) at least a few popular cookery books. 2. Kylie ........... (take) part in a few expeditions to the Arctic. 3. Jeremy ............... (receive) two Oscars for best special effects in sci-fi films. 4. Peter ............ (write) best- selling horror stories. 5. Andrew ............ (look) after his children at home.
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Coucou j'espère que vous allez bien. J'ai quelques exercices dont je ne suis pas certaine de la réponse. Si vous pourriez m'aider.. Merci beaucoup à tous/toutes qui m'aideront 1.Transformez cette information pour la rendre incertaine : on vous a volé vos papiers au restaurant ?A. Aurait voléB. Avait voléC. A voléD. Aura volé2.Trouvez la forme verbale convenable pour montrer l'incertitude d'une conséquence : L'explosion de la canalisation de gaz ...... par une négligence du service d'entretienA. Aurait été provoquéeB. A été provoquéeC. Avait été provoquéeD. Est provoquée3.La bonne réponse est:Je t'assure que ça s'est passé comme ça, à moins qu'........ des histoires.A. On ne m'a racontéB. On ne me raconteC. On ne m'ait racontéOn ne m'avait raconté4.Choisissez la forme verbale qui convient :Quoique vous ..... je ne vous en voudrait jamais.A. FaitesB. Avez faitC. Ayez faitD. Aurez fait5.Remplacez les noms complément d'objet par un pronom.Ils apportent des livres aux enfants.A. Ils en leur apportentB. Ils leur en apportentC. Ils les leur apportentD. Ils les apportent à eux.6.Trouvez la bonne réponse pour remplacer les points.Il lui a répondu qu'elle ...... la semaine dernière.A. Était venueB. ViendraitC. VientD. Sera venue7.Tu viendras à la piscine avec moi l'après midi ?Oui, mais ..... je ne sois pas enrhuméA. SiB. Au cas oùC. Du moment queD. A condition que8. ...... la température a chuté cette nuit, les rues sont couvertes de verglas.A. À cause de B. CommeC. Grâce àD. Puisque9..... tu insistes, je t'accompagnerai au concertA. PourquoiB. PuisqueC. Parce queD. Comme10. Il de moque.... tout, il ne s'intéresse à rien A. ÀB. ParC. DeD. Pour11. Ils est trop tard ..... changer d'avisA. DeB. ÀC. PourD. Par12. Trouvez le bon emploi du pronom:" j'ai acheté des pommes des terres, donnez ... à Marie"A. Donnez-y à MarieB. Donnez-les à MarieC. Donnez-en à MarieD. Donnez-le à Marie13. Mettez au discours indirect la phrase: Tu viens faire du jogging avec moi?A. Luc a appelé à Marc d'aller faire du sportB. Luc a proposé à Marc d'aller faire du sportC. Luc a demandé à Marc d'aller faire du sportD. Luc a ordonné à Marc d'aller faire du sport.
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