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December 2020 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, je prépare mon oral blanc d'espagnol et j'aimerais une correction et un avis de mon texte sur la notion Lugares y Formas de Poder . Merci d'avance !Hoy, voy a tratar la noción de Lugares y formas de poder. El poder es la capacidad de influir en el comportamiento de los demás. Para vivir juntos, los miembros de una comunidad aceptan reglas, regulaciones y leyes. Esto ayuda a crear cohesión social, pero también puede generar conflictos y tensiones. Para ilustrar esta noción, hablare sobre la influencia del gobierno sobre las mujeres. Entonces me gustaría intentar responder la pregunta: ¿En que los hombres o el gobierno tiene un cierto poder sobre las mujeres? Centraré mi presentación en dos puntos: la época antes de la regresión en los años 30 y el machismo en el mundo laboral. Antes de la regresión la mujer obtuvo diferentes derechos: el derecho al voto y a ser elegidas gracias a la Constitución de 1931. Recibieron también el derecho a casarse o a divorciarse en 1932, hasta la regresión. Durante este período, la mujer perdió sus derechos y debía cumplir con reglas para que su marido sea feliz. En clase pudimos verlo gracias a la “Guía de la buena esposa”. La mujer se ocupaba de los niños, hacía las tareas domésticas como una perfecta y sumisa esposa y ama de casa. La condición de la mujer durante este período muestra que existían muchas desigualdades entre los hombres y las mujeres. Hoy, la condición de la mujer ha evolucionado, pero persisten todavía una cierta superioridad del hombre o un machismo. La mujer puede trabajar, pero, en las grandes empresas, persisten desigualdades como el hecho de que las mujeres cobran un sueldo inferior al de los hombres, a causa de la maternidad y de la posibilidad que las mujeres tengan jornadas más cortas ya que deben ocuparse de sus hijos. Para las empresas, la mujer favorece más la vida privada que la vida profesional en relación al hombre, lo que explica las diferencias de sueldo. Sin embargo, como vimos en el video “Recursos humanos”, las mujeres ahora pueden tener acceso a puestos más importantes como, aquí, directora de recursos humanos, pero podemos ver en este video que el hombre que utiliza su poder para acosar la mujer, ella no se rinde y le dice que ella es su superior.Para concluir podemos ver que una época las mujeres estaban sobre el poder de su esposo y solo se ocupan del hogar, ahora este ha evolucionado, pero las mujeres siempre son afectadas como inferiores en cierto sentido, más en el trabajo. Desde mi punto de vista, la consideración de la mujer ha evolucionado en la sociedad, pero como lo decir antes, siempre hay une ciertas diferencias en la consideración del poder de la mujer o del hombre. Después, los hombres no debemos pensar que las mujeres son débiles o indefensas porque pueden estar sorprendidos lo que tienen delante de ellos como la mujer en el video.
December 2020 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, je prépare mon oral blanc d'anglais et j'aimerais une correction et un avis de mon texte sur la notion Places and Forms of Power. Merci d'avance !Today, I’m going to deal with the notion of places and forms of power. Power is the ability to influence the behaviour of others. In order to live together, members of a community accept rules, regulations and laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. There are always counter-powers to resist governments in power. To illustrate this notion, I will talk about the witches of Salem and the McCarthyism. So I would like to try to answer the question: In what ways do the government have power to influence public opinion? I will focus my presentation on two points: the witch hunt and the second Red Scare. To begin with the witches of Salem, which have marked the American history. In Salem, in the 17th century, more than 150 people were accused of witchcraft. That begin when girls went into constant fits and a doctor was called for. He declared that they had been bewitched. Then a wave of hysteria spread throughout the State. Three women were accused of bewitching the little girls. A recent epidemic and the threat of attacks by Native Americans tribes fuelled the paranoia. The trial of the witch of Salem in Massachusetts, at this time there wasn’t an established government and anyone who was accused of practicing witchcraft were convicted. Finally, 80 people were killed during this witch hunt. Those information has been taken in a video that we have study in class: “The Salem Trials”. This case had a deep impact on the public opinion, paranoia and hysteria reigned. But three centuries later, after the WWII, the McCarthyism began. It’s the second part of the Red Scare. During that time, Wisconsin Senator, Joseph Mc Cathy produced a series of investigations and hearings in an effort to expose supposed communist infiltration of various areas of US government. In 1950, he had done a speech in which he accused 205 people to be a part of communist. Like the Witches of Salem, the people became paranoid and the government encouraged denunciation, so everybody saw bad communists everywhere. After that, we have studied in class the trailer of the film "One of the Hollywood ten". The Cold War in full swing, and during the "communist hunt", Biberman learns that he is blacklisted like other Hollywood directors. Thus, his entourage takes away from him. His family preferred believe the government than him. The image of the movie “The Crucible” show us a woman who is accused of being a witch, she will be banished from his own community and burned. To conclude, I would like to say that the government have a big power of influence on the society. Like we see before, this power can exclude some people, and for some, who are probably innocent.I get the impression that we can’t really fight this aspect of the power because even if we don’t believe a thing, as long as a person believes in it, she can influence others and that can be more important. And it’s for that, that I think, the most of the time, the government influence badly the public opinion. But, for the example, for the climate or the deforestation, the government warn us and sometimes do some action, it’s the good way of influence the people
December 2020 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, je prépare mon oral blanc d'anglais et j'aimerais une correction de mon texte sur la notion Myths and Heroes. Merci d'avance !Today, I’m going to deal with the notion of myths and heroes. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief, a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero, maybe a role model or an icon. To illustrate this notion, I will talk about the witches of Salem and the McCarthyism. So I would like to try to answer the question: How myths and heroes do influence the behaviour of the American society? I will focus my presentation on two points: the witch hunt and the second Red Scare. To begin with the witches of Salem, which have marked the American history. In Salem, in the 17th century, more than 150 people were accused of witchcraft. That begin when girls went into constant fits and a doctor was called for. He declared that they had been bewitched. Then a wave of hysteria spread throughout the State. Three women were accused of bewitching the little girls. A recent epidemic and the threat of attacks by Native Americans tribes fuelled the paranoia. Finally, 80 people were killed during this witch hunt. Those information has been taken in a video that we have study in class: “The Salem Trials”. This case had a deep impact: it leads indirectly to the founding principles of the USA. But three centuries later, after the WWII, the McCarthyism began. It’s the second part of the Red Scare. During that time, Wisconsin Senator, Joseph Mc Cathy produced a series of investigations and hearings in an effort to expose supposed communist infiltration of various areas of US government. In 1950, he had done a speech in which he accused 205 people to be a part of communist. Like the Witches of Salem, some people have been wrongly accused and the population became paranoid. After that, we have studied in class the trailer of the film "One of the Hollywood ten". The Cold War in full swing, and during the "communist hunt", Biberman learns that he is blacklisted like other Hollywood directors. Thus, his entourage takes away from him. The myths can be dangerous, and can influence people's behaviour. The image of the movie “The Crucible” show us a woman who is accused of being a witch, she will be banished from his own community and burned. To conclude, I would like to say that myths and heroes were in the mind of the Americans, because they are part of American history, therefore they influenced the behaviour of society.I get the impression that the myths and heroes influence the American behaviour because we can see that they always put the people, that threat them, in a box and do whatever is possible to eliminate them, even accusing people wrongly. However, we can’t say that they really influence the American society of today, because the mentalities have evolved and the people are more open with the “unknown”.
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