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January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour oral blanc en anglais dans 2j, help, comme problématique " how in evolved the patriotism from war periods to peaceful periods" comme idee de plan I. During war time II. During peaceful time III. today J'ai comme idee de doc une affiche de propagande " step into your place " faisant appelle au l'engagement, une video de l'affaire Kapernick qui défend le mouvement des blacks lives matter, et une interwiew d'immigres qui donne leurs definition du patriotisme de nos jours selon eux je n'arrive pas a faire de lien ni a comment rediger, une aide pour un plan detaillé svp ??? avec d'autres idées de docs
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour je dois rendre un devoir d'anglais pour donner, si quelqu'un pouvait me le corriger ce serait super ! Ca vous prend 2 minutes de le lire :) Im going to talk about the location and forms of power. First of all i would like to define a definition of this notion: In politique and social science, power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to live togethers members of a community accept rules, regulation, laws. This help to create social cohesion but also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers wich question it, ail at limiting its excess and resist it. In order to illustrate this notion i have chosen to talk about the notion of patriotism, and attempt to answer the question : How evolved Patriotism from war periods to peaceful periods? To give a traditional definition of patriotism, i would say that patriotism is the feeling of loving you’re country more than any others and being proud of it. Firstly i’m going to talk about a propaganda poster from World War I,published by the Parliamentary recruiting committee of London in 1915. Is depicted a column of british soldiers and civilians walking with bayonets. Only men appear and men of all walks of life. on the top of the poster we can read “ step on yr place” in big letter . The clear purpose of a such poster is to push people to enlist in the british army during the first world war, similary it underlines the fact that many others already have a part to play in WWI except “you”. Here it is patriotic to fight for the defense of one’s country, through this poster the message is rather “be part of those who join in, fit in, fight together and feel the glory and pride of having Served you’re country “ the document illustrate the notion because this Soldiers use the Patriotism like argument to enlist and fight for country and freedom. (( je peux dire genre: a cet epoque le patriotism se definit donc plus comme “ aimer son pays au point de sacrifier sa propre vie “ ??? )) Secondarily/ to continue we studied a document extracted from the British daily newspaper THE GUARDIAN entitled " i was like in lamb To the slaughter ". This extract tells the life of a men who was deported after-party 35 years in the UK. The protagonist is Ivan Anglin. . Born in 1936 when Jamaica was still a british colony. Few years later he came To United kingdom, the same year Jamaica becomes independent.Here we are not in war period, there is no propaganda poster calling on to the patriotism and nevertheless Ivan Anglin is a faithful British patriot. Indeed when Anglin goes in Jamaica for the burial of her mother he found himself stuck at the airport. Because he travelled with a British passeport before Jamaica Became indépendant, Anglin assumed He was british . He said that: " I didn’t bother with citizenship because i was British ". It is interesting illustration of the notion because for Anglin it is not really in the measure of defense of its country that he consider himself patriot but because he likes his country, since his youngest childhood he(it) is educated as the British, he works in the reconstruction of the country, and raised his family there. Unfortunately his patriotic feeling is not enough to be a british citizen. finally according to an interview of NPR news where a journalist asked people about what patriosm means To them. Two major ideas stand out: patriotism means protecting you’re country, but also protecting you’re rights, it also means fighting for freedoms. As a conclusion, patriotism remains present in the heads of citizens over time but today it appears more like a feeling more present during the memorial day. Merci d'avance!
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour je passe mon oral d'anglais a la rentrée et je cherche des document intéressants ( que se soit une photo, un article, un film...) sur les robots, leurs évolutions, mais aussi les progrès de la technologies
October 2020 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour je poste ma troisième notion pour mon oral d'anglais, j’aimerais quel soit corriger si possible car mon prof est en vacances, de plus elle est un peu longue et dépasse les 5min imposée donc si vous avez une idée de quelques truc que je peux enlever ou dire plus simplement je suis ouverte !! Merci d'avance, la notion c'est l'idee de progres ( en rapport avec les technologies, transhumanisme etc ) I am going to present the notion “idea of progress” across the topic of robots and technology. Firstly progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change ; technical or scientific advance contributes to making the world a better place. Progress is an innovation that allows the modernization of the society and the evolution of the human mind. The question is how technological progress change our world and what are the dangers? Technology and robots are a great help. Technology is part of our daily lives : smartphones, TVs, computers, Internet, video games, music-playing devices, ect.. Robots are more and more present in our society, for example in industry we use more and more robots. In 2012, Rethink Robotics, a start-up company, created a robot which protects the human workers it assists. The aim of this robot is to work directly with humans. Therefore humans are more and more helped in their jobs. On one hand it's benefit because it develops job of engineer and programmers, robots are stronger, more precise than humans and produce higher-quality and faster work. But on the other hand, it takes the job of some workers. Robots have qualities and defaults but they allow a great progress in many domains. But we are more and more dependent of this assistance. An experience in Lincoln High school shows the addiction of teenagers to technology. The English teacher asked his students to unplug all technological devices, during four days. Students felt anxious but they said it's an eye-opener, it allows to discover new things, take time to think about the world, technology and what impact it has on our society. Even people who didn’t think of being dependent, realized that they were. Karl Marx said : "The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people". And it's true. We're totally dependent of technology, who are we without technology ? We can't do something without technological help. In the text, Paige says : “ Technology is a great help but we don't need it.” It's true that in some case we use technology while we don't need it, but in our modern society we can't work or communicate without technology. And it’s a big problem, that is why it's important to disconnect sometimes to take time for ourselves. Today, the technological progress can make us become better but the ethical question comes up. For Stephen Hawking, there is a real danger that computers take over the world. He say that they double their performance every month and humans progress much more slowly. For him, the solution is to change our DNA to keep advance in computer technology. Or to develop connection between brain and computer to improve human intelligence. It's true that can be a good idea but humans with artificial brains, are they still humans ? This raises a question of ethics, Do we have the right to change human nature? It's the same question for designer babies. We use technology to select genes and by consequences select traits of the baby : the colour of eyes, hair, the height, the weight, ect... How far can we go in the name of science? This is an important question, there are no correct answer because on one hand we can improve our capacity and become better, stronger, healthier but on the other hand we don’t have the right to make what we want with genetic. The technological progress allows us to be more productive, to increase our capacities and the possibilities but we have to remain careful and not become dependent. We have to pay attention how we use technology and who use it because technology has a great power. Robots cannot take the control of the Earth alone. We mustn’t let ill-intentioned people get their hands on it. To my mind we can use technology carefully to improve our capacity, make a better and safer world, create a more ecological society. However the biggest risk remains the increasing dependence of the new generation to the technologies and their incapacity to manage alone.
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour ayant mon oral d'anglais a la rentrée et un prof beaucoup absent au cours de l'année et maintenant en vacances, pourriez vous me corriger mon texte d'oral et si vous avez des conseils je suis preneuse ^^ The world around us is characterized by the notion "Spaces and exchanges". Indeed, always, people have always conquered new lands which resulted in ethnic, linguistic, cultural and economic interactions. Today, the United States is the perfect illustration of the melting pot where all the different cultures are mixed. This multicultural society is a consequence of the American Dream. Today, immigration in the USA is still topical but we can ask ourselves if the American Dream still alive today. To answer this question, first we are going to talk about the reasons why immigrants go to the USA, next we will define the American Dream. Finally we will analyze different examples of immigration. First, people who decide to emigrate are the ones who know poverty, hunger, lack of water or even dictatorships. They dreaming of meet better living conditions which are political, economic or social.(maladroit non ? ) For example, Farah Naficy was born in Iran and spent her childhood during the revolution. To have more independence, her mother decided to immigrate to the USA and settled in California. Thus by being forced to flee from her native country, Farah Naficy became a political refugee. Another example is Nelly Rodriguez. This student, without papers, of Latin American origin, arrived in the USA, as a child, to know a better future and a professional success. In the same way Fareed Zakaria, an Indian, was fascinated by the wealth of the United States. He immigrated by careerism. But unlike Nelly, it was his choice. Then these immigrants have a common point: they want to try their luck in the USA. All chose this destination because they are attracted by the American Dream. This concept was invented by James Truslow Adams in 1931. It is the idea that everybody can succeed in the USA as long as this person is courageous, hard-working and determined. No matter where this person was born or what his social background is, as soon as he has these qualities, he can become rich and successful. So like thousands of colonists, today, immigrants come to find the wealth and the glory in the USA but everything doesn’t always go as planned. Indeed, when she arrived, Farah Naficy felt as an outsider and was homesick. Immigrants have difficulties to become integrated and the exchanges between communities are rare. As for Nelly Rodriguez, she can’t obtain a title of legal residence even if she lives in the USA since numerous years. She would like to become an American citizen in order to study in the USA and take her exams and graduate.. She needs for it that the Dream Act is voted otherwise she might be deported. So for these two girls, the American Dream seems to be an illusion. However for Fareed Zakaria it is not the case. Indeed, after immigrating, he became a Harvard graduate and he is currently a contributing editor at Time Magazine. As a result, we can say that the USA with its greatness still gives immigrants the opportunity to improve their life and to have a shot at the American Dream. Nevertheless, this American Dream has changed over the centuries, that’s why new immigrants can meet obstacles and difficulties. But the USA was created thanks to the immigration and is still a nation of immigrants. The American Dream is still alive today.
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour je passe mon oral d'anglais a la rentree et j'aimerais voir un avis sur cette notion car mon prof est en vacances, merci d'avanceeee Myths and Heroes I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and Heroes. A myth is a popular story or belief that evolved in time and that conveys the ideals of a given society. Heroes are the legitimate characters of myths. A heroe is seen as someone who does things that other people can't or won't do. To illustrate this notion, I will focus on a founding myth of the American Nation. Is the American Dream a myth or a reality ? First, I will define the concept of the American Dream. Secondly, I will concentrate on the character of Oprah Winfrey, a woman who embodies the American Dream. Finally, I will try to show that the American dream can be called into question. To begin with, I'll say that the American Dream is characterized by the idea of an America full of promises ans very attractive. It lets people think that anybody living in America, thanks to courage, work and determination, can succeed. People can start from scratch and make fortunes. Foreigners came to America to begin a new and better life. The song I chose, American Land, interpreted by Bruce Springsteen, was played for the first time in 2006, in New York. It summarizes the vision that the majority of immigrants had of the country. This song praised America, described as a land of opportunity and also plenty, meaning that the country has a lot things to offer, like gold and diamonds. This song pays tribute to the working class which built the cities with their hands and sweat. Some people like Oprah Winfrey embodies the American Dream, making it a reality. That is my second part. Oprah Winfrey is a figure of success, who showed that the American Dream could be a reality. She is an American talk show host, actress, producer and philantropist. Winfrey is best know for her multi-award-winning talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show which was the highest-rated program of its kind in history. She was born in Mississipi, to an unmarried teenage mother. Her youth was mark by a lot of difficult episodes and family problems. Despite everything, she made a career in the media and gribs opportunities until the success. I have chosen a document which is the portrait of Oprah Winfrey. She seems to be full of hapiness, and on the background, we can see a star, symbolic of her glory. Oprah is an example of a person who started from scratch and finally succed, thanks to fortitude. The fact that she embodies the American Dream makes her a kind of hero for all her fans. Oprah Winfrey is like a hero for many americans, because she demonstrated that the American Dream was a reality. Howewer, it is often called into question. This is my last part. The American Dream appears to be more and more questioned. It becomes increasingly a myth. That's what worries Barack Obama, in his speech on Economic Mobility dated the fourth of December 2013. According to him, The American dream is in danger of becoming a myth, not a reality. Indeed, today the US economy is characterized by rising inequalities and social stasis. It is more difficult for the lower class to climbing the ladder. As Obama said in a interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2012, « The American Dream is slipping away ». The fact that it is the president himself that has called into question the American Dream, the founding myth of the American Nation clearly shows that now it is no more a reality. To conclude, I'll simply say that the American Dream stay a reality for some people. But it gradually becomes a myth, because of the evolution of the country. Actually, The American Dream has always been a myth for some people, excluded from the beginning to the possibility of grabing opportunities, like the african american community, for instance.
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