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June 2021 | 2 Respostas
Coucou vous pouvez me corriger svp ? :)Je devais faire un développement sur la question suivante : La publicité à l'art de nous faire gaspiller de l'argent que nous n'avons pas pour acheter des choses dont vous n'avons pas besoin, Merci :) Advertising, the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business; Advertising exist since the creation of the tv, obviously the shape of advertising has changed but the plan is still the same. Advertising use a lot of way to make us waste money to buy things more or less futile. First of all by the caveat, certain advertising show us firstly shocking pictures, then, they show directly the solution, per example, they show us someone's doing a parallel parking, he fails it and he breaks his car, just after they show us an automatic car, which, nedless to say, makes the parallel parking alone. Afterwards, by the fact of arouse our jealousy, our desire, how many advertising use sentences like : Doesn't your neighbour have already it ? Or, It's the new trendy product, ... Moreover, some advertising are included directly in some music videos with of course some influential singers, the number of placement product such as smartphones, speakers multiplied increasingly rapidly, it's an indirect advertising. This give us envy to buy the product, even if it's useless and that it makes us waste money. Though, advertising don't force us to buy product, for example, if we don't want a luxury car, advertising will not give us suddenly the desire of buy a luxury car, advertising only orientate our decisions toward the most well known brands, for example if we see two products, one is on the TV but it's costly and an other, cheaper, as well as the other, but, it doesn't on the TV, as we had already seen it on the TV, we could opt for the first object, even if it's the same thing, and that the first is more costly. Besides, sometimes advertising make us buy things we don't need with money we really don't have, per example if someone see the new trendy smartphone, even if he doesn't have the money and that this purchase is pointless, he will take a credit, it's also a proof that advertising can make us squander money we don't have to buy things we don't need. Thus, we have just seen that, admittedly, advertising use a lot of ways to make us waste money to buy things we don't need, but, we have also seen that we stay in command of our choices. As a result, commercials guide only our choices toward the most expensive product, like this they make us waste more money.
June 2021 | 1 Respostas
Des idées sur le thème suivant :Les publicités ont l'art de nous faire dépenser de l'argent que l'on a pas pour des choses dont l'on a pas besoins.Merci
June 2021 | 1 Respostas
Je dois faire un développement sur une question et je souhaiterais que vous me donniez des idées, s'il vous plait. La question : Les pubs ont l'art de vous faire dépenser de l'argent que vous n'avez pas, pour des gens dont vous n'avez pas besoins. Merci de votre aide :)
June 2021 | 1 Respostas
Help urgent svp : Do you think that nowadays, advertising are more regulated then in 1920s?Mercii
June 2021 | 2 Respostas
Aide devoirs niveau 5 ème merci
June 2021 | 1 Respostas
Corriger moi très important s'il vous plait Espana, un pais de campeones. ¿ Por qué venir a España? Simplemente para pasar un momento agradable e inolvidable en la tierra de sus deportistas preferidos. Efectivamente España se lleno de deportistas muy talentosos y mundialmente conocidos. Como : - Rafa Nadal: 9 victorias a Roland Garros. - Roja: la copa de fútbol de Sudafrica. - Alberto Contador: Copa del Mundo del Tour de Francia. Vengan para visitar simplemente el país de sus ídolos. Espana, un país por cierto deportivo pero también cultural. ¿ Después de un descubrimiento deportivo, por qué no intentar un descubrimiento cultural? Nuestros monumentos históricos son sencillamente impresionante Nuestro mundialmente conocido: Museo Guggenheim Bilbao. Entonces simplemente nuestro increíble: Alhambra ¿ Un alma de artista? Vengan para visitar nuestro: Ciudad de las artes y de las ciencias de Valencia El descubrimiento esto mata de hambre. ¿ UNA PEQUENA HAMBRE? Vengan para probar nuestros platos regionales, son suculentos y numerosos. Usted encontrará fácil un restaurante o usted podrá saborear estos platos para precios muy asequibles y en más son realizados con productos frescos locales. Lo que es más, usted hasta puede llevarse a su favoritos en la casa para compartirlos con su allegados.
June 2021 | 1 Respostas
Somebody can correct please? And if you find that I made too much repetitions please correct them too. Thank u very much :) << We admire the world through what we like >> Alphonse delamartine Dear Diary I'M BORED.. I'm tired of everything, my parents irritating me, OH MY GOD! They always tell me off for futile things. I can't go out after nine o'clock, I'm not allowed to stay up late and watch the tv unduly. They don't understand that I want to live my life, to them the life is summed up by << Subway, eat, sleep >>. Obviously people say that if they do that it's to protect my back, but they are overprotective. I dream of living in an other world, into a different time, with an other society. But where? And When? OMG I'VE FOUND !! At Alice in Wonderland !! Even though, hmm, no no not Alice in Wonderland, it's too ludicrous. OHH I KNOW !! I would like to live at Hogwarts, but not with the generation of Harry Potter, NO! Their time is up, I would like live with the new generation, the generation of the twenty-second century. AHH It would have been perfect. I would have been the son of Harry, and Julie and Guillaume the son and daughter of Hermionne and Ron. What an incredible group. It would have been great, we would have had lessons of sorcery, herbology, transfigurations, divination, actually the whole magic universe. We could even see the children of McGonagall, Hagrid, and evidently Malfoy' child haha. We would have done some fighting. I would have used << Avada Kevadra >> , I would have sent it in his big mouth and BAM but I'm dreaming it's not too easy. What also could have been done? Oh Yeah, we would have learned how to play to the Quidditch, we would have visited the Forbidden Forest and would have passed by the so famous passage 9 ¾. Oh my god, just thinking about this perfect makes me sad, it drives me crazy :'( Why am I in this dreadful world ? So boring and in which nothing happens. I would love to wake up a morning, open my mailbox and just see : Hogwarts school – School of Witchcraft. Maybe that one day it gonna happens. Or no haha. Anyway I'll never give up my dreams.
June 2021 | 2 Respostas
Help please. If you could live in any time period and/or in any place in the world, what would you choose? Write a page in your diary to detail your fantasy. J'ai aucunes idées :'(
June 2021 | 2 Respostas
Quelqu'un peut me corriger svp ? ( SANS GOOGLE TRADUCTION MERCI !!! ) Nevada is a state which is located in the West of the United States. Nevada is also known as the "Silver State" thanks to the importance of silver to its history and economy. Nevada contains 3 millions of inhabitants. Nevada is the 7th most extensive and the 9th least densely populated state of the 50 United States. The Nevada's capital is Carson City and its largest city is undeniably Las Vegas. The devise of this state is '' All for our country ''. In Nevada we can find some gorgeous landscapes like the '' Valley of Fire '', a parc of Nevada which is located in a desert area next to Las Vegas. Open in 1935, it's the oldest and the most extensive Parc of Nevada. The visit of the parc presents a travel in geogical and historical times. Tourist can camping, hiking, photographing. Over the millennia, the erosion had carved some gorgeous rock formations which are really colorful mixing the red, the onrage, the purple and the yellow. The Great Basin National Park. Stroll through the pines of the oldest bristlecone of the Earth, and do not miss to explore Lehman Caves, a vast underground system of caves with stalactites and giant stalagmites! The Great Basin National Park covers an eastern part of the state of Nevada. It is the only national park located 100% in Nevada. Contrary to most US national parks, it's free. This park also offers numerous walks with scenery which breathtaking. The entertainment capital , built in the desert is one of the first tourist destinations in the world. It's world famous thanks to its numerous casinos and shows. But this city also contains towering mountains,striking vistas and majestic river . In addition , a few minutes from the Strip is the amusement park Springs Preserve,real living museum that will allow you to discover the history of the city and desert wildlife surrounding . Nevada's overflowing of Giants Cannibal !! In a cave of Nevada, two bigfoot's hunters had stumble on evidence of existence of cannibal giants. Moreover in 1911 David James Pugh Art two miners had already discovered in a cave in eastern Nevada huge bone.
June 2021 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour, tout le monde :) Quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mes fautes de conjugaison s'il vous plait pour le texte puisse être cohérent? Merci énormément :) Harry Potter est devenu orphelin suite au décès de ses parents tués par le puissant Mage Lord Voldemort alors qu'Harry n'était âgé que d'1 ans. Il a alors été recueilli par son oncle et sa tante Dursley chez qui il a eu une vie que nous pouvons qualifier d'assez ardue jusqu'au moment ou un évènement impropable se déroula, en effet quelques temps avant son 11 onzième anniversaire Harry NE cessait de reçevoir des lettres envoyés par des chouettes et des hiboux et dont son oncle, sans donner aucune explication, s'entêter à garder le contenu secret, ce qui déclencha un véritable déluge de lettres pour les jours suivants, c'est finalement le jour de son onzième anniversaire que l'existence de Harry bascule, en effet un demi-géant nommé Hagrid vient à sa rencontre et lui dévoile le contenu des lettres, Harry apprend alors qu'il est un sorcier et qu'il est attendu à l'Ecole de Sorcellerie Poudlard, la-bas il vivra de d'incroyable aventures mais devra également faire face à son destin en vivant de nombreuses péripéties.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, Dissertation : Potentialités et contraintes du territoire français. HELP SVP merci
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Pouvez-vous corriger mes fautes? Merci :) California is so beautiful firstly I Went to San Francisco, It Was kind of → The climate of San Francisco is Mediterranean. San Francisco has a Chinatown and Japantown, and both are the oldest districts of US. San Francisco is famous for its many Victorian homes, the best known are certainly the alignment of painted ladies in of Alamo Square The Golden Gate Park is rich in natural and cultural attractions such as the Conservatory of Flowers, Japanese Tea Garden and San Francisco Botanical Garden. Buena Vista Park is the oldest public garden in the city; The park was built on top of a hill 175 meters above sea level; The park offers visitors beautiful views of the city, from the park you can see the Golden Gate Bridge and Marin Headlands. The Modern Art Museum of San Francisco is a museum located in San Francisco, California, and dedicated to modern and contemporary art. There we can see gorgeous painting and sculptures. Then I visited Los Angeles The city enjoys with a Mediterranean climate There I passed by rodeo Drive which is a fabulous shopping street in Beverly Hills, it is world renowned for its luxury boutiques and known as one of the most expensive in the world Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles is Located along the Walk of Fame. The theatre presents premieres most major Hollywood productions, in perfect projection conditions. Its opening hours are from noon to midnight. I'll go to Santa Monica beach which is one of the best known beach of the world. This beach is huge and very amazing. And finally I'll visite the Universal Studios in Hollywood Park.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, quelqu'un peut me traduire ce texte s'il vous plait ? Sans traducteur automatique merci ! The nation’s largest hospital system has made only halting progress in hiring new doctors, replacing incompetent supervisors, upgrading outdated computers and rebuilding trust with veterans, nine months after President Obama concluded that a “corrosive culture” had led to systemic problems at hospitals run by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Now, patients, veterans groups and doctors say delays in receiving care are still common, and they accuse department officials of failing to provide opportunities to see private doctors. Critics, including Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill, say far too few senior managers have been held accountable for mismanagement at the hospital in Phoenix and at others around the country. Mr. Obama on Friday made his first visit to the department’s hospital in Phoenix since reports surfaced that officials there oversaw sham patient waiting lists used to hide long delays in appointments. Several veterans died waiting for care there. Those delays set off a political crisis last summer that led to the ouster of the department’s chief and raised questions about the government’s ability to manage the sprawling bureaucracy “Very little has changed,” Dr. Sam Foote, an internist who was one of the first whistle-blowers to reveal problems with wait times at the Phoenix hospital, said in an interview on Thursday. The continued problems at the hospitals underscore the grim reality that overhauling a federal department with almost 300,000 employees scattered across the country is a difficult and tedious process. That truth will almost certainly ensure that Mr. Obama fails to make good on his 2008 campaign promise to fix the “broken bureaucracy of the V.A.” before he leaves office. But administration officials insist that the situation is getting better, if slowly. In a highly stage-managed appearance at the Phoenix hospital on Friday, Mr. Obama acknowledged the need for more improvement. But he urged lawmakers and other critics of the system not to let the department’s recent problems keep people from recognizing the good work at the hospitals, including significant progress being made by Robert A. McDonald, the department’s new secretary. “The fact is that there have been a few bad apples, mistakes that have been made, systems that aren’t designed to get the job done,” he said. “I don’t want that to detract from the outstanding work from a lot of people inside this organization.” Mr. Obama held a private discussion with the hospital’s managers, elected officials and staff as well as closed visits with some patients. He said that he expected the pace of progress to steadily increase and vowed to hold Mr. McDonald accountable for delivering high-quality care to returning members of the nation’s military and their families. “We’ve brought in a new team that has been tackling these issues to make sure that wait times for scheduling, access to providers is greatly improved,” the president said in remarks after the closed-door meeting. “But what we know is there is still more work to do.” Mr. Obama said that the incidents of “cooking the books” at the Phoenix medical center and at other facilities had eroded trust among veterans in the hospital system and in the government. But he praised the efforts of the many tens of thousands of department employees working to make the system better. “Trust is one of those things that you lose real quick and then it takes some time to build,” Mr. Obama said. “The good news is that there are outstanding folks here at this V.A. and all the V.A.s across the country who are deserving of trust.” Mr. Obama also announced the creation of a new advisory committee made up of representatives from nonprofit organizations, veterans groups and government officials to make recommendations about improving the veterans department.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour je voudrais juste savoir si mon plan vous semble justifié ou non : Thème : Les disparités spatiales dans l'Union Européenne. Légende : I / Un espace organisé par des pôles et des réseaux II / Un espace inégalement ouvert sur lemonde III / Centres et périphéries
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Lorsque l'on parle d'energie lumineuse, est-ce la meme chose qu'energie solaire ? Merci
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Quel niveau de langue doit-on adopter lorsque l'on crée un dialogue entre deux lyceens ? Merci beaucoup
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Peut-on faire un discours sans incises ( c'est les répliques genre '´ dit-il d'un ton énervé '' ) ? merci beaucoup
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Peut-on faire un dialogue sans utiliser d'incises ?? merci de votre aide
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Le triangle ABC est tel que AB=12 et AC=18 on définit les points B' sur [AB] et C' sur [AC] tels que AB'=10 et AC' =15. Montrer que les droites (BC) et (B'C') sont parallèles svp besoin d'aide en math
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour je suis en seconde et j'ai besoin d'aide pour mon exercice de math. on considère un triangle ABC. on pose BC=2 CA=2,1 et AB=2,9. montrer que le triangle ABC est rectangle en indiquant les hypothèses, le théorème utilisé et la conclusion
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
bonsoir donc j'ai une introducion a faire en francais pour demain pour savoir si le théatre n'est qu'un divertissemment. merci d'avance
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
bonsoir a tous donc j'ai cette problématique a y répondre et je n'y arrive pas pouver vos m'aider svp Comment les hommes de la Renaissance ont-ils profondément bouleversé la vie intellectuelle, artistique et religieuse de leur époque ?
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
bonsoir j'ai un dm en francais a rendre pour demain svp merci. 1) Résumer la fable en 10 lignes 2) Argumenter : Que pensez-vous de la morale " parler de loin ou bien se taire. Que faut-il faire ? " Vous répondrez en 2 parties. Dans la première , vous analyserez les avantages et désavantages de chaque proposition " parler de loin " " se taire" . Puis dans une deuxième partie, vous donnerez votre avis personnel en vous appuyant sur des exemples précis tirés de films vus, de livres lus ou de l'actualité. Soyez précis dans vos références.
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