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June 2021 | 2 Respostas
Bonsoir ,j'ai un calcul que j'arrive pas a faire . Merci
May 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour ,j'ai besoin d'aide ,svp Oral comprehension Il faut regarder une vidéo voici son titre (vous la trouver sur youtube ):10 killed, including a police officer, in shooting at supermarket in US state of Colorado(elle dure 1 minutes )sur la chaine "CNA" Il y a aussi un fichier méthode pour nous aidez a faire cette compréhension Oral . Let’s anticipate Write five key words which come to your mind when we say « mass shooting in the USA ». First listening Answer the following questions. What is the nature of the document? Circle the correct answer. A speech (=un discours) A song (=une chanson) A poem (=un poème) An extract from TV news (=un extrait du journal télévisé) A dialogue (= un dialogue) An interiew (=une interview) How many voices are there? What is the topic of the document? Second and third listenings. Answer the following questions. How many shootings were there in a week? How many people were killed? Where did the shooting take place? What happened in Colorado in 1999? What happened in 2012? What is the man’s point of view on firearms? Let’s sum up. Rédigez en français un résumé en français de tout ce que vous avez compris. Commencez le résumé en donnant : La nature du document Le nombre d’interlocuteurs Le sujet du document Les détails, les dates Merci pour ceux qui m'aideront :)
April 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour ,lire le texte et répondre aux questions, merci . ARIZONA SHOOTING On Jan. 8, 2011, a meet-and-greet between Representative Gabrielle Giffords and constituents (=électeurs) outside a Tucson supermarket turned deadly when a gunman opened fire, killing six people and wounding thirteen others. Ms. Giffords, a conservative Democrat[...], was among those injured. She remained in critical condition after she survived a single gunshot to the head [...]. Three days after the shooting, one of her doctors described her chances of survival as "101 percent.'' […] One of her staff members, three retirees (=retraités), a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl born on 9/11 all died in the attack. A brief and gory video clip from a store security camera shows the gunman (=tireur)not only shooting Ms. Giffords just above the eyebrow at a range of three feet, but then using his 9-millimeter pistol to gun down others near her at a similarly close range. The suspect, Jared Lee Loughner, was taken into custody (=garde à vue)at the scene, tackled (=plaquer au sol) by onlookers (=badauds, curieux) as he struggled (=avoir du mal à) to reload his semiautomatic weapon. […] [...] President Obama addressed a memorial service in Tucson on Jan. 12, calling on Americans to draw a lesson from the lives of the fallen and the actions of the heroes.[…] The gunman “was very deliberate in my estimation, very calculated,” said Mr. Kastigar, who viewed the video as part of the extensive investigation by the Sheriff’s Department involving close to 250 people. About 200 F.B.I. agents and analysts are also on the case. The video, he said, is now in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mr. Loughner, who lived with his parents, was signed on to a home computer until the wee hours of the morning (=au petit matin)of the shootings, investigators said. An analysis of his Web searches from computers seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation showed that he was conducting Internet research days before the shooting and until just hours before he took a taxi to a “Congress on Your Corner” event shortly before 10 a.m., an official close to the investigation said. “He was looking [...]at Web sites about famous assassins,” the official said, adding, “These are things he was looking into in the days leading up to — including the evening and morning hours — up to the event.” The information on his computer searches could aid the prosecution’s effort to show that Mr. Loughner carefully planned the shooting and knew the implications of it, legal analysts said. The New York Times, 2011 GENERAL COMPREHENSION Write down the right answer 1/ The text is : a) a letter b) an extract from a novel (=un roman) c) an article from a newspaper (=un article de journal) 2/ Gabrielle Giffords is: a) a member of Congress b) a constituent (=une électrice) c) an investigator (=une enquêtrice) 3/ The meeting took place in: a) the U.K. b) the U.S.A. c) New Zealand DETAILED COMPREHENSION 4/ Are the following statements (=affirmations) true or false? Justify your answers by quoting (=en citant) from the text and indicate the lines. a The shooting took place in January 2012 b Ms. Giffords is a Republican politician. c Jared Lee Loughner is the gunman (=tireur). d The gunman killed thirteen people. e Mr Loughner had planned his shooting. f He resorted to (=ila eu recours à) the Internet to plan his shooting. 5/ Pick out from the text (and indicate the lines): a One element showing that this shooting became a national issue (=un problème national). b One element showing that people who saw the scene stopped the gunman . 6/ Find a synonym of the following word in the text : citizen:
April 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour , j'ai besoin d'aide ; Lire le texte et répondre aux questions en anglais. Merci .
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