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December 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, j'ai un devoirs d'anglais à rendre demain, mais il faut qu'il soit rédigé avec du prétérit, du présent perfect simple et du présent perfect en -ing. J’espère que vous pourrez me relire et me corriger si nécessaire. Je n'ai pas le droit d'employer d'autres temps à part ces 3 là. Merci à tous pour votre attention portée sur ce message. Voici mon devoir: According to him, for more than 200 years, the American tradition of welcoming immigrants from all over the world gives them a considerable advantage over other countries. But today, their immigration system is broken and everyone knows it. It's been like this for decades. Once in office, it is difficult to repair the failed immigration system. Obama speaks out against immigrants: "You can come out of the shadows" Today, they have deployed more agents and technologies to secure their southern border than ever before. And the course of the last six years, the number of passages of illegals with border plate. Obama offers many solutions to tackle illegal immigration even globally, the number of people trying to cross the border illegally has been lower since the 1970s. First, it provides additional resources for law enforcement personnel to stop the flow of illegal crossings and to speed up the return of those who do. Secondly, it facilitated and accelerated the stay and contribution of highly skilled immigrants, graduates and entrepreneurs to our economy, Third, he wants to take action to responsibly address the millions of undocumented immigrants already living in the United States. Obama insists that they are a nation of immigrants, they are also a nation of laws. This is the obligation of all those responsible, those who have violated the immigration laws, namely, undocumented workers. In addition, in the last six years, the number of deportations of criminals increased by 80% and that is why they will continue to increase the resources of repression on the security threats; "The felons, not the families. The criminals, not the kids. Gang members, do not be a mother who works to support her children. We give priority, like the application of the law on a daily basis. We expect residents to follow the rules. We expect that those who cut the line will not be rewarded unfairly. It therefore proposes the following contract: If the immigrants are in America for five years, if they are children, or American or illegal children, if they have no criminal background or if they are willing to pay 'taxes, they may ask to remain temporarily in this country without fear of expulsion. "You can come out of the shadows and stand by the law.”
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