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January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, y aurait-il quelqu'un pour corriger mes fautes d'orthographe ou de syntaxe svp. C'est mon oral d'anglais à propos de la notion Myths and Heroes. I’m going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the notion : a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. A soldier can be a hero. So, to what extent can soldiers be considered heroes ? First of all, I will speak of the model is the soldier with children. We have seen an interview about Jim Davis, who joined the British army during the First World War, to 18. He admitted he was happy and proud to be in the army because he wanted become a hero, he wanted to defend his country and he had not seen much of the world. Maybe he was persuaded by his friends. Conceivably, he may have looking for adventure. Of course, he couldn’t know what would happen to him and that his leg would be shot off. Clearly, some soldiers ask to go to war, others not. They go to war to help their country. This can make them heroes. But when they go to war, they cannot see their family and maybe they will never see it. Their younger children may see it as an abandonment because they don’t understand why their father leaves. Older understand and hope it will come back. Once back, he can tell many stories to his children and grandchildren. Then, I will tell you why the soldiers deserve the status of hero. We have seen an extract of “Saving Private Ryan”, the Normandy Invasion. Soldiers arrive by boat. They seem concentrated, anxious and impassive. Some vomit, another kisses a cross. When ready to charge, the first men are shot in the head, then many fall under the German machine gun bullets. A succession of scenes displays the various attempts at advancing under and over water : soldiers are falling or turn to pieces by explosion. We have seen Tom Hanks considering the horrors of war surrounding him in slow motion : grown men afraid, in horrendous, agonizing pain, calling aimlessly for help : not heroes, just simple human beings. All that to say, soldiers are considered heroes for their actions in everyday life, for safety that they bring to citizens. They defend the values of their country and fight for freedom. To conclude, the soldiers are heroes because they risk their lives to save others. The heroes like Batman or Superman do too but these are only fictitious.
January 2021 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour, je cherche un plan qui irait avec cette problématique : To what extent can soldiers be considered heroes ? C'est pour mon oral d'anglais svp
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, ceci est mon oral d'anglais pour la notion Espaces et échanges. Je voudrais savoir s'il y avait des fautes d'orthographe, de grammaire et de syntaxe et éventuellement si vous auriez rajouter quelques choses. Merci d'avance ! I’m going to talk about the notion Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the notion : the different spaces of the world are nowadays more and more connected. The exchanges can appear on many forms : people, trade, information. The immigration is linked to this notion. So what attracts immigrants to leave their country and go and live in USA ? On the one hand, we will see why people leave their country. There is many reasons why people migrate. Migrants leave their country for perhaps avoided war or fleeing an authoritarian country. They want to escape poverty and misery. Their country is hit by famine, unemployment. With a chart, we see in spite of the policy of tight border controls, Mexican immigrants represents more than a quarter of the immigration in the USA. Also, Chinese people are quite prominent into as well as Philippines : the former fleeing from oppression and want and the latter escaping misery. On the other hand, we will see why immigrants come to the USA. Among the many migrants, there are English. British immigration is persistent due to the facilities to adapt to the language and the “American way of life”. We saw in class, posts by two immigrants to the USA. Both came from poor countries. Kayla probably escaped from political persecutions unlike Miguel who wanted to study there and find a job to match his expectations. Now, Kayla seems happy and proud to be an American citizen although, New York was not what she had imagined at first when she watched TV in Cuba. As for Miguel, he is studying in a prestigious university (perhaps in Ivy League University) to succeed and improve his life. However, he has to exert an unskilled and rather low-paid job in order to pay for his university fees and for his general expenses. To conclude, people leave their country because they want to live in a country less oppressive and richer. They come to the USA to live the American Dream. It’s the ideal of freedom, equality and opportunity held to be available to every American. They want to live a life of happiness.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir si vous aviez des idées pour la question "What attracts immigrants to leave their country ?" Merci d'avance
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, ceci est mon oral d'anglais pour la notion de progrès. Je voudrais savoir s'il y avait des fautes et éventuellement si je pouvais rajouter quelques choses dans la deuxième partie. Merci d'avance I’m going to talk about idea of progress. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the progress : it’s the idea that the world and the society can evolve in terms of science, modernization, technology or living conditions. It’s generally believed that an improvement. Today, I’m going to focus on the progress in terms of science, because I think that’s the most important improvement. But what are the advantages and inconveniences of scientific progress ? On the one hand, I will talk about the advantages of scientific progress. Nowadays, scientific progress allows improving life condition and keeping alive sufferers. The scientists find medical treatment which slows down or cures diseases. Science can replace limbs and help with deficiencies. We have seen a Time Magazine cover with South-African athlete Oscar Pistorius. His handicap wasn’t induce by any accident but he had a genetic deformation. He was made special prosthetics so as to replace his missing limbs. The running blades were engineered by an American prosthetist and Paralympic sprinter. The scientific progress aims at extending life expectancy. We have seen an another Time Magazine cover with a baby who could live up to 142 years. While having a long life, you will be able to experience more things in your life, have more time to see the world, discover new things, and relate to new people. You will get to know your great-great-great-great grandchildren. But the long life can also have inconveniences. On the other hand, I will speak about the inconveniences of scientific progress. To return to the baby, maybe we would get bored of such a long life. It would be acceptable if we can remain fit and young. And only rich people would be allowed to live long whereas the poor, and mainly the people from third world would not benefit from such advances. Science tends to want to go too far in some experiments always evolved : the cloning of human beings, genetically modified organisms without knowing to stop. To conclude, if science can replace limbs and help with deficiencies, it cannot change what you are deep down and I think the medical progress is very important because there are a lot of severe genetic diseases. But we must be very careful and set up limits and rules.
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