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December 2020 | 1 Respostas
J’ai un texte en anglais avec des questions voici le texte. New Zealand is an island country that is made up of two major islands called the North Island and the South Island. It is situated in the South Pacific. The capital city is Wellington but the largest city is Auckland. Most people in New Zealand speak English but the Maori language is also spoken there by about 4% of the population. After the Second World War, Maori were discouraged to speak their language but in 1987 their language was declared as official language too. Many places now have dual Maori and English names. Maori were the first people who came to New Zealand from Polynesia. New Zealand was first discovered by Europeans in 1642 when Dutch sailor Abel Tasman arrived. He left New Zealand because several members of his crew were killed by Maoris. Then in 1769 English Captain James Cook arrived and mapped the land. Queen Elizabeth II is officially Queen of New Zealand. She is represented in New Zealand by a Governor General. New Zealand is a country that has two official anthems: “God save the Queen” and “God defend New Zealand”. In New Zealand there are many unique species of animals. Some of them cannot be found anywhere else in the world. The reason for this that New Zealand was cut off from the rest of the land on Earth for 80 million years. The oldest living kind of reptile is the native New Zealand Tuatara. Tuataras can live up to 300 years. It is estimated that Tuataras can be traced back 190 million years to the Mesozoic era. Another native bird of New Zealand (the Moa) was one of the largest birds in history – that was up to 3.6m tall and weighed about 300kg. They don´t live anymore because they were hunted by the Maoris. New Zealand's national symbol is a nocturnal flightless bird that is called the kiwi. The weta is the largest and heaviest insect in the world. The term ‘Kiwi’ is also used as a nickname for a New Zealander. Voici les questions: I) Complete the grid: Location and geography: Largest city: Capital city: Languages: History: First people: First Europeans: Official head: National anthem: Wildlife in New Zealand: Species and unique animals: Nickname for New Zealanders: II) In the text, find 5 examples of superlatives: - - - - - III) Pour chaque exemple trouvé, souligne l’adjectif. Est-il court ou long ? Justifie.
December 2020 | 0 Respostas
Ex 1. Accordez les participes passés en gras si nécessaire 1. Elle a téléphoné à ses parents pour les informer qu’elle était rentré à la maison. 2. La surprise que ses amis lui avaient préparé ne lui a pas franchement plu. 3. La viande que Sylvie a mangé hier lui a donné mal au ventre. 4. Tu l’as déjà perdu, l’adresse que je t’avais donné ! Ex . 2 Transformez les infinitifs entre parenthèses en participes, et accordez-les si nécessaire. Demandez-vous si le pronom entre crochets est COD ou COI. 1. Sylvain, très amoureux d’Anastasia, lui a (déclamer) un poème. 2. Ils lui ont (envoyer) un courriel pour la prévenir. 3. Cette maison, nous l’avons (construire) nous-mêmes. 5. La bouteille d’eau que tu as (acheter), où l’as-tu (déposer) ? Ex 3 : Trouvez le COD, remplacez-le par un pronom et récrivez la phrase? 1. Jonathan a apporté des fleurs à sa maman hier soir. 2. Nous avons entendu les enfants jouer dehors pendant toute la journée. 3. Amélie a offert sa crêpe à Hortense pour le goûter ! 4. J’ai laissé ma fille à l’aéroport.
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