Bjr c'est un exposé sur la Terre et le réchauffement climatique que je dois faire en anglais mais j'aimerai que quelqu'un me simplifie car il est dur merci d'avance Le texte: Hello everyone, today we are going to make a presentation on the theme of the Earth and global warming The Earth is a planet in the solar system, the third closest to the Sun. It's the fifth largest and heaviest planet in the solar system. It is a rocky planet. The Earth is located between Venus and Mars. The diameter of the Earth is more than 10 000 km. The distance between the Sun and the Earth is about 90 million km and its surface area is just over 500 million square km. The Earth is a terrestrial planet, or you could say a rocky planet. A rocky planet is the opposite of a gas planet, so you can walk on a rocky planet but not on a gas planet. The Earth is made of different layers: -The internal and external core -The mantle with rock and magma -The Earth's crust The Earth has two movements: A rotation around itself: This movement takes place in twenty-four hours (one day) and explains the change between day and night. A revolution around the Sun: This takes about 365 days (one year) and explains the alternation of the seasons. The planet Earth has a natural satellite called the Moon. The Moon orbits the Earth in about 27 days. We can live on Earth because : - its position is favorable in the solar system, especially to the Sun, it's not too hot, not too cold - It is protected by the atmosphere. It forms a barrier against the dangerous rays of the Sun and meteorites. - Water is present in large quantities and allows us to live. It is also called the blue planet. The Earth's average climate is between 15° and 19 degrees. Unfortunately, by producing pollution, the climate is rising in the atmosphere and destroying the ozone layer. Humans are causing the climate to warm up. The effects are that temperatures are rising, sea levels are rising,some plants are disappearing, storms are becoming more violent and frequent, droughts are increased, loss of biodiversity, food shortages, poverty, and more. The predictions for life in 100 years are dreadful A more violent climate, 50 degrees peaks are coming, cities will be buried by rising waters, landscapes will be transformed, and civilizations will disappear.
Bjr vous pouvez simplifier c'est un exposé en anglais mais c'est assez compliqué et j'aimerai le simplifier. Mrc d'avance Hello today we are presenting the state of Washington Part 1: -The state of Washington is in the northwest. Washington is bordered by Canada. -Washington State has an area of one hundred and eighty-four thousand eight hundred and twenty-four (184 824) square kilometers. -The capital of Washington is Olympia. The climate is an ocean climate is a mild climate. -The flag of Washington is green with the seal with the portrait of George Washington, it's the unique green flag of states of the united states. -The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. It was built in thousand seven hundred ninety-two (1792) and opened on the first of November thousand and eight hundred. Part 2: -Many places in Washington are not to be missed. -The space needle, it's a one hundred and eighty-four (184) meter high tower in the shape of a flying saucer where you can look down on the city of Seattle. -Mount Rainier is a dormant volcano with an altitude of four thousand three hundred and ninety-two meters (4392m). -The Olympic park of Seattle, this park is famous for its mountain scenery. -The Pho is a traditional plate of Seattle, it's a meat and rice noodle broth. -In the northwest, we find some large mammals: black bear, grizzly bear, elk, and deer. Part 3: -Nirvana is a very famous American grunge band from Aberdeen, Washington. -In Washington, the currency is not the euro but the US dollar -In Washington, there is a lot of American football, baseball, basketball -The 2002 film "The Circle" was filmed in Washington State I hope you enjoyed our presentation thanks for your attention

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