August 2023 1 17 Report
the Persian Gulf state suffers temperatures well north of 100 degrees - sometimes over 120 - in the World Cup months of June and July. And there's the fact that the tiny, oil-rich nation has little soccer history or presence on the sport's international stage: It's never sent a team to the Cup to compete. Turns out, there may have been more suspicious factors behind FIFA's bizarre decision. The British press have alleged that Qatari billionaire Mohamed bin Hammam paid off FIFA officials in order to secure their votes to bring the Cup to his country. If the allegations are true, FIFA Vice President Jim Boyce said he'd push to strip Qatar of the Cup and re-award it to another country. What could push all this to critical mass is ongoing outrage over Qatar's mistreatment of the construction workers tasked with building Cup infrastructure. The long hours of hard labor in unbearably hot conditions have proven lethal: It's estimated that 1200 workers have died in Qatar since the country was awarded the Cup. They are almost exclusively migrant workers from South and Southeast Asia and can only leave Qatar with the written permission of their employers- a system some watchers have compared to slavery. Five of the World Cup's six top corporate sponsors (including Coca-Cola and Adidas) have voiced concern over corruption and worker abuse allegations, and publicly back formal investigations. Blatter, in a rare off-message moment, admitted that giving Qatar the bid was a "mistake". Qatari officials have denied wrong doing on corruption charges and promised to reform labor laws - but clearly, they have a lot more to worry about than air-conditioning their stadiums.

De acordo com o texto considere as alternativas.

I. Existe uma possibilidade de o Catar deixar de sediar a Copa do Mundo de 2022 devido a denúncias da imprensa internacional.

II. O Catar é conhecido por sua tradição futebolística, inclusive com participação em eventos esportivos internacionais.

III. Até 2022, há uma previsão de queda no número de mortos entre os operários que atuarão nas obras para a Copa do Mundo do Catar.

IV. Patrocinadores da Copa do Mundo de 2022 demonstraram preocupação com as alegações de corrupção e abusos contra os trabalhadores do evento.

Assinale a alternativa correta:

a) Somente as afirmativas I e II são corretas.
b) Somente as afirmativas I e IV são corretas.
c) Somente as afirmativas III e IV são corretas
d) Somente as afirmativas I, II e III são corretas.
e) Somente as afirmativas II, III e IV são corretas.​​
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