Bonjour à tous, je vais vous parler des femmes Depuis toujours, il existe des préjugés à propos des femmes qui ont conduit à une discrimination de celles-ci. À notre époque, comment l’inégalité des femmes par rapport aux hommes s'exprime-t-elle ?
Les femmes occupent massivement des métiers reproduisant les tâches de ménages qu’elles assurent traditionnellement au sein de la famille. Il s’agit par exemple d’activités de logistique et de soins : secrétaires, sages-femmes ou bien infirmières. Autres professions exclusivement féminines, à environ 98-99 %, celles d’assistantes maternelles ainsi que d’employées de maison.
Ces inégalités sont aussi liées à des attitudes discriminatoires de la part des employeurs. Une situation qui renforce les difficultés à réconcilier vie professionnelle et vie familiale : en France, les femmes consacrent en moyenne 4 h 30 par jour aux tâches domestiques, contre 2 h 10 pour les hommes.
Depuis l’antiquité les femmes ont été considérées comme inférieures aux hommes. Exclues de toute vie politique, elles sont confinées aux tâches de mère et d’épouse. Jusqu’à la fin du XIXème siècle, le statut des françaises n’avait que peu évolué malgré le long combat pour l’égalité de certaines femmes. Nous pouvons conclure qu’à cause de préjugés remontant à des milliers d’années en arrière, mais ayant été transmis de générations en générations jusqu’à maintenant et continuant d’être répandus, les femmes ne peuvent toujours pas être considérées comme égale à l’homme, que ce soit dans leur vie sociale ou professionnelle . La femme est parfois caractérisée d'objets et est dépendante de l’homme, parfois même soumise. En effet, on constate une sorte d’a priori principale : celui qui définissent la femme soumise à son mari qui apparait en remontant à la préhistoire, la définissant comme moins forte et donc seulement capable de rester chez elle pour faire le ménage et s’occuper des enfants. Malgré les avancées faites et les combats menés par les féministes, ces préjugés ne pourront sans doute pas être effacés des mentalités, bien que plusieurs mesures soient prisent et des lois votés, cela reste une question de mœurs
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Hello to all, I am going to speak to you women For a long time, there are prejudices about the women who led(drove) to a discrimination of these. In our time, how the disparity of the women with regard to(compared with) the men(people) expresses himself?
The women occupy massively jobs(businesses) reproducing the tasks of households(houseworks) which they assure(insure) traditionally within the family. It is for example about activities of logistics and about care: secretaries, midwives either nurses. Other exclusively feminine occupations, in approximately 98-99 %, those of nursery assistants as well as attendants. These disparities are also bound to discriminatory attitudes on behalf of the employers. A situation which strengthens the difficulties reconciling professional life and family life: in France, the women dedicate on average 4:30 am a day to houseworks, against 2:10 am for the men.
Since Antiquity the women were considered as lower than the men. Excluded from any political life, they are confined on the tasks of mother and wife. Till the end of the XIXth century, the status of French had only little evolved in spite of the long fight for the equality of certain women. We can conclude that because of prejudices going back to thousands of years behind, but having been passed on(transmitted) by generations in generations so far and continuing to be spread, the women cannot be always considered as equal to the man, whether it is in their social or professional life. The woman is sometimes characterized by objects and is dependent on the man, sometimes even subjected(submitted). Indeed, we notice a kind of prejudice head teacher(main clause): the one who define the woman subjected(submitted) to her husband who appears by going back to the prehistory, defining her(it) as less strong and thus only capable of staying at her home(with her) to do the cleaning and take care of children. In spite of the made advances(overhangs) and the fights were led by the feminists, these prejudices will not can probably not be erased the mentalities, although several measures are take snuff and laws voted, it remains a question of customs. good luck....
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For a long time, there are prejudices about the women who led(drove) to a discrimination of these.
In our time, how the disparity of the women with regard to(compared with) the men(people) expresses himself?
The women occupy massively jobs(businesses) reproducing the tasks of households(houseworks) which they assure(insure) traditionally within the family. It is for example about activities of logistics and about care: secretaries, midwives either nurses. Other exclusively feminine occupations, in approximately 98-99 %, those of nursery assistants as well as attendants.
These disparities are also bound to discriminatory attitudes on behalf of the employers. A situation which strengthens the difficulties reconciling professional life and family life: in France, the women dedicate on average 4:30 am a day to houseworks, against 2:10 am for the men.
Since Antiquity the women were considered as lower than the men. Excluded from any political life, they are confined on the tasks of mother and wife. Till the end of the XIXth century, the status of French had only little evolved in spite of the long fight for the equality of certain women.
We can conclude that because of prejudices going back to thousands of years behind, but having been passed on(transmitted) by generations in generations so far and continuing to be spread, the women cannot be always considered as equal to the man, whether it is in their social or professional life. The woman is sometimes characterized by objects and is dependent on the man, sometimes even subjected(submitted). Indeed, we notice a kind of prejudice head teacher(main clause): the one who define the woman subjected(submitted) to her husband who appears by going back to the prehistory, defining her(it) as less strong and thus only capable of staying at her home(with her) to do the cleaning and take care of children. In spite of the made advances(overhangs) and the fights were led by the feminists, these prejudices will not can probably not be erased the mentalities, although several measures are take snuff and laws voted, it remains a question of customs.
good luck....