May 2019 1 95 Report
Bonjour c'est mon oral d'anglais pour la notion idea of progress pouvez vous me dire si c'est bien et si il y a eventuellement des fautes merci d'avance.

The notion I am going to deal with is the notion of progress. First of all I will give you a definition of this notion. The progress refer to the fact of improving or developing something.There is several form of progress, for example in medicine, technology,.. These progress are changed and continue to changing our world because we are always in the progress.But we can ask ourselves if the progress have just a positive aspect.Today internet is the biggest progress in the world. It’s is an virtual platform. We can consider as a second world because on internet you can do many things that you make in the real life, for example you can buy clothes,food,chat with your friends who lives in other countries with social media like facebook. Internet make the life easier. Everybody have access with the development of new technologies like the smartphone. At first, I have chosen to show you one of the advantages of Internet and secondly the danger of this platform.

There are many advantages of internet like we have seen you can easily buy something that you want. But i think most interessant is the easily way to communicate. Sometimes it is very important and internet can save lives. The french journal entitled ‘liberte’ published in 2003 an extract who illustrate this. Indeed in haiti, after an earthquake, in the same year at the city Boumerdès, all of the way of communication are cut, like mobile phone. It was a big problem because they can’t asking for help.Fortunately Internet work with a satellite.A journalist who survive, had asked for help, denounced the damages caused by the earthquake via his twitter and skype account. Theses informations are shared on many others social media like facebook which is originally of many donation. But there is also the dark side of Internet in this situation.Internet can be used by bad people to make disorder. From the same article these persons move into action to steal the money destinate to the sites who collect to help Haiti.

Now, I will speak you about another danger of Internet who was more important. Today, I have said that everybody have access to internet this is why i will speak about the children because they are the most vulnerable. The big danger of internet is the fact that everybody can be anonymous,some people take advantage like the bad person's who use fake identity to commit crime. Internet is a threat for the children because there are many child predator. Like the caricature that I have chosen to show us. It’s an illustration made by daniel mitchell. We can see on this a child is surfing on Internet with a laptop who is the mouse of a snake. On this laptop there is also the sharped teeth who characterise the child predators.

In conclusion, I think that the progress of Internet have big advantages, some people's live through Internet like the youtubers. Internet have a big part in our daily, we are all the time on this but there are many danger. We must to fight against them but how ? I think with education, education is an important form of power.
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