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January 2021 | 1 Respostas
bonjour ! je voudrais savoir si mon texte a un sens (si des phrases ne sont pas bonnes, veuillez me corriger svp) "I would like to go at the 5th Avenue because it's the most expensive and best shopping streets in the world (many malls that I love are without a doubt there) and i'm crazy about doing shops (like all the teenage girls). also, I would like to go at The Metropolitan Art Museum because I love art, and it's the biggest museum of art in the world. I really would like to see my favorite band at The Lincoln Center. And the place seems great. I would like to visit Times Square at night, it looks awesome with the billboards, and Times Square is called "The Crossroad of the world" or "The Center of the Universe". It sounds good, right ? After, I would like to go at Central Park, I like walking into parks. That park is the most visited urban park with 778 acres. It's cool. me who like parks, i would be served. And to finish, I would like to go at the Museum of Natural History, there are so many specimens of plants and animals ! it's awesome, isn't it ? "
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, j'aimerais avoir de l'aide pour ces exercices : 1) "delta et delta prime ont pour équations y=-3 et x=2" 2) "delta et delta prime ont pour équations y=3x+7 et x=-2" Démontrez qu'elles sont sécantes et déterminez les coordonnées du point d'intersection des droites delta et delta prime. Merci
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
pouvez vous me dire si mon texte est correct/s'il y a des fautes et me corriger etc? merci (on doit faire un reportage radio sur des naufragers qui ont été retrouvés récemment) "You're listening to BBC and it's 8 in the morning. Breaking news : a group of 5 castaways was found on an island in the Pacific Ocean on monday. They were discovered by the captain of a famous cruise. Those 5 friends were on the helicopter of one of them to take a little trip for fun when the engine suddenly stopped, the pilot couldn't control the helicopter anymore, so they all took a parachute and jumped in the sea. Fortunately they were all safe after the jump, and there was an island just beside them. They stayed on the island for 2 months. They had no mean of communication, they were totally desperate. One of those castaways said that he found interesting escaping from reality for two months. His friends totally disagreed with him : they were scared at the idea of being eaten by a bear or something. But in spite of that they tried to adapt and they succeeded. So, after 2 months they were discovered by the captain of a cruise, the castaways were yelling for help when they saw the ship. That's how they get their normal life back. Now, an advertising page, see you in few minutes."
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
bonsoir, voici un bout de mon intro de tpe en anglais pouvez vous me corriger s'il y a des fautes svp ? "Since his childhood, Quentin Tarantino has been immersed in the world of cinema. He lived in a pluriethnic district so he was impregnated by the films of kung-fu, blaxploitation and westerns which were on screen in the late seventies. Over the years he became a confirmed cinema-lover and to satisfied his passion he first worked as an employee in a video club. Tarantino can be considered as the man who changed the cinematographic world. Since his first film, Reservoir Dogs in 1992, Tarantino has been success on success. That's from his cinema knowledge that he bases his movies. Tarantino, is a lover of cinema, he “steals” the ideas of the films he likes and reappropriates them. He manages to make us feel this love and contaminate us, making us urge to want to discover the films to which he refers. " Mon sujet est "Les femmes selon Tarantino", si vous avez d'autres petites phrases à me donner pour l'intro n'hésitez pas merci beaucoup !!
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Por qué se puede decir que América Latina esta en marcha ? (al nivel político, económico, social.....) svp c'est urgent merci d'avance
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
por qué se puede decir que América Latina esta en marcha ? (al nivel político, económico, social.....) SVP C'EST URGENT !!!
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, pouvez vous corriger mes fautes svp : If I was given a gap year, I would probably take it off to travel around the world. In my opinion, I think that I could learn more by doing that and it must be more rewarding than sitting in a classroom. I would like to go to places like Latin America and discover new things, new people, cultures, costums, etc... It would be a good thing because it would allow me to relieve stress for a year about school work, improve an other language. I could also use that time to find a job overseas and make some extra money for college etc. However, taking a gap year may have inconvenients : I am afraid that I might loose concentration and willingness to study and might not want to go back to school. In addition, I might have lots of stuff to do and it would be hard to get used to. And I think I would miss my family and my friends too much.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous corriger mes fautes svp "Me toca presentar la noción de progreso. Por eso, voy a dar una definición de la noción : el progreso es una evolución o una modernización que puede ser positiva o negativa. El progreso no es un hecho, es un concepto, una idea que corresponde a un ámbito. Progresar significa ir adelante y mejorar. Para progresar en una sociedad, hay que mejorar las condiciones de vida de la gente y hacer que todos sean lo más felices posible. Hay progreso en todos los ámbitos como el científico, el tecnológico, el social o el medio ambiante. La nocion de progreso nos invita a reflexionar sobre el medio ambiante es decir ¿Comó intentan las ciudades hispanas superar los desafíos modernos ? En definitiva, podemos decir que el progreso tiene aspectos positivos para mejorar la vida como muestra Bilbao o Pachuca. Permite creer empleos, favorecer la integración social, una económica más diversificada y importante y facilitar la vida. Sin embargo, tiene aspectos negativos que genera problemas como las desigualdades entre los ricos y los pobres, la contaminación o el tráfico. Pero, vemos que estos inconvenientes pueden ser limitados gracias al desarrollo sostenible que permite modernizar las cuidades, mejorar las condiciones de vida de los habitantes o al convertirse en una ciudad inteligente."
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