April 2019 1 115 Report
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I'm going to talk about the notion of "Spaces and exchanges".
First of all, I would like to give a definition of this tittle. The notion "Spaces and exchanges" deals with the geographical and symbolic areas of all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultures, economies, sociologies and languages interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. Sport is a way to bring people together, so we may wonder, is it always positive?
To illustrate this notion I chose two documents:
Trapped on the track, a cartoon to denounce drug.
And in secondly, Uncle Sam, an icon.
Firstly, I'm going to talk about the document Trapped on the track. We can see athletes racing on a truck in which a giant syringe shaped hole is dug. The competitors in the lead fall into the hole. The last three sportsmen are persevering. They are sweating to reach the finish line to be awarded a medal and mount the podium. They prefer cheating than withdrawing. But the cheating athletes deceive their fans. They prefer doping themselves than persevering. It's shameful and outrageous for the image of sport. They jeopardize their health. It's unfair for the other athletes on account of doping are disloyal. They become a wreck if they have many injections. So they can become addict to drug. They are greedy for fame.
My second document is Uncle Sam. In this cartoon, we can see Uncle Sam, who is a character that was created to represent the United States of America. In the character’s most basic usage, Uncle Sam is a symbol of the pride and power of the United States. However, in this cartoon he represents quite the opposite. Uncle Sam is bent over and looks old and weak. The other characters in the cartoon can all be assumed to be immigrants. It seems that they are taking care of Uncle Sam. They are doing such things as sewing, cleaning, shoe shining and brushing his hair. The cartoonist’s intentions are quite clear. These immigrant’s, particularly from Mexico, are willing to do jobs that others won’t. It is the work of these immigrants that is keeping the country afloat. They are treated as people who have no rights and no intelligence. Even though many of the jobs they do are small and seem to have no importance, they are most necessary.
In conclusion, we can say that these two documents represent the notion space and exchanges because it deals with the international sport and exchanges of common values and we can say that all prejudices on immigrants are false. They bring in the United States a profound enrichment so that they are indispensable for the good functioning of the country.
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