Après plusieurs années de silence, Sherlock reviens pour résoudre une nouvelle énigme avec son acolyte. Cela fait fait près d’un an qu’une rumeur circule dans Londres a propos de la prison. Situé dans la tour de Londres certains prisonniers disent entendre des cris et constatent de mystérieuses disparitions lié à la cellule 14. Pour résoudre ce mystère Sherlock et Watson réalise un faux braquage afin de s’infiltrer dans cette mystérieuse cellule.
After several years of silence, Sherlock returns to solve a new enigma with his sidekick. It's been almost a year since a rumor circulated in London about the prison. Located in the Tower of London some prisoners say they hear shouts and find mysterious disappearances linked to cell 14. To solve this mystery Sherlock and Watson makes a false robbery to infiltrate this mysterious cell.
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After manu years of silence, Sherlock recolle to solve a new enigma with his henchman. It been nearly one year that à rumor circulted in London about prison.
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After several years of silence, Sherlock returns to solve a new enigma with his sidekick. It's been almost a year since a rumor circulated in London about the prison.
Located in the Tower of London some prisoners say they hear shouts and find mysterious disappearances linked to cell 14. To solve this mystery Sherlock and Watson makes a false robbery to infiltrate this mysterious cell.
Bonne journée