bonjour pourriez vous corriger mes fautes svp je suis très nul en anglais et je dois passé a l'oral lundi... merci!! ( c'est trois partie différentes donc ne faites pas de suite logique entre les 3 texte merci)
Hello! Today we are going to present you our robot which we called Léon. We find all that arrange ( the household(housework)) is something that we do not like making because that exhausts us and what it wastes us our time(weather). With Léon the robot which does the cleaning on your place, you go to have a change of mind because it il) is going to facilitate you the life.

-You can choose of personalized your small robot by choosing its color, we propose it to you in black in red with flowers and always height of the other available choices. You can also add him(her) a pink or still squared apron.

-To facilitate his(its) manipulation, he(it) is equipped with a tablet which allows you to choose the various tasks which he has to realize as for example to wash windows or release(leave) the vacuum cleaner. An application is also available on your telephone or tablet which allows to command(order) it at a distance(remotely). As for example if you are making your races(shopping) but if you want that dusts are made, thanks to your telephone you can activate(start) the mode dusts from there where you be and when you will bring in dusts will be made by Léon.


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