January 2021 1 23 Report
Bonjour, voici ma notion : Myths and heroes, pour l'oral de bac pouvez vous m'aider à corriger les fautes s'il vous plaît ? N'hésitez pas à me dire ce que
vous pensez du contenu. Et j'aurai besoin d'aide pour terminer ma conclusion je ne sais pas trop quoi mettre. Merci

I’m going to present you the notion Myths and heroes. The myth is a real or fictional story, it talks about important events, or even extraordinary. The myth is passed from generation to generation and it forms the culture and the identity of a society. The hero is a person admired by the society; he embodies moral qualities like bravery, honour and generosity, and also physical qualities like beauty, strength and resistance. I will illustrate this notion through the soldier, why did we say that the soldier is a hero during armed conflicts?

Firstly, the soldier is judged as a hero because he risks his live to serve the nation, to benefit to others. We have studied an extract of the movie "Saving Private Ryan", it's the story of four brothers during Second World War in Normandy, three of them died in combat so the US army wants to bring the youngest back to his mother in the United States, and they ask eight soldiers to carry out this mission. These soldiers were ready to sacrifice their life for their nation and for save one of their comrades, it's an altruistic aspect to heroism. In the scene that we have studied, Private Ryan and his family are in the Normandy American Cemetery, it is for him like a pilgrimage, this scene shows the gratefulness to the guys who have lost their life to save Ryan's life. Their acts of bravery and devotion have made soldiers to heroes.

However, the soldier is a hero in spite of himself; he can’t decide to be a hero. Moreover go to the war is a real sacrifice; the soldier’s life is very hard physically and psychologically. Firstly, they are far from their families and generally far from their country. Secondly, soldiers are confronted with the horror of war, they see their comrades die, they kill people and they live in the fear of dying and the fear of being wounded. War is a difficult ordeal in the soldier’s life; young men who go to the war come back totally changed and marked by this experience all their life. Nevertheless, even if we unite soldier and hero, the gratefulness of the society is sometimes limited; they forget the pain and the trauma of soldiers after the war.

Finally, we can interrogate us on the utilization of the word “hero” to qualify soldiers, because all soldiers are always considered as heroes because they serve the nation risking their life; but soldiers have not necessarily carried out heroism acts. Here the definition of hero is ambiguous; I think we define soldiers like heroes especially for their bravery.

To conclude, the soldier is considered as a hero for his engagement to his nation, the society has a duty of gratitude to these soldiers who they risks their life to protect and defend it.
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