Bonsoir, en anglais, je dois traduire ce texte. Je souhaite une vraie traduction car la prof le remarque. Merci à ceux qui vont m'aider
Flash est un héros rapide qui peut courir avec une vitesse extrême et incroyable. Il protège les habitants de sa ville Central City et arrêtent les criminels et les méta humains comme lui. Il a reçu ce pouvoir lors de l'explosion de l'accélérateur à particules de laboratoire Star Labs dirigé par Harrison Wells, un scientifique. Son personnage de jour est Barry Allen, un jeune scientifique qui travaille pour la police de sa ville. Quand il avait 11 ans, il a vu sa mère se faire tuer mais son père a été accusé. Adulte, il décide de chercher le vrai assassin et rendre justice à son père. Il a été adopté par un ami son père ,un policier Joe qui l'a découvert le jour de la mort de sa mère. Il a grandi entre des bonnes mains. Il est amoureux de Iris la fille de Joe et qui est aussi sa meilleure amie depuis qu'il est enfant. Joe et Iris ne savent pas son secret sauf le Dr Wells et les personnes qui travaillent pour ce dernier.
Flash is a very fast hero who can run with an extreme and incredible speed. He protects the residents of his city, Central City, and stops criminals and meta-humans like him. He received this power when the Star Labs laboratory's particle accelerator led by Harrison Wells, a scientist, exploded. His character during the day is Barry Allen, a young scientist working for the police department in his city. When he was 11 years old, he saw his mother being murdered but his father was charged. At adulthood, he decides to look for the real murder and do justice to his father. He was adopted by one of his best father's friend, a police officer Joe, who discovered him on the day of his mother's death. He grew up in good hands.He is in love with Iris, Joe's daughter and his best friend too since he was a child.Joe and Iris don't know his secret except Dr. Wells and the people who work with him.
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Bonjour,Flash is a very fast hero who can run with an extreme and incredible speed.
He protects the residents of his city, Central City, and stops criminals and meta-humans like him.
He received this power when the Star Labs laboratory's particle accelerator led by Harrison Wells, a scientist, exploded.
His character during the day is Barry Allen, a young scientist working for the police department in his city.
When he was 11 years old, he saw his mother being murdered but his father was charged.
At adulthood, he decides to look for the real murder and do justice to his father.
He was adopted by one of his best father's friend, a police officer Joe, who discovered him on the day of his mother's death.
He grew up in good hands.He is in love with Iris, Joe's daughter and his best friend too since he was a child.Joe and Iris don't know his secret except Dr. Wells and the people who work with him.