October 2020 1 131 Report
Bonsoir, je passe bientot mon oral de bac en espagnol. Pouvez vous me le corrigez ? s'il vous plait. Je vous remercie d'avance

Voy a hablar de la noción los Lugares y las Formas de Poder. El poder es la dominación que pueden ser ejercitado sobre una persona o un grupo. Puede ser físico o moral. Se puede hablar de poder en el ambito político donde el poder es detenido por una persona o por un grupo que lo ejercen sin control, de modo autoritario. Podemos preguntarnos : ¿Cuáles son las causas y consecuencias de la crisis en España sobre los jóvenes? Primero veremos las causas de esta crisis y en una segunda parte veremos las consecuencias de esta crisis.

En primer lugar, nos enteramos de que muchos jóvenes en España se ven afectados por la crisis y que se ven obligados a abandonar su país para buscar trabajo. Lo sabemos gracias a la comprensión oral donde había una joven llamada Pilar. Los jóvenes no están contentos de abandonar su país, como hemos visto en el cartel de « Low cost people ». Vemos una mujer que parce triste.Los jóvenes se ven afectados por la crisis porque no hay mucho trabajo y no ganan suficiente dinero para vivir, por ejemplo, la comprensión oral "vivir en la casa de los padres »

En este comprehension oral aprendemos que un hombre de 30 años volvió a vivir con sus padres.
El hombre nos explica que deseado ser independiente dos veces. Una vez viviendo con su hermana y la otra vez con sus amigos pero falló. El hombre trabaja como comercial.Dice que con su salario de 1.100 euros. No pudo viajar o comprar ropa cuando vivía en un compañero de cuarto

En segundo lugar, las consecuencias de esta crisis en los jóvenes son muchas. En la comprensión oral de Pilar, se nos dice que muchos jóvenes salgan el país para encontrar mejores empleos y que algunos continúan sus estudios en otros lugares gracias al programa Erasmus. Con el cartel vemos que la mujer se va porque hay un billete de avión para ir a italia. También se observa que no hay billete de vuelta, lo que significa que la mujer se va por un tiempo indefinido. Muchos jóvenes deciden hacer como ella para escapar de la crisis. Algunos jóvenes vuelven con sus padres porque no ganan mucho dinero y no pueden vivir. Pierden su independencia. Como el hombre de la comprension oral « vivir en la casa de los pardres »

Para concluir, podemos decir que los jóvenes están sufren esta crisis porque o no hay trabajo o no ganan suficiente.Podemos decir que estos documentos pueden estar relacionados con la noción de lugar y forma de poder. Aquí el poder es económico y político.La política en el sentido de que establece impuestos y el poder economíco en el sentido de que hablamos de dinero.
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Bonsoir, je passe bientot mon oral de bac en anglais. Pouvez vous me le corrigez ? s'il vous plait. Je vous remercie d'avance. I'm going to talk about the notion idea of progress. The notion can be define as improvement, a development or a change technical , scientif or social advance which contributes to making the world a better.We will answer this question: Does the woman's place evolve?Firsty, we will see the woman's place before.Secondly, of the place that women have today. In the first time we studied a photo from the document "American Family Life". We notice that men and women were not on an equal footing. We saw that the woman in the 50's had to stay home. She was a housewife. She had to eat and take care of the children. While the man was working on him and taking care of bringing back the money.Women depend on their husbands.With the document "A booming business" We have seen that women in India do not choose their husbands. Their marriages are arranged marriages. Her husband Ramesh works but he does not earn much so Sarita's wife decides to become a surrogate mother to make money. Her husband was not happy but he decided to agree to support her. In the second time, now women are allowed to work, their husbands support them such as Ramesh and Sarita. But some are narrow-minded as the document we saw where there were two couples Juliet and Benedict and Matthew and Louisa. At a dinner party Mathew says he wants to fire one of his employees because she asked for a day off to take care of her baby. He says he will refuse and Juliet will be shocked. For her, mathew is sexist, he does not care about women. He represents the man of the 50s. To conclude we can say that the place of the woman has to evolve because she can exerted a work. Some men are sexist and others encourage them. We can say that this doccument illustrates this notion because the position of the woman has evolved over time. Which shows progress.
Bonsoir, je passe bientot mon oral de bac en anglais. Pouvez vous me le corrigez ? s'il vous plait. Je vous remercie d'avance. I'm going to talk about the notion space and exchages. This notion deal with the geographical and symbolic deas that all society occupy and the interaction between men and differents societties. The different cultural,economic and language interactions have shapped and characterid our society We will answer this question: How do immigrants manage to go to America?First, we will see why these people decide to leave their country. Secondly, let's talk about the course of their journey. Thirdly, we will talk about their insertion. In the firt time, after seeing the documents "a boy journey" and "the golden door" we could deduce that immigrants come to America to escape poverty. They decide to leave their country to have a better future, a better life. Seymour the child of the document "A boy Journey" tells us that it is his family who decided to take him down so that he has better opportunities.After studying the picture of "Remember the dream" we see a family looking at the status of freedom.We understand that for them going to America is a dream. This is a place where they will be able to flourish. In the second time the immigrants are transported in boats more documents "a boy journey" and "the golden door" tell us that this trip is uncomfortable. The conditions were bad.Before arriving in America, they had first to Ellis Island. Thanks to the document "the goldent door" we know what happens to them once they arrive in Ellis Island. We are told that once they get there very few are able to go to America because they have to go through many mental and physical exams first. If they do not succeed, they are sent home. They will also see a doctor to see if they have any infections and if they are not sick. After, they are questioned. After all this, immigrants can go to America, but we are told that very few succeed Lately, after passing Ellis Island, immigrants are allowed to go to America. After studying many papers on Ellis Island we can say that their insertion into this new world is difficult. It's difficult because they do not know people. But for some, their insertion is easy, because they have family in America like for example Seymour who had an uncle who lived in America. To conclude we can say that immigrants must go through Ellis Island before traveling to America. Many are afraid to go home. Once in Ellis Island they go to America but for some it will be difficult and for others not. We can say that this doccument illustrates this notion because here we are talking about geographical place. These people come from other countries like poland to come to America.

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