Leia o texto abaixo para as questões seguintes: SpaceX: Can meat be grown in space? Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk both want to colonise space. Nasa is also trying to put people on to the dusty surface of Mars. But if humans do want to set up communities on the moon or planets, what will they eat? Plenty of experiments have been conducted to see whether plants can flourish in space. And as of last week, a new test has begun to see if meat cells can grow. It was a small pilot step for trialling a potential nutrient source, one possibly big leap - at least the experimenters hope - for the future of space travel. The experiment was dreamt up by Aleph Farms, an Israeli company that specialises in growing meat from cells and is being carried out by the first all-private astronaut team to visit the International Space Station. Sceptics though say the method is too unstable for astronauts to rely on - and that growing space meat will never be more simple than simply bringing it up from Earth. Source: . Access: 27 apr. 2022. 1 - Você já ouviu falar em Elon Musk? Se sim, diga o que mais chamou a sua atenção quando soube das informações dele, se não, faça uma pesquisa e conheça mais sobre essa grande personalidade mundial. 2 - Com base no texto, localize e indique qual o desejo de Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. 3 - Localize e transcreva do texto o principal experimento realizado. 4 - Explique a relação do texto com o conjunto de fatos apresentados ao longo da construção da notícia.
Resposta:Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk both want to colonise space. Nasa is also trying to put people on to the dusty surface of Mars. But if humans do want to set up communities on the moon or planets, what will they eat? Plenty of experiments have been conducted to see whether plants can flourish in space.
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Resposta:Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk both want to colonise space. Nasa is also trying to put people on to the dusty surface of Mars. But if humans do want to set up communities on the moon or planets, what will they eat? Plenty of experiments have been conducted to see whether plants can flourish in space.