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May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjouur, alors en fait je dois faire un résumer de mon livre préférer de Sherlock Holmes, en anglais. Je ne suis pas très doué pour les phrases. Est ce que quelqu'un pourrait corriger mes fautes d'anglais s'il vous plait? Il est assez long désolé Merci beaucoup I choose The Adventure of the Speckled Band where Sherlock Holmes and Mr Watson come back for another case which is about a bride, Helen who lives in a manor in bad condition, alone with her stepfather, doctor Roylott, who is a violent and a tyrannical man. Julia, her twin is dead by a strange way. Helen and Julia were very close, but she died 2 years ago, as she was about to marry. It all started, the night where J asked to H if she also heard a blow in the middle of the night. By a bad feeling, H was awake all night long until she hears a blow with a shout of her sister. Then she went to the corridor and her sister get out of her bedroom with a white face of terror and died after saying '' it was the speckled band '' 2 years after Juilia death, Helen has to sleep in her twin's bedroom because, supposedly, there are works to do in her bedroom, but during the night she heard the same blow. So early in the morning she went to London for asking help to Sherlock. After having told all the story to Sherlock and Watsen, they move into the manor to investigate in the Julia's bedroom and doctor Roylott's bedroom. First, he finds out a bell cord that does not work, a bed anchored to the floor and a ventilator hole between Julia's bedroom and Dr Roylott's bedroom. After he goes to the Dr Roylott's bedroom and he finds out a mysterious safe, a small leash and a saucer. In the end he discovers that J is dead bite by a snake who was hidden in the Roy's safe. The ventilator hole and the bell cord were used by the snake for going to the bed. Roy wanted to use the same way for kill Helen but thank to Sherlock the snake goes back and bite his master. The reason why Roy wanted to kill them stepdaughters was because if they get married, they had to take the majority of his money. This novel is written through mr Watson, who is Sherlock Holmes's partener. The story takes place in 1883 and the atmosphere is dark and creepy
April 2019 | 1 Respostas
Quelqu'un peut m'expliquer comment on fait pour calculer le volume d'un noyau stpppppp Merci
April 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir, est-ce que quelqu'un voudrai bien m'expliquer comment on fait pour calculer le volume d'un noyau s'il vouuus plait, je suis perdu Mercii
April 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, alors enfait j'ai un dm en français assez difficile, je dois faire une écriture d'invention, et j'ai déjà commencé mais j'ai peur de ne pas respecter la consigne. Consigne : A la manière de Balzac dans le Pere Goriot, vous brosserez en quelques lignes le portait de cet homme pensionnaire de madame Vauquer. Après avoir établi une identité et une description physique du personnage, vous imaginerez son portait moral et ses principales occupations avec le souci qu'ils correspondent à son apparence et à ses attitudes. Donc voilà et mon idée c'est que l'homme sur le portait est mort et c'est Mme Vauquer qui raconte son histoire à son petit fils.. Voilà j'aimerai qu'on me dise si je peux continuer comme ça. Merci
April 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir! Je suis pas très bonne en Anglais j'ai fais un texte sur Henry VIII. J'aimerai bien savoir si il y a des fautes et pouvoir les corrigés. Henry VIII was born in 1491, he was the king of The United Kingdom and Ireland. He had 6 wifes and 3 children. His first woman was called Catherine Ofaragon she was Spanish she was born in 1485 and died in 1536. They had a daughter Mary Tudor. In 20 years of marriage they divorced. His second wife was Anne Boleyn. She was born in 1502. They had a daughter Elizabeth I. Accused of adultery and treason. She died beheaded in 1536. His third wife was Jane Seymour. She was born in 1509. She died in 1537 in childbirth d'Edward VI. Anne Of Cleves his fourth wife was born in 1515 and died in 1557. Catherine Howard was his fifth wife was born in 1521. Also accused of adultery and treason she died beheaded in 1512. Again and again he remaried with Catherine Parr a young girl who was born in 1512. They had 20 years apart. Henry VIII died in 1547, and Catherine died one year after him in 1548. Je pense avoir fais des fautes pour la formulation des phrases. Et surtout pour le mot " en accouchant d'Edward " Je ne sais pas si ça s'écrit comme ça et je ne pense pas. Merciii
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