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May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, j'ai toujours eu du mal à différencier l'imparfait et le passé simple, or là je dois préparer un oral pour le bac où je dois raconter un voyage scolaire.. Quel temps dois-je utiliser?Merci d'avance! ^^
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Salut! Je sais pas trop pourquoi mais là je beug énormément sur ma problématique, j'arrive pas à la transformer en question.. Donc la voici en français :➡Les différents types d'échanges entre les différents espaces sont-ils tous positifs?➡?? Merci d'avance !
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Salut! Urgent s'il vous plait!Est c'que quelqu'un saurait l'équivalent de "être en avance sur son temps" en espagnol?Ou la traduction si ça peut vraiment se traduire? (en l'occurrence je voudrais dire "ils sont en avance sur leur temps")Merci d'avance !
May 2019 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour, j'aurais deux petites phrases à traduire en anglais mais je ne suis pas du tout sûre de ma traduction: - Chacun veut se protéger de ce qu'il lui semble le plus important => Both wants to protect himself from what he thinks is the most important - Mais à quel prix? => ?
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, c'est urgent s'il vous plait, si quelqu'un arrive à traduire cette phrase en anglais je le remercie d'avance! J'ai commencé à traduire mais après je bloque.. ^^->Prof. Warwick est l'un des rares scientifiques qui expérimente sur lui-même et il est allé, lui aussi, plus loin que ce que l'être humain pouvait faire. ->Prof. Warwick is one of the rare scientists who experimented on himself, and ...?
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Salut! C'est urgent s'il vous plait, quelqu'un aurait une idée de plan pour répondre à cette problématique? Are border fences a limit to liberty?
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour! J'aimerai qu'une âme charitable me donne son avis et me corrige pour mon oral d'anglais:I'm going to speak about the notion "myths and heroes" . A heroe is a person who is admired for their courage and a myth is a traditional story, a widely held but false idea. Many people want to live in America, to this day. It's the American Dream: the ideal of freedom, equality and opportunities traditionally held to be available to every American, a life of personal happiness and material comfort. So we will try to answer the following question: The American Dream is a myth or a reality? In order to illustrate this notion, I'm going to present 3documents: the first one is from Ellis Island, the voyage to freedom, the second is a song by Bruce Springsteen, American Land and the last is two speeches of Obama against Trump.Firstly, Ellis Island it's situated in upper New York Bay. For 32 years, 12million immigrants passed trough its gates in search of economic opportunities, to escape political or religious oppression or to rejoin family members. They all have a common goal: to start a new life in a new world, the United States. Bug the immigrants were examined medically to make sure they wouldn't become a burden or a public health risk and if they could work. When immigrants didn't meet the requirements, they could be detained on Ellis Island for weeks, sometimes for months. That's why Ellis Island was called Isle of Tears by immigrants. Similarly, American Land is a immigrant song, it's first the story of a young Irish immigrant in NY and of his dreal but it's also the story of immigration in the US and the singer's vision of the US as a nation of immigrants. America is depicted as a land of opportunities who everybody has the chance of a good life, a land of plenty. Everybody can have what we need, or more than we need. He's describe as the new Eldorado. But the true reality is that workers are exploited until the death. So, there are a lot of exaggerated and idealized conception in this song and the reality is not the one that they were expected to. Thus this 2documents show that the American dream it's a myth for immigrants in the 19th century.And secondly, Barack Obama in 2008 gives a definition of the American Dream thereafter Donald Trump. For Obama, the American Dream is a lack of discrimination, equal opportunity whatever ethnic group, religion or origin. He had a social vision of the American Dream: Hr favourz basic aspects of everyday like education, healthcare and retirements. Unlike trump who wants to rebuild the nation, improving the country's infrastructure. Trump has a materialistic vision. Despite this, both want to improve people's lives and insist on the economy as a key of the American Dream. So we have a same definition of the American Dream but 2 different focus. To conclude, the vision of the American Dream at the end of the 19th century and the early 20th centurly was a myth for immigrants because of the hard work and the small salary: indeed they was victims of discrimination. But today Trump has another, a new vision of the American Dream: He gives more importance at material comfort rather personal happiness and healthcare of the Americans. It's a new form of the American Dream which is reality.Merci beaucoup!
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, je passe mon oral d'anglais le 4 mai et j'aimerai savoir si, dans l'intro, on est obligés de définir les termes de la notion présentée? Parce que par exemple pour la notion de mythes et héros, je n'utilise pas le terme de héros donc est ce que c'est vraiment utile de le définir si je n'en parle pas? Merci de votre réponse ^^
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