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January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, J'ai la 6 du début de l'exercice d'en haut et l'exercice 9 également. C'est urgent et je n'y arrive absolument pas. Merci.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, étant peu forte en allemand, je ne comprends ce qu'il faut faire et comment le faire et l'écrire. Pouvez-vous m'aider ? Ci-joint, le document correspondant à mon devoir.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, Voici mon travail : Résoudre l'inéquation suivante : x^3 + 2x^2 + x > ou égale 0 Merci
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, j'ai ceci à faire : Résoudre l'inéquation suivante : 1) -5x au carré < ou égale 0 Merci
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, voici mon exercice : Résoudre les inéquations suivantes en utilisant un tableau de signes. Vous factoriserez lorsque cela sera nécessaire : 1) (x - 4) (3 - x) < ou égale 0 2) x (-2x + 3) > 0 3) (4x - 9) (1 - 5x) < 0 4) -2x ( x - 1) (4 - x) < ou égale 0 5) (x + 7) au carré + 2 (x + 1) (x + 7) < ou égale 0 6) 4x au carré - 9 > ou égale 0 7) (3x + 5) au carré > ou égale 1 Merci.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, j'ai une question : Quels sont les effets démographiques de la crise agricole ? (émigration irlandaise) Merci
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, j'ai ceci à faire pour demain en mathématiques : 3x + 1 / 4 < 5x + 1 / 6 C'est une inéquation. Merci.
January 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour, j'ai des exercices : Résoudre dans R l'équation suivante en supprimant d'abord les fractions : 1) 2x+3 / 2 = 7x-2 / 3 Résoudre dans R l'équation suivante en supprimant au choix d'abord les parenthèses ou les fractions : 3) 5(x-2) / 8 + 3(1-x) / 5 = 2x+3 / 10 Développer, réduire et ordonner les expressions algébriques suivantes : 1) (3x-4)(2x+1) 6) (x au carré+x+1)(2x-1) Voilà, merci beaucoup !
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, pouvez-vous me corriger mon devoir s'il vous plaît ? Learning that the witches predicted her husband would become King, Lady Macbeth decided to precipitate things by provoking the King’s death. She started to devise a plan: How can I kill him? My wishes to become a queen would finally come true. The fame, the wealth and the power for us! After some time of researches on my own, I made a witch’s acquaintance. I already knew she would help me, therefore I just asked for her services. It was not a big deal to kill the King. I just had to prepare everything with my devil thoughts. Killing someone was bad, but I would do everything to be Queen. I was myself a weapon made of flesh. I was a sword covered in skin. But I needed something to end his reign faster. Some might say that I am cruel, made of stone or that I merely don’t have a heart, and yes, I am proud of it. Because, after all, I found a reason to live: being a Queen, leading the realm. The plan I made was simple. I just had to give the King’s a detrimental product: the witch’s potion. She easily gave it to me because she wanted to see actions. To make his death happen, I had to consider my options to give it without being caught. Was poisoning a King tough though? Whereas I was trying hard to find a way to make him die, the witch was now looking at the castle, waiting for an occurrence to happen. As I thought I was finished with my preparation, I put my jacket on and took the object needed to finish to carry out my task. I didn’t need to run : I knew I would make it, after all. I was just walking along the road, with the same peculiar smile. No one was watching me. I saw the King’s castle after some time. Among my possibilities, I could simply ask for seeing the King or I could go into the castle without permission. I finally chose to go inside without asking someone to unexpectedly kill the King. Then, I would surprise him. Cheerful, I paied attention to quickly enter. The soldiers didn’t notice me at all. I only had to find the King’s room and I was finished. The King turned around, noticing a noise behind him. My unannounced visit seemed to surprise him. I tried not to strangely act. I asked him for books, to make him change his direction. He was kind of surprised but searched for it. I took advantage of his lapse of concentration, when he was upon the chair, to make him get down on his knees and giving him the potion. His bulging eyes looked at me for a second and he suddenly fell down onto the floor. I had won. Only the witch knew about this story when the news came. The king’s death was an enigma to everybody. Macbeth was King, just as the Lady’s yearning. And the new Queen was satisfield that everything within her realm was now as it should be. Merci.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, c'est bien la première fois que je n'arrive pas à différencier par moi-même la différence entre les utilisations des différents verbes. Je dois compléter les phrases avec ces verbes : protecting / affecting / threatening / damaging / preserving. a) Tourism in the Rockies is ... wildlife habitat and ... the ecosystem as a whole. b) Fences are ... wildlife from cars. c) Green activists aim at ... the amazing landscape that tourism is. Si vous pouvez m'expliquer en même temps vos réponses, ça m'aiderait vraiment à comprendre. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.
January 2021 | 1 Respostas
Hello, J’aurai besoin d’aide pour voir mes erreurs sur ce texte que j’ai fait pour la littérature anglaise. Merci d’avance. There was a man who didn’t want to marry a woman. He was only envious of women, who could freely be with the man they loved. Actually, the system itself gave them a soulmate during the procedure. The procedure was a sort of way everybody has to pass through to know who his or her soulmate is. They next have to look at their hands, and they’ll see that the blood vessels turned into a unique pattern. This exact pattern will show up on their soulmate’s hand too. Unfortunately, there was a rule nobody had the right to infringe: a man can’t be with another man and a woman can’t be with another woman. The procedure also knew that and never gave a man soulmate to another man or the other way round for women. Another man was always looking at women. He thought they were sumptuous humans. All of them were probably waiting for a beautiful man like him to marry them. Is that the truth though? As he turned 21 the day before, he had to go to the highway to get to know who his soulmate is. In fact, when you turned 21, it was the time for you to know who you will spend your life with. Then you marry one another. The world they both lived in was called Nighwar. Sometimes Min hwan imagined a better world, where you would have had the choice to be homosexual or heterosexual. He for sure didn’t want to stay his entire life with a woman who isn’t even his real soulmate because he likes men. However, when he went to the highway, entered the room at the middle of the road, what a surprise he had when he got his soulmate. None of that was normal. He was given a man. He knew that because of the distinctive sign he also had on the palm of his hand. It was a forbidden sign. The symbol of homosexuality, the one they erased from the world after the civil war they had. At this time, Min hwan knew his life wouldn’t be like before. He would have to hide himself from everybody. He had to flee Nighwar before that the government kills him and his partner. Regarding Dae-Hyun, everything was quite normal. He was given a wonderful woman and lived the perfect life nowadays. He truly loved her. The way he experienced life was perfectly in accordance with the society of his time: he loved a woman, shared his life with her, worked for her to have a beautiful life and was getting ready to have a child with her wife. He worked as a policeman and arrested homosexuals. Homosexuals were first tortured by them and then sent to the death row. He wasn’t really sad for them; he actually thought it was better for them not to live. Min hwan was always scared when he walked on the street. He dreads being accosted by the police. He was checking every moves people made. As he saw a man looking at his direction, he started to change his journey. Sadly, he followed him. Min hwan knew his life was close to an end. He sped up, hopeless, but the man stopped him violently. He pushed him against the wall next to them and swore. He looked at the hand of the poor man and made a wry smile. Later, the man died in pain just like every homosexuals. They killed him little by little. Dae-hyun was still happy in this unfair world, contrary to Min hwan who couldn’t even live. That was the end of his life and his story whereas Dae-hyun continued to live like nothing happened next to him. He was blinded by the system of the world he lived in without even realizing. Yet, everything was only violence.
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, j’ai un exercice d’anglais à faire même si je comprends les phrases, je n’arrive pas à voir l’ordre... Repérez les verbes qui indiquent les différentes étapes d’un procès et classez les phrases dans l’ordre. a) The judge gives a two-year prison sentence. b) A man is seen breaking into a house. c) The case is taken to court. d) The victims file a complaint. e) The man goes to jail. f) The court listens to the witnesses. g) The victims’ lawyer pleads at the bar. h) He benefits from a sentence reduction for good behavior. Je dirai qu’à la fin c’est a puis e puis h mais c’est tout ce que j’arrive à voir... Merci d’avance.
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, j'ai cet exercice à faire mais je n'ai pas d'idées de connexion : On the way to Drumheller, Rowley tells Sophie about the extraordinary connection people here have with their land. Write the conversation. Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, des fonctions suivantes, lesquelles sont des fonctions affines ? justifier chaque reponse. a) k : x ---> 2/3x + 5 b) g : x ---> x au carré - 7 c) h : x ---> - x/4 + 1 d) j : x ---> - 4/x + 1 e) t : x ---> racine de x + 2 f) f : x ---> racine de 3 x + 5 Merci !
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, Un professeur demande de tracer la représentation graphique de la fonction f : x ---> 7x. Deux élèves discutent : Thomas > J'ai fait un tableau de 10 valeurs, puis j'ai placé et relié les 10 points. Jade > Moi, je n'ai calculé les coordonnées que d'un seul point. 1) Expliquer pourquoi Thomas n'a pas besoin de prendre 10 valeurs. 2) Expliquer comment Jade peut tracer la représentation graphique de la fonction f. Merci !
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, Un professeur demande de tracer la représentation graphique de la fonction f : x ---> 7x. Deux élèves discutent : Thomas > J'ai fait un tableau de 10 valeurs, puis j'ai placé et relié les 10 points. Jade > Moi, je n'ai calculé les coordonnées que d'un seul point. 1) Expliquer pourquoi Thomas n'a pas besoin de prendre 10 valeurs. 2) Expliquer comment Jade peut tracer la représentation graphique de la fonction f. Merci !
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, on considere la fonction lineaire k definie par k(x) = 2/3x. Calculer l'image de chacun des nombres suivants par la fonction k : A) -4 B) -9/4 Merci !
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, en arts plastiques je dois faire ça : Comment rappeler la banquise dans une œuvre ? Avez-vous des idées ? Merci d'avance ! :)
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Très urgent !!! /!\ Bonjour, alors voilà, je souhaite intégrer une section international américain et pour cela, il faut rendre un dossier. Pourriez-vous me corriger les fautes sur ça : The purpose of the international American section is to train the students to become bilinguals at the end of the terminal class. They teach the students the knowledge, the literature and the American history. The students will be able to include an American or English university. Merci d'avance ! :)
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjours, alors voilà, je souhaite intégrer une section international américain et pour cela, il faut rendre un dossier. Pourriez-vous me corriger les fautes sur ça : The purpose of the international American section is to train the students to become bilinguals at the end of the terminal class. They teach the students the knowledge, the literature and the American history. The students will be able to include an American or English university. Merci d'avance ! :)
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, voici mon exercice : Factoriser chaque expression : C = (2x+3)^2 - 49 D = (2+x)^2 - (4x+5)^2 E = 25 - (3x-1)^2 F = (4x+1)^2 - (7-2x)^2 Merci d'avance pour votre aide ! :)
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, dans mon exercice, il est demandé de factoriser cette expression : x^2-114. Pouvez-vous m'aider ? Il m'est impossible de résoudre cette demande. Merci d'avance.
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, Le dernier exercice de mon DM de maths me pose quelques problèmes, le voici : On donne l'expression : M = (3x+5)(x+1) - (3x+5)(2x+7) 1) Développer et réduire M. 2) Factorider M. 3) Calculer M pour x = -6, puis pour x = 0. Il a l'air facile mais moi et les maths ça fait deux alors sil vous plaît, aidez-moi. Merci d'avance ! :)
May 2019 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour, J'aurai besoin d'aide pour mon DM de maths s'il vous plaît. Il s'agit de cet exercice : Les questions 1, 2 et 3 sont indépendantes. 1) On donne A = 3/4-3/1/2+2 Calculer et donner le résultat sous forme d'une fraction irréductible ; on fera apparaître les étapes de calcul. 2) On donne B = 1,5X10^-3/3X10^2 a) Donner l'écriture décimale de B. b) Exprimer B en écriture scientifique. 3) a) On donne C = racine carrée de 180 - 2 racine carrée de 80 Ecrire C sous la forme a racine carrée de b, où a et b sont des nombres entiers et b le plus petit possible. b) Soit D = 5 racine carrée de 12 / 2 racine carrée de 3 Montrer que D est un nombre entier, en faisant apparaître les étapes de calcul. Merci d'avance à celles et ceux qui vont me répondre ! :)
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