bonjour est ce que qlq peut m'aider avec cet exo Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses. 1 If I see him I (give) …………him a lift. 2 The table will collapse if you (stand) …….on it. 3 If he (eat) ………….,all that he will be ill. 4 If I find your passport I …..(telephone) you at once. 5 The police ………….(arrest) him if they catch him. 6 If he (read)……… in bad light he will ruin his eyes. 7 Someone …….(steal) your car if you leave it unlocked. 8 What will happen if my parachute ………..(not open)? 9 If he (wash)………… my car I'll give him 100DH. 10 If she (need) ……….a radio she can borrow mine. 11 If you …………(not go) away I'll send for the police. 12 I'll be very angry if he (make)……. any more mistakes. 13 If he …………(be) late we'll go without him. 14 She will be absolutely furious if she (hear)….. about this. 15 If you put on the kettle I…….. (make) the tea. 16 If you give my dog a bone he …….(bury) it at once. 17 If we leave the car here it …..(not be) in anybody's way. 18 He'll be late for the train if he ……..(not start) at once. 19 If you come late they ……..(not let) you in. 20 If he (go)…. on telling lies, nobody will believe a word he says. 21 Unless he (sell) more he won't get much commission. 22 If I lend you 1000DH, when you …….(repay) me? 23 We'll have to move upstairs if the river (rise)….. any higher. 24 If he (work)….. hard today can he have a holiday tomorrow? 25 Ice (turn)…… to water if you heat it. 26 If the house (burn)….. down we can claim compensation. 27 If you ……(not like) this one I'll bring you another. 28 Unless you are more careful you …….(have) an accident. 29 Tell him to ring me up if you (see)…..him. 30 If I tell you a secret…….you (promise) not to tell it to anyone else? 31 If you ………..(not believe) what I say, ask your mother. 32 If he (like)……. the house, will he buy it? 33 If you will kindly sit down ,I ……….(make) enquiries for you. 34 Unless I have a quiet room I …..(not be able) to do any work. 35 She won't open the door unless she (know)…… who it is. 36 If you require anything else, I …….(bring) it to you immediately.
bonjour je vous en supplie est ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider USE THE ZERO CONDITIONNAL 1-If I_______________(get) a headache, I_______________(usually,take) an aspirin. 2-If you_______________(be) a vegetarian, you_______________(not,eat) meat. 3-If I_______________(make) a mistake, the teacher_______________(always,find) it. 4-If flowers_______________(not,get) any water, they_______________(die). 5-Mr.Jones_______________(speak)more slowly if we_______________(not,understand) him. 6-If you_______________(mix) the colors red and yellow, you_______________(get) orange. 7-If you_______________(not,put) the butter in the fridge, it_______________(go) bad. 8-If something_______________(be) lighter than water, it_______________(float). 9-I_______________(wake) up early if I_______________(go) to bed early at nights. 10-If you_______________(heat) ice, it_______________(melt). 11-If I_______________(not,have) breakfast, I_______________(feel) dizzy. 12-_______________(you/mind) if I_______________(use) your telephone? 13-If babies_______________(be) hungry, they_______________(cry). 14-If I_______________(sleep) too long, I_______________(wake) up with a headache. 15-If it_______________(rain) hard, everyone_______________(stay) indoors. 16-If you_______________(drop) an egg, it_______________(break). 17-If Jane_______________(ask) me, I_______________(always,help) her. 18-You_______________(put) on weight if you_______________(not,do) enough exercise. 19-If you_______________(lie) in the sun, your skin_______________(turn) to red. 21-If you_______________(cut) your finger, the finger_______________(bleed). 22-If you_______________(leave) a cake in the oven for a long time, it_______________(burn) 23-Farmers_______________(always,complain) if it_______________(not,rain) enough in the summer. 24-If you_______________(pour) oil on water, the oil_______________(float). 25-If you_______________(water) plants regularly, the plants_______________(grow).

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