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June 2021 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour !Je bloque à la question 2) du premier exercice de ce dm, si quelqu'un peut m'aider ce serait super sympa !MERCI !
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
ITALIEN Bonjour, je suis en section européenne italien depuis la sixième (je suis en quatrième) et avec quelques personnes on voudrait remercier notre prof qui est juste adorable. Est-ce que vous pouvez me dire s'il y a des erreurs dans ce mot de remerciements ? Merci d'avance... Grazie infinitamente per tutto ciò che ha fatto per noi, per tutti gli sforzi che ha forniti. Questi tre anni sono stati insieme meravigliosi, e noi speriamo che questo ultimo anno con Lei ci porterà ancora pieno delle belle cose. GRAZIE MILLE.
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour ! Aucune inspiration pour mon sujet de rédaction... Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'en donner ? voilà le sujet : Rédigez un monologue qui exprime de façon comique la jalousie d'un personnage Critères de réussite : - Rédiger un monologue à la première personne, au futur de l'indicatif - Employer des phrases exclamatives - Opposer deux niveaux de langue Je ne demande pas le texte finit, juste un tout petit peu d'inspiration... o.o MERCI !!
January 2021 | 2 Respostas
Bonjour, Pour demain je dois rendre une rédaction en anglais (niveau 3ème). Pourriez-vous me corriger et me dire si mon texte est cohérent et intéressant? Merciii Voilà mon texte: The Discovery My name is Andrew. I’m going to tell you the day when I discovered my superpower. I remember that day. I had an argument with my family. I wanted to get some fresh air, so I went out. I was walking near a steep cliff, breathing some fresh air, when a gust of wind blew me over the edge of the cliff. I felt myself falling quickly. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t. The ground was coming up at a terrific speed. Any minute, I was going to crash on the cold stone. But, suddenly, as if time had stopped, a feeling of inner heat swept over me, and I cease my fall. I was suspended over the rock. I didn’t understand what was going on. Could I fly? Apparently yes. Slowly, I returned to land. In shock, I went home. My family was in the living-room. My mother was yelling at my father, and my sister was crying. I crossed the room, to go in my bedroom. I didn’t mean to interfere, I had enough argument… When they sawed me, they stopped speaking and a dead quiet came down on the room. My parents stood up straight, arms at your side, as if they waited for orders. I noticed that their eyes become translucent. My sister looked at me with her sadistic smile. I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t know what to do. After two minutes of silence, the eyes of my sister became red and she spoke. Her voice seemed to come of everywhere; I remember exactly what she said: “Even if you can fly, you’ll remain the stupid little boy you’ve ever been. Yes, I knew that you had a superpower. Yes, I got one too. But don’t ask me anything, or I will kill you. Now, go to bed.” And as I didn’t move, as if I was paralyzed, she added: “Right now!” That night, I didn’t sleep.
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