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February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjours avez vous des exemple de phrases en spanglish
February 2021 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider à corriger mon texte en anglais ? How did you experience playing this role? I have always admired Marie Curie, it gave me great pleasure to play her role and I am very proud of it. Before playing the role of Marie Curie, I already considered her to be an important person who revolutionized medicine, but this role allowed me to discover and admire her even more. I remember being startled with joy when I was told that I was going to play marie curie. That's what I love about the cinema is learning and feeling the emotions of a person who changed the world. I had noticed that in the photos she was still angry, like she was in a hurry to get back to work. Was really difficult to play this role ? I will not hide from you that I had to make many changes in physique to play this role. I had to go on a diet to lose pounds and also cut my hair, I remember the reaction of my husband who did not I recognized myself more it was funny. I required myself enormously and devote time to try to feel as much as possible the emotions of maries curie in order to be able to express them again to the spectators I do not hide from you that sometimes I was so involved in my job that I didn't keep up at night and that I couldn't always understand his ways of thinking.
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjours , pouvez vous corriger mon texte d'anglais svp 20 points In Kenya, in the city of Lamu in June 2016, Ben Morison founded the boat "the flipflopi" which is not a simple boat. Indeed this boat was built from the recycling of more than ten tons of plastic waste and 30,000 flip-flops refitted. The flipflopi was launched in September 2018 and recently completed its first revolutionary expedition of more than 500 km between Kenya and Zanziba. Ben Morison launched this project to show the potential plastic already used but also to show to the population that there is a lot of plastic on the beaches.Sailing along the African coast, the boat saw a direct impact on the tourism industry and engaged communities, policy makers and businesses in serious discussions on plastics and the environment. I discovered this magnificent project thanks to a YouTube video and I learned more about it through websites. Regarding the flipflopi boat, I think that is a very good project because it will be able to create an impact to make people react about the ocean pollution but also to promote recycling because this project proves that with only flip flops we can reuse the plastic.
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjours , pouvez vous corriger mon texte d'anglais svp In Kenya, in the city of Lamu in June 2016, Ben Morison founded the boat "the flipflopi" which is not a simple boat. Indeed this boat was built from the recycling of more than ten tons of plastic waste and 30,000 flip-flops refitted. The flipflopi was launched in September 2018 and recently completed its first revolutionary expedition of more than 500 km between Kenya and Zanziba. Ben Morison launched this project to show the potential plastic already used but also to show to the population that there is a lot of plastic on the beaches.Sailing along the African coast, the boat saw a direct impact on the tourism industry and engaged communities, policy makers and businesses in serious discussions on plastics and the environment. I discovered this magnificent project thanks to a YouTube video and I learned more about it through websites. Regarding the flipflopi boat, I think that is a very good project because it will be able to create an impact to make people react about the ocean pollution but also to promote recycling because this project proves that with only flip flops we can reuse the plastic.
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjours pouvez vous corriger mon texte et m'aider a trouver des idées pour la deuxième partie svp CONSIGNE :tache final fabriquer un objet qui soit utile ou de décoration à partir d'objet de recuperation.Preparer une presentation de votre objet expliquer comment vous l'avez fabriquer ,et expliquer en quoi votre demarche permet d'ameliorer le monde. Utiliser le vocabulaire de l'écologie et comme grammaire : lo+adj, obligation (hay que,hace falta que,tenemos que) permite + inf ,pasarse el tiempo +ger Este objeto es un jarrón que he creado a partir de objetos reciclados que son una botella de plástico y un CD. Cuando vi una botella vacía en mi mesa y un CD, se me ocurrió la idea de hacer un jarrón . Para fabricar este jarrón hay que cortar una botella por la mitad y luego cortar el borde de la botella para hacer una decoración, luego pegar el tapón de la botella en el CD y, finalmente, pintar todo con pintura .
December 2020 | 1 Respostas
L’ADN s’exprime t-il de la même manière dans chacune des cellules ? Quel est le résultat de son expression ?
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir pouvez vous m'aider Transposez au discours indirect. Variezlesverbes introducteurs.Sage l'Ancien s'adressa aux animaux de laFerme : « Toi, Malabar, le jour où tes mfameux n'auront plus leur force ni leur emploi.te vendra à l'équarrisseur, et l'équarris-ir te tranchera la gorge. Aux chiens eux-nes, une fois édentés et hors d'âge, Jonespasse une grosse pierre au cou et les noie dansl'étang le plus proche. Est-ce que ce n'est pas claircomme de l'eau de roche ? Débarrassons-nousde l'Homme ! »D'après GEORGE ORWELL.
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour Pouvez-vous m'aider pour cet exercice s'il vous plaît A) pour chacune des droites ci-dessus dire le coefficient directeur et l'ordonnée à l'origineB) en déduire l'expression algébrique des fonctions FGH et J
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour Pouvez-vous me corriger mon texte s'il vous plaît et y rajouter quelques petites phrasesCONSIGNE en anglais je dois faire un débat où je dois répondre à la question quel est le responsable de l'obésité ? le gouvernement où les personnes ? j'ai choisi le gouvernement et mon rôle c'est une personne qui aime les fast food. MON TEXTE :Hello I introduce myself I'm ***** and I love junk food, I eat there almost every day. I find fast food very convenient for people who don't have time to cook in more it is delicious but I have healthy problems because of my obesity. In adults there are thirty seven percent obsessed in the USA, the government is responsible for obesity in America because there is a high production of food which insists on the USA to consume there's a lot of fast food on the streets of the USA. Children eat too much in the canteens and do little sport. And to finish most of there foods are too fat and sugar and are modified whith chemicals. Merci et bonne fin de journée
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour Pouvez-vous me donner quelques arguments pour dire que l'obésité en Amérique est à cause du gouvernement (fast food cantine...)
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonsoir question d'après un texte Qui parle, dans cette scène ? À qui ? Pour répondre,appuyez-vous sur les pronoms utilisés dans le premierparagraphe.ondre ana.
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
Bonjour Pouvez-vous me résoudre c'est trois signe équation s'il vous plaît merci d'avanceh. 3/2x+1<4 ;i. 4x-2/3>-x/3+2 ;j. 4x-(x+1)<8x .
October 2020 | 0 Respostas
bonsoir pouvez-vous me convertir52850 al10 000 000 al93 000 000 000 alEn notation scientifique en mètre. (mettez les valeurs exacte) Merci et bonne soirée
October 2020 | 1 Respostas
bonsoir pouvez-vous me convertir52850 al10 000 000 al93 000 000 000 alEn notation scientifique en mètre. (mettez les valeurs exacte) Merci et bonne soirée
October 2020 | 0 Respostas
Bonjour j'ai un devoir maison sur la relation de Chasles pour demain pouvez-vous me corriger DOIS JE RÉDIGER ? compléter les égalités suivantes enutilisant la relation de Chasles.1. AB + BD =AD2. CB+ BD=CD3. IK+ KL = IL
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