Aap3 - Língua Inglesa IV Leia as frases na voz passiva abaixo e decida se são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F). ( ) The car was washed to Mary last Saturday. ( ) Jake’s mother was interviewed for a new job at the university. ( ) The park has been protected by the community since 2010. ( ) The dogs are being walked every day by Sam. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta: Alternativas: a) F – F – V – V. b) F – V – V – F. c) V – F – V – V. d) V – F – F – V. e) F – F – V – F. 2) Analise as frases abaixo e escolha as alternativas corretas quanto ao uso dos ‘modal verbs’. I- You ought go to New Zealand. It’s an amazing place. II- Kate and Sally may be in finals of the school marathon. III- Mark should take a difficult decision until the end of the moth. It is about his carreer. IV- Jack must to go to Alaska before the winter. It’s not easy to stay there in this season. Assinale a alternativa que contém os elementos corretos dos componentes das orações acima. Alternativas: a) I e III. b) II e IV. c) III e IV. d) II e III. e) I apenas. 3) Complete as lacunas abaixo usando o vocabulário proposto. coherent – plans – responsibilities– needs [“UNHCR bases its budgetary planning around a presentation of the requirements it has identified through the Global Needs Assessment (GNA) in order to fulfill _____ asked of the organization by the international community. At the start of this process in early 2009, UNHCR operations worked to design _____ and budgets for 2010 and 2011 that would respond comprehensively to the _____ of persons of concern. A thorough review at Headquarters in April and May 2009 ensured that UNHCR’s requirements and programs of work for the biennium were _____ and realistic, given the available capacities on the ground.”] Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a resposta com a sequência correta do vocabulário sugerido. Alternativas: a) responsibilities – plans – needs – coherent. b) responsibilities – coherent – needs – plans. c) needs– responsibilities – plans – coherent. d) coherent – plans – responsibilities– needs. e) needs – plans – responsibilities – coherent. 4) Leia as frases abaixo e complete as lacunas em cada uma das afirmações a seguir com os pronomes ‘when’ ou ‘if’. 1- You should decide what to do _____ you get home. 2- Sally is always nervous _____ she has business meetings. 3- Call your mother _____ you want to invite her for my birthday dinner. 4- They don’t know _____ Sue is at home now. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a resposta com a sequência correta do vocabulário sugerido. Alternativas: a) when - when - if - when. b) if – if – when – when. c) when – if – when – if. d) when – when – if – if. e) if – when – when – if.
Aap4 - Língua Inglesa IV Analise as frases abaixo e determine quais utilizam corretamente os “question tags”: 1- Mary went to the mall to meet her friends, did she? 2- He has been working very hard recently, hadn’t he? 3- You didn’t buy that cake I asked you yesterday, did you? 4- You will go with us the mountains next weekend, won’t you? Assinale a alternativa que apresenta somente as frases corretas: Alternativas: a) I apenas. b) I, III e IV. c) III e IV. d) II e III. e) I e IV. 2) Analise as frases abaixo e determine em seguida quais utilizam os chamados “discourse markers” corretamente: I- Sam asked me to help him this weekend because he needs to prepare a long report with graphs. Moreover, I am not good with graphs and design. II- Jake and Graham are travelling to Japan next January. In fact, I am very interested in going with them if I am on vacation. III- Some friends have asked me to write a book about our trips, in example, to forests and jungle we have been in the last ten years. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta somente as frases corretas: Alternativas: a) II e III. b) I e III. c) III apenas. d) II apenas. e) I e II. 3) Considere as afirmações a seguir e identifique as que são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F), em relação ao uso correto do “question tag”: I- You would like to be invited for that party, wouldn’t you? II- Mary has given up moving to San Francisco next year, doesn’t she? III- Simon and Sue are not going to get married next summer, won’t they? IV- That is not that famous actor in the restaurant, is he? Assinale a alternativa que contém a sequência correta: Alternativas: a) F – F – V – V. b) V – F – F – V. c) F – V – F – V. d) V – F – V – F. e) V – V – F – V. 4) Analise as afirmativas abaixo e determine se o uso do ‘reported speech’ está correto em cada uma delas: I. She said she works with her family for a long time. II. They called and confirmed they will be coming next holiday. III. Jason asked if we should really move to downtown. IV. My mother always said that children had to go to bed early. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta somente as afirmativas corretas: Alternativas: a) I e III. b) III e IV. c) II e IV. d) I, II e IV. e) I e IV.
Aap2 - Língua Inglesa IV -CORRIGIDO PELO AVA 1)Leia as frases abaixo em língua inglesa e, em seguida, analise-as segundo a ordem correta das palavras em cada uma delas. I- Last year Sue and Mary travelled to Hong Kong on vacation. II- Brandon and Mark have played basketball since they were teenagers in Memphis. III- Kate has been travelling on business for the last five years to Montana. IV- In London it is possible at the weekends to visit beautiful museums. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta somente as frases na ordem correta dos elementos. Alternativas: a) I e III. b) II e III. c) I e IV. d) III e IV. e) I e II. Alternativa assinalada 2) Preencha as lacunas usando o vocabulário sugerido. contemporary – modern – influence - ancient 1- _____ art was developed since the endof the 19thcentury. 2- Greece and Rome are places of _____ art. 3- The term _____ art is used since the end of the second war. 4- Art during the medieval ages had a deep _____ of religion. Escolha alternativa que contém a sequência correta do uso do vocabulário sugerido acima. Alternativas: a) 1- modern; 2- ancient; 3- contemporary; 4- influence. Alternativa assinalada b) 1- ancient; 2- contemporary; 3- modern; 4- influence. c) 1- contemporary; 2- influence; 3- modern; 4- ancient. d) 1- ancient; 2- influence; 3- modern; 4- contemporary. e) 1- modern; 2- influence; 3- ancient; 4- contemporary. 3) Analise as frases com o uso de ‘phrasal verbs’ e assinale para cada uma delas se são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F). ( ) Companies should be prohibited to carry out chemical tests on animals. ( )Susan: We have new neighbor. He moved out last weekend. I haven’t seen him yet. ( )They company is specialized in dropping off important documents. ( )He is always running to get off his morning bus. He should wake up earlier. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta das respostas: Alternativas: a) V – V – F – F. b) V – F – V – F. Alternativa assinalada c) F – V – F – F. d) F – V – V – V. e) F – V – V – F. 4) Leia as frases e preencha as lacunas usando os pronomes relativos Who/that/which. a- Jessica was a girl _____ played football with her brothers. b- You can have your own flat ______ doesn’t need to be near the school. c- Mike loves films _____ are about science fiction. d- The coat she wears, ______ was bought last week, suits her perfectly. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta os pronomes na ordem correta para preencher as lacunas das frases acima: Alternativas: a) which – which – that – that. b) who – which – that – which. Alternativa assinalada c) who – that – who – which. d) that – that – who – which. e) that – which – that – who.

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