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December 2023 | 1 Respostas
10. Complete the definition below with the appropriate word. " .... conveys the speaker's attitude or feelings" Opções de pergunta 6: Intonation Stress Assimilation Juncture
October 2023 | 1 Respostas
Como a semântica se relaciona com a compreensão do significado das palavras e das sentenças em inglês? Compartilhe exemplos de relações de sinonímia, antonímia e hiperonímia aplicadas ao estudo do vocabulário em língua inglesa. Alguém da um help
October 2023 | 1 Respostas
According to F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby: I – The American Dream is real and may work for all who want a wealthy life; II – Nick Carraway did not get the love he wanted and died as na unhappy man; III – Jay Gatsby inherited his money from his Father, but did not get accepted by his neighbours. Opções de pergunta 1: All sentences are correct; None of the sentences are correct. Just II is correct; I and III are correct;
October 2023 | 0 Respostas
About the 20th century literature in English Language, choose the correct option: I – The need of high status is one of the worries represented by the 20th century Literature; II – F. Scott Fitzgerald worked with the stream of consciousness while describing Daisy's thoughts on Gatsby; III – James Joyce worked with his Stephen Dedalus Character in three different novels: The Portrait..., Ulysses and The Dead. Opções de pergunta 8: All sentences are correct; None of the sentences are correct. I and II are correct; Just I is correct; Just II is correct; alguém, plssss
September 2023 | 1 Respostas
Considering what we have studied about contemporary literature in English language, choose the correct alternative: I – Dystopian novels are part of the 21st century fiction and have not been well-explored in the 20th century; II – The Hunger Games is a dystopian story about the consequences of Henry VIII's actions; III – It is not possible to say that George Orwell has written dystopian stories. Opções de pergunta 1: (A) I and II are correct (B) Just II is correct (C) Just III is correct (D) II and III are correct (E) Just I is correct (F) None of the sentences are correct. (G) All sentences are correct (H) I and III are correct
September 2023 | 1 Respostas
Based on the 21st century anxieties in Literature, choose the correct answer: Opções de pergunta 2: (A) Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia, word created by George Orwell in the beginning of the 20th century. (B) The comprexity of the post-modern era makes it impossible to fully work with Literature and the idea of a better world, once we are all pessimists now. (C) All sentences are correct. (D) Even though 1984 was written before the expansion of dystopian novels, it can be considered a great representative of this type of reading.
September 2023 | 1 Respostas
Taking into consideration what has been studied about dystopian novels, choose the correct answer: I – Dystopia is the opposite of Utopia: The latter talks about a perfect world for all, as the first shows how things can become terrible for all people as well. II – Dystopia is the world which has only evolved for upper classes. III – The term "Utopia" comes from Aristotle's Poetics Opções de pergunta 3: (A) I and II are correct (B) All sentences are correct (C) Just I is correct (D) I and III are correct (E) II and III are correct (F) None of the sentences are correct (G) Just II is correct (H) Just III is correct
September 2023 | 0 Respostas
Many people still do not know why it keeps being importante to read Literature on the 21st century. In order to find a response, choose the correct answer: I – In the 21st century, Literature may be necessary for the development of critical thinking. II – It is possible to associate Literature to a mirror: we are able to see ourselves through the pages of the texts. III – Literature can be an ally in order to spread respect towards different cultures. Opções de pergunta 4: Just I is correct None of the sentences are correct I and III are correct I and II are correct All sentences are correct II and III are correct Just II is correct Just III is correct
September 2023 | 0 Respostas
The notion of what is the Truth is sought by writers since ever. Based on Aristotle and Plato's ideas on Poetry, read the next sentences and choose the correct option: I – Greek theory has always been "pro"-fiction; II – Plato used to say that Poetry is able to direct humans to the "real Reality", and Aristotle condemned fiction; III – Artistic truth is more reachable than the philosofical one. Opções de pergunta 5: All sentences are correct Just I is correct Just II is correct I and III are correct I and II are correct Just III is correct None of the sentences are correct. II and III are correct
September 2023 | 0 Respostas
According to the importance of Literature nowadays, choose the correct answer: Opções de pergunta 6: (A) The economic position of a writer matters for all critical theory, not just for biographical criticismo. (B) Reception doesn't necessarily count as an aesthetic process which may be important for the analysis of na independent work of art. (C) Literature has Always had an important part in art, but, unfortunately, the 21st century tends to glorify more theory than fiction. (D) All topics are wrong.
September 2023 | 1 Respostas
It is impossible not to consider technology part of our Literature nowadays. Considering the importance of digital development, choose the correct answer: I – Even though technology has had great part the the 20th century history, the main feature of this period is the beginning of post-modernity. II – In Literature, technology may represent power and the necessity of a great development process of humanity. III – Technology is part of the 20th and 21st literary aesthetics. Opções de pergunta 7: (A) None of the sentences are correct (B) I and II are correct (C) Just II is correct (D) Just III is correct (E) Just I is correct (F) I and III are correct (G) II and III are correct (H) All sentences are correct
September 2023 | 2 Respostas
Considering the criticism which is respected in Literature nowadays, choose the correct answer: Opções de pergunta 8: (A) We cannot infer that Literature can be independent because reading fiction needs the author in position of power. (B) The greatest works of art up to date have all followed, somehow, the idea which says that art must be an imitation of what is real. (C) All sentences are wrong (D) Aristotle's Poetics is not relevant nowadays, once literary criticism has obtained new perspectives that may be better than the old ones.
September 2023 | 1 Respostas
Still about the previous topic, choose the correct topic: I – The Poetics mentions how Poetry is more Philosofical than History; II – Poetry talks about what could have been. History talks about what is there. III – Fiction may always be considered more important than current theory on Literature. Opções de pergunta 9: (A) Just II is correct (B) I and III are correct (C) II and III are correct (D) Just III is correct (E) Just I is correct; (F) All sentences are correct (G) I and II are correct (H) None of the sentences are correct.
September 2023 | 1 Respostas
It is commonly known that dystopian novels are usually associated to young readers due to its representative scope. Based on what has been studied about this subject, choose the correct answer: I – Dystopian novels focus on the individuality of the human being, with no dedication to social issues; II – Groups that have been excluded from society for years have got great part in dystopian novels. They are the ones who are able to observe all that is wrong in the world, and they have got the power to highlight it; III – The Hunger Games has got no political scope in it, once its narrative focuses on the development of a young adult's life, not on everybody's issues. Opções de pergunta 10: I and III are correct All sentences are correct II and III are correct Just III is correct Just II is correct Just I is correct None of the sentences are correct I and II are correct
September 2023 | 0 Respostas
Apresente um exemplo de conflito vivenciado no contexto profissional onde negociação foi um caminho para solução, ajudem pf
September 2023 | 2 Respostas
1. (0,25 pontos) Qual a importância do método científico para o desenvolvimento do país? 2. (0,50 pontos) Quanto à abordagem a pesquisa pode ser quantitativa ou qualitativa ainda ter as duas abordagens. Explique a diferença de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa. 3. (0,75 pontos) Entre os principais passos do método científico temos a observação, formulação de hipóteses, experimentação e generalização. Com suas palavras, escolha e explique um deles.
August 2023 | 2 Respostas
Choose the option which does not represent a past perfect structure: Opções de pergunta 1: A)She'd like to go now... B)I'd gone there before… C)He'd done his job before… D)I'd been there in a minute… E)They are all past perfect structures.
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Complete the sentence: I would have completed the task if she _____ called me before and asked for my help. Opções de pergunta 2: Couldn't. Hadn't. Didn't. Shouldn't. Wouldn't.
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Pergunta 3 (1 ponto) Salvo GE-ELIA-PR-QME-04 Which verb in past participle is necessary for a present perfect continuous structure? Opções de pergunta 3: Be Have Do None of them. Would
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Which of these adverbs is not correct? Opções de pergunta 4: Quietly Nicely Busily Happly Proudly
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Which of these options have only got adverbs of intensity? Opções de pergunta 6: None of them. Angrily. Busily. Lazily. Quietly. Terribly. Rapidly. Wonderfully. Silently. Scarily. Noisily. Powerfully. Intensely
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Based on what has been studied about Romanticism since the beginning of our subject, read the statements and choose the correct option: I – Romanticism started in England, and after some years it was popularized by Goethe's The Sufferings of Young Werther; II – The novel of formation is different from what is usually called Bildungsroman; III – Jane Austen was a German writer who dealt with Bildungsroman in her novels. Opções de pergunta 1: Just II and III are right. All statements are right. Just I is right. All statements are wrong. Just I and III are right.
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
What does Satan mean in John Milton's Paradise Lost (1667), Book I, line 255 when he says the mind can "make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven"? Opções de pergunta 2: He contends that place or time can change the mind, for provided he ages or becomes isolated, he will not be in possession of the inner life he has always known. Satan argues that the intellect is capable of overcoming the physical and emotional problems that arise every day. He suggests that the mind is not a "place," so external changes need to take place to change one's mindset. He points out that his soul changes according to the place where he is.
August 2023 | 2 Respostas
In Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726), what human invention does Gulliver propose to the king of Brobdingnag that the king finds revolting? Opções de pergunta 3: Gunpowder Lawyers Christianity Lying
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