Bonjour, j'aurais besoin d'aide s'il vous plaît, c'est un devoir maison d'anglais, faire des phrases, PAS DE TRADUCTION INTERNET, voici le texte:•Liberty Enlightening the World:The Statue of Liberty is the most emblematic landmark of New York City. A cruise to Liberty Island is a top tourist attraction. But there is more to it than that! The statue was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States In 1886 to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of American Independance. From the end of the 19th century to the 19305, millions of immigrants coming from all over Europe arrived In New York by boat.The first thing they saw was the Statue if Liberty: the universally reconised symbol of freedom and democracy.*The statue: it is In copper and its internal iron support was designed by Gustave Eiffel.*The torch: Miss Liberty's arm is 13metres long and holds the torch of liberty which lights the world. It used to serve as a long lighthouse.*The statue's feet: you can see broken sharckles (chains) by Miss Liberty's feet. They symbolise the escape from tyranny and oppression*The pedestal: ITIS In the shape of a star.*The crown: the seven points on the crown symbolise liberty on the seven continents.*The windows: you can climb to the top of the statue to admire the view from its 25 windows which represent the earth's 25 gemstones*The tablet: it reads July 4th 1776. That was the day the Americains declared their Independance from England.*The statue's dress: it looks like the costume of an anciant Green woman. Ancient Greece was the birthplace of democracy, so her dress symbolises democracy.les questions sont sur la photomerci beaucoup pour ce qui m'aideront c'est très urgent

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