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August 2023 | 1 Respostas
Que relação podemos fazer entre a obra de Courbet e o texto?
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
03) A figura mostra dois pêndulos em equilíbrio constituídos por duas esferas metálicas, carregadas. penduradas por dois fios isolantes a) Na situação indicada na figura, o que podemos afirmar em relação ao sinal das cargas de cada esfera? b) As esferas estão carregadas positivamente ou negativamente?
August 2023 | 1 Respostas
09) Uma esfera metálica A eletrizada com carga elétrica igual a -20,0 μC é colocada em contato com outra esfera idêntica B eletricamente neutra. Em seguida, encosta-se a esfera B em outra C também idêntica eletrizada com carga elétrica igual a 50 μC. Após esse procedimento, as esferas B e C são separadas. A carga elétrica armazenada na esfera B no final desse processo é igual a:
August 2023 | 2 Respostas
12) Considere um corpo que possui 15 prótons e 20 elétrons. Qual o valor da diferença da carga fora da neutralidade?
July 2023 | 1 Respostas
2. Reescreva as frases mantendo o sentido. Use a) Jacks bag weighs 3 kg. Bob's bag weighs 5 kg. b) Italians are friendly. Mexicans are friendlv too. c) The Empire State Building is 381 meters high. Crysler Building is 319 meters high. d) Mandarin is more difficult than German. e) Western and adventure movies are very exciting.
July 2023 | 1 Respostas
POR FAVORRR É PRA AMANHÃ 2. Reescreva as frases mantendo o sentido. Use a) Jacks bag weighs 3 kg. Bob's bag weighs 5 kg. b) Italians are friendly. Mexicans are friendlv too. c) The Empire State Building is 381 meters high. Crysler Building is 319 meters high. d) Mandarin is more difficult than German. e) Western and adventure movies are very exciting.
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
ME AJUDEM POR FAVORR 3)O artista Daniel Spoerri criou uma série de bras com colagem de objetos próprios de mesas de Jantares em grandes tábuas de madeira, pendurando-as as paredes. As pro- duções incluíam pratos, talheres, guardanapos e até restos de comida. Diante da imagem da obra e das informações apresentadas, o que você imagina que legitimou o trabalho do artista?
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
Texto para as questões de 1 a 3. Gorilla Made Famous by Dian Fossey Returns from the Dead' Feared dead a few months ago, a silverback named Cantsbee has reappeared from the mist. Cantsbee hangs out with his family group in January 2017. It can't be - but it is. Three months after he disappeared without a trace, Cantsbee the mountain gorilla has returned. One of the last two mountain gorillas named and studied by Dian Fossey, Cantsbee was presumed dead last October. No gorilla of Cantsbee's stature has ever been observed leaving his family group voluntarily, and continued searches of his home in Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park yielded no sign of the 38-year-old silverback, according to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. The average age for this gorilla population is somewhere in the 20s. But on January 5, trackers in the national park confirmed the great ape had rejoined his group; where he's been all this time is anybody's guess. Tara Stoinski, president of the Atlanta-based gorilla fund, says it's highly unlikely that the dominant male ran off with a previously unknown female os transfered, another group. 1. Explique o uso do pronome he e do possessivo his em desta- que no texto "Gorilla Made Famous by Dian Fossey Retuns from the Dead'. 2. Mark true (T) or false (F). a) ( )Cantsbee got lost in the mist. b)l )Cantsbee lives in a famous zoo called Dian Fossey. c)l d)l ) The gorilla disappeared and returned mysteriously. )The ape was forced to leave the park. e)l ) It is the first time a silverback gorilla has left and returned safely. f)l g)( ) Cantsbee's lived longer than expected. ) The gorilla had been missing for about 3 months and nobody knew where he could have been. h)l ) Tara Stoinski believes Cantsbee left because of a female. O título original do filme Gorillas in the mist literalmente sena algo como "Gorilas na neblina", que em português não parece um título interessante para um filme. 3. Anote títulos de filmes que você conheça e/ou tenha assis- tido e analise se a tradução foi feita literalmente ou se com recursos tradutológicos. Larves. Marque a alternativa correta nas questões de 4 a 10. 4. (Fuvest-SP) Reescreva completando com os pronomes pos- sessivos correspondentes às expressões destacadas: This is my book. It's_______ The house belongs to John and Mary. It's_________ a) mine - mine b) mine - theirs c) mine - their d) theirs - mine e) their - mine POR FAVOR PODEM RESPONDERRRRRR
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
11. Supply the correct possessives: a Peter's writing-______essay and we're writing________ b) The girls are waiting for________ school buses. c) Jake, are those some of________ relatives? d) The players are asking about_______ equipment. e) She knows___________math assignment well and l also know__________ f) We love__________city, do you love____________? g) The cook is preparing_________ delicious typical dishes__________ h) My parents and I are going to visit___________family in the west. tea at 5 o'clock. i) English people drink_________ tea at 5 o'clock. i) l need to talk to Anthony. Can you give me____________phone number? ME AJUDEM POR FAVORRRRRR
June 2023 | 2 Respostas
11. Supply the correct possessives: a Peter's writing-______essay and we're writing________ b) The girls are waiting for________ school buses. c) Jake, are those some of________ relatives? d) The players are asking about_______ equipment. e) She knows___________math assignment well and l also know__________ f) We love__________city, do you love____________? g) The cook is preparing_________ delicious typical dishes__________ h) My parents and I are going to visit___________family in the west. tea at 5 o'clock. i) English people drink_________ tea at 5 o'clock. i) l need to talk to Anthony. Can you give me____________phone number? ME AJUDEM POR FAVORRRRRR
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
Observe the picture and fill in the blanks a) This is my mom_________ name is Angela. b) This is my father_______ name is Roland. c) These are my twin brothers. They are six___________ names are Jake and Will. d) That one in a blue dress is my sister__________name is Kelly. e) We have a female cat and a male dog___________name is Lolly and_______name is Luke. f) This lovely couple is Tonia and Jeremy. They are___________ grandparents. ME AJUDEM POR FAVORR
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
Texto para as questões de 1 a 3. Gorilla Made Famous by Dian Fossey Returns from the Dead' Feared dead a few months ago, a silverback named Cantsbee has reappeared from the mist. Minden Pictures/Getty Images Língua Inglesa O 140 Cantsbee hangs out with his family group in January 2017. It can't be - but it is. Three months after he disappeared without a trace, Cantsbee the mountain gorilla has returned One of the last two mountain gorillas named and studied by Dian Fossey, Cantsbee was presumed dead last October. No gorilla of Cantsbee's stature has ever been observed leaving his family group voluntarily, and continued searches of his home in Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park yielded no sign of the 38-year-old silverback, according to the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. The average age for this gorilla population is somewhere in the 20s. But on January 5, trackers in the national park confirmed the great ape had rejoined his group; where he's been all this time is anybody's guess. Tara Stoinski, president of the Atlanta-based gorilla fund, says it's highly unlikely that the dominant male ran off with a previously unknown female or transferred to another group 0/ cantsbee-famous-gorilla-feared-dead-found-alive/›.Acessoem:6jan.2017. 1. Explique o uso do pronome he e do possessivo his em desta- que no texto "Gorilla Made Famous by Dian Fossey 'Returns from the Dead"'. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Mark true (T) or false (F). a) ( ) Cantsbee got lost in the mist. b) ( ) Cantsbee lives in a famous zoo called Dian Fossey. c) ( ) The gorilla disappeared and returned mysteriously. d) ( ) The ape was forced to leave the park. e) ( ) It is the first time a silverback gorilla has left and returned safely. f) ( ) Cantsbee's lived longer than expected. g) ( ) The gorilla had been missing for about 3 months and nobody knew where he could have been. h)( ) Tara Stoinski believes Cantsbee left because of a female. O título original do filme Gorillas in the mist literalmente seria algo como "Gorilas na neblina", que em português não parece um título interessante para um filme. 3, Anote títulos de filmes que você conheça e/ou tenha assistido e analise se a tradução foi feita literalmente ou se com recursos tradutológicos. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
9. Answer affirmatively to each question. Use a possessive pro- noun in your response. Model: Mom, are these my new school supplies? Yes, they are yours. a) Is this John's car? ___________________________ ___________________________ b) Is this my sandwich? ___________________________ ___________________________ c) Is this your sandwich? ___________________________ ___________________________ d) Is this our parking space? ___________________________ ___________________________ e) Are these our notebooks? ______________________________________________________ 10. Traduza as seguintes frases para o português. a) Give me a break. I'm tired. _________________________________________________________________________________ b) Be careful! You can't break the vase. _________________________________________________________________________________ c) The world needs love and peace. _________________________________________________________________________________ d) I'd like a piece of fruit cake, please. _________________________________________________________________________________ e) Those cockroaches are disgusting. _________________________________________________________________________________ f) How nice! I'm really happy for you. _________________________________________________________________________________ g) He intends to go to medical school. _________________________________________________________________________________ h) You have to pull the door. Don't push it. _________________________________________________________________________________ i) Let's go to the library. I have to return these magazines. _________________________________________________________________________________ j) We need some extra data to fill in this form correctly. _________________________________________________________________________________ k) I'm in my room listening to music. _________________________________________________________________________________ I) Is there any room for my brother and I in the car? _________________________________________________________________________________ m) Everybody at the party was wearing a costume. _________________________________________________________________________________ ME AJUDEM POR FAVORRRRR
June 2023 | 2 Respostas
3) encontre o valor de X em cada caso: ME AJUDEMMM POR FAVORR
June 2023 | 2 Respostas
3) encontre o valor de X em cada caso ME AJUDEM POR FAVORRR É PRA AMANHÃ SEGUNDA
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
Sintetizando a unidade Chegamos ao final da unidade e é hora de sintetizar os conteúdos trabalhados. Observe o esquema a seguir e escreva o que é pedido de acordo com os conteúdos selecionados neste esquema. • SENO •TANGENTE •COSSENO • TRIGONOMETRIA • COMPLEMENTARES • COS²x + SEN²x = 1 1. Estudo das medidas dos triângulos, com relação aos seus ângulos, segundo os antigos:__________________ 2. Razão entre as medidas do cateto adjacente e da hipotenusa, nessa ordem, com relação a um ângulo agudo:________________ 3. Razão entre as medidas do cateto oposto e do cateto adjacente, nessa ordem:______________________ 4. Razão entre as medidas do cateto oposto e da hipotenusa, nessa ordem, com relação a um ângulo agudo:______________________ 5. Nome dado aos ângulos quando a soma de suas medidas resulta em 90°:________________________ 6. Relação fundamental da Trigonometria:________________ POR FAVORRRR ME AJUDEMMMM É PRA AMANHÃ, SEGUNDAAAAAA
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
Sintetizando a unidade chegamos ao final da unidade e a hora de sintetizar os conteúdos trabalhados. Como você verá no esquema a seguir, os conteúdos estudamos mantêm relações entre si e servem de fundamento para os assuntos que ainda trabalharemos neste material. observe com atenção o mapa esquemático e escreva frases indicando os pertences de cada personagem. PERSONAL PRONOUNS • POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES July 1. l’m July. ______________________________________________________ Thomas 3. He’s Thomas. ______________________________________________________ Street dog 5. It’s a street dog. ______________________________________________________ •POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Christie 2. You're Christie. ______________________________________________________ Linda 4. She's Linda. ______________________________________________________ Albert and Vicky 6. We're Albert and Vicky. ______________________________________________________ Claire and Leo 7. They're Claire and Leo. ______________________________________________________ ACHO QUE A 7 È TANTO POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS E POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES ME AJUDEM È PRA AMANHÃ SEGUNDAAAAA
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
como começar no budismo?
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
ME AJUDEM POR FAVORRR A IMAGEM ESTA AQUI se não der para enxergar, vou escrever nos comentários
June 2023 | 1 Respostas
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