Quelle est votre position envers des préjugés raciaux ? "What's your stance on racial prejudice?" Je ne sais pas vraiment quoi répondre, pouvez-vous m'aidez s'il vous plaît, Vous me rendrez un enorme service si vous répondez en anglais.
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I think racial prejudices are useless, it's bad to thinks that we all belong to a certain race of people. We are all humans, classify humans like chinese people are better or French are disgusting leads to nothing ! I don't think there are racies, or there is only one and it's human. Voilà si tu veux :)
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lauradaireI guess the "racial discrimination". How social representations interfere with the process outlined and construction in discourse, how the person mobilizes various social representations or different social representations of elements on different objects to produce a discourse on the other the first (racism) or second degree (anti-racism and racial discrimination).
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