Task Top tips! Nous choisissons une célébrité qui a un look surprenant. Quand je joue le rôle de la célébrité, je pense à justifier mon point de vue de manière simple. J'interviewe une célébrité excentrique qui décrit ses tenues et explique ses choix vestimentaires. TICE Travail en binômes. Step 7 Select your celebrity and a photo of one of his/her outfits. Step 2 Make a list of the characteristics of his/her outfits. What is their style? What clothes and accessories has he/she got? What colours and patterns are there? → PREPARE YOUR FINAL TASKS p. 21 Step 3 Organize the themes the journalist could deal with. → PREPARE YOUR FINAL TASKS p. 19 Step 4 Make a list of the vocabulary the journalist will need. → METHODOLOGY p. 28 Step 5 Organize your celebrity's point of view and justify it. → PREPARE YOUR FINAL TASKS Now record your interview. p. 23
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bonjour, si tu n'as pas encore choisi de célébrité tu pourrai prendre Lady Gaga ?